
She Would Be Punished Accordingly

'It was NARCISSA?!!' Arabella's brows furrowed deeply. That was unexpected. She thought it wasn't someone among her assistants who did this Ivan.

Arabella now understood why Raymond and Ronald hesitated. Narcissa was a favorite of her family. She was another pride of the Ryvalehs. She was pampered a lot.

'But why would she do this to Ivan? Does this mean this is a matter of attitude? Did she become rotten due to too much love? Or she became entitled because of all the support and praises she received from her family? Or is she among the nobles who didn't like commoners to be mixed in with them at work?' Arabella pondered over it.

But more importantly, she needed to have Ivan's injuries healed. Ivan indeed reeked of blood. Her senses had been enhanced ever since Ferdinand had been giving her some of his mana every day.

"Riley, please heal my assistant," Arabella instructed.

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