
The World Itself Is Biased [Bonus chapter]

Ever since that day, Lucille strived to be better than Arabella in every way.

And she excelled more when it comes to studying.

Arabella was pretty but she wasn't that good at studying. Though she was good too, Lucille was way better since she was older and had studied much more than Arabella.

But when it comes to promotion and sales, Arabella always had more than she does.

This went on for years until Lucille understood why.

The world itself was biased and unfair.

Everyone preferred people and things that were most beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

How can Lucille even compete with it?

It was human nature.

Arabella's beauty gave her more sales.

People bought whatever she recommended because she was the prettiest.

Ladies thought eating what she eats, drinking what she drinks, and copying her lifestyle would make them get a bit closer to how pretty she was.

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