
Still the Best [Bonus chapter]

Arabella fully agreed with Esmeralda's thoughts. She also knew Alwin was powerful but this was over the top.

Can someone even defeat him?

Is there anyone out there more powerful than he was?

As far as Arabella knew, Ferdinand's asset was physical strength. She learned that he could also use magic but she doesn't know to what extent.

But since her husband enjoys duels, she surmised Ferdinand was more specialized in combat.

If Alwin ever betrayed Ferdinand, it would be far too dangerous. Thankfully, he was loyal to Ferdinand.

[She's looking at him with those shining eyes again. Has she ever even looked at me that way before?] Ferdinand sulkily thought and Arabella almost sighed in exasperation.

'Can't Ferdinand just stop giving such meaning to everything?'

She wanted to frown or glare at him but when she peeked at his face, he looked so envious and forlorn so she felt bad.
