

sometimes deserts, sometimes seas, used to travel,

This means that we used to travel to every place on this earth. By see every beautiful sight, stay there for many days, have fun, eat all kinds of fresh fruits,

Says the parrot, my dear Irfan! As much as I eat in that cage for a whole year, more food than I used to pluck from the trees and throw on the ground in one day.

the five of us lived a very happy and delicious life, these trips continued for five years.

Then Irfan, what happened one day, that the five of us had returned from a big trip, we all took a break from the trip for two days for the sake of rest.

one day we all rested completely to relieve fatigue. What happened the other day, for the sake of an early morning walk, I flew alight into my own forest and sat down on a lonely tree, completely alone.

My dear Irfan! Suddenly I saw a beautiful young female parrot sitting alone on the tree in front of this tree.

for some time I was staring at this young and beautiful female parrot. she was also staring at me, then she Totani (female parrot) flew from this tree and sat near me.

we both introduced ourselves to each other, and sat there on this tree till night, talking sweetly to each other, and Irfan! We both fell in love.

On the third day, when two of my friends came to pick me up to go on a walk, I made an excuse and told them that I am still a bit tired, you go today and I will go with you tomorrow.

they both said that. And to uncle and maternal uncle, then they all four went on a trip that day.

I went and sat on that lonely tree, that female parrot (Totni) also came there, we started talking to each other, we sat there and talked till night.

On the fourth day also, my friends came to pick me up to go on a trip. I again made an excuse to them, said to both of them, today my health is bad. that's why I can't go on a trip with you today. these two then told that thing to uncle and maternal uncle, they all came to me.

Uncle said to me, what is the matter, son? You are really unwell, or you have a grudge against us.

I said, Uncle! How can I be angry with you, my health is really bad.

uncle and maternal uncle did my physical examination. said to me, ok son, we four are going on a trip for about five days now. they also advised me to rest for five days and told me to take some herbs.

you will be completely fine by the time we all come back, then the four of them flew away, I thought they really have gone on a five-day excursion.

Now the parrot says, my dear Irfan! After that I used to get up every day, I used to go and sit on that lonely tree, my female parrot (Totni) also used to come there every day.

we used to spend till night there talking about each other.

but I didn't know that for five days. All four of them were hiding there and watching the whole scene.

Irfan, when the sixth day came, they all came to me, uncle said to me, son! How are you now? A friend of mine mocked me and said, "Uncle, now it's worse than before.

Continued on Post-87

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