
The Symbol of the Changer

(General POV)

Location the Warhammer 40k World-The Immaterium: The Neutral Zone of Chaos, the Mount Olympus-Palace of the Chaos Gods, The Council Chamber of Calamities

The Dark One stood there in shock...

Tzeentch just asked for "love" advice and help with women trouble, Laharl, he was speechless for a moment.

But then he regain his composure, and taking a deep breathe he asked, "Tzeentch, while I'd be happy to make a artifact for you...can you explain, the reason that you, want my help with women?" the Changer, shifted in his throne, still clearly uncomfortable...and embarrassed?

Tzeentch then started explaining his reasons, basically he admitted that he tried to find a worthy wife in their world...but no woman was worth his time, all fools with no true intellect or magical talent...then he whispered that non of them were able to willstand his visage anyway...but Laharl heard his brother, and he fought back the strong desire to laugh.

Then Tzeentch commented that they also not fit his desires in appearance either, that made the Dark One shake cause he only imagine, like a lovecraftian horror would suit Tzeentch's tastes.

But regardless his youngest brother, came to him or called him better said, to help him and the Dark One, he swore he'll help in both requests, as he asked to give him a moment while Laharl, he scouwered his knowledge of various media for a fitting bride for the Master of Mutations...

After thinking for a long while, the Dark One, was having a difficult time, coming up with any female character that would like Tzeentch honestly...the first women that came to mind were too dominant, and conniving to be a good wife for Tzeentch.

So he kept on thinking of other characters, from various witches, otherworldly horrors, and more but he eventually he thought of a classic villainess, a villainess from PS1 game series that started from Japanese Movie and Manga series, that series name is Parasite Eve.

The woman that he was thinking of specifically is Mitochondria Eve, also simply called Eve, is the main villainess and antagonist in both the Parasite Eve series.

In truth there are multiple Eve incarnations, just in the first game, beside the main "Eve" Melissa Pearce which the one, the one fights throughout the game, the report state another one was alive before Melissa became Mitochondria Eve, then the secret boss is using Maya Brea's body, another aka the official Second Eve that was trying to possess Maya twin sister, Aya the PEve heroine to finally be a "perfect evolved super-being".

All Eves are women who have been taken over by the consciousness of the mitochondria in their cells, in the novel, they are portrayed as connected organisms present in the cell, contrary to normal mitochondria, which are individuals.

All the Eve incarnations have many powers, but they all possess a single, common power the ability to fully harness and utilize mitochondrial faculties, energy, and its abilities to rearrange their DNA to manifest as anything as they wish, and command great powers with this ability, including to telepathically cause living organisms to combust, melt into slime, or transform into Neo-Mitochondrial Creatures (NMCs).

The goal of the Eves are to kill, eradicate and slaughter humanity, every human on the planet in favor of producing "superior" organisms that have the ability to control and manipulate their own DNA, literal endless cellular evolution.

They consider humanity to be useless and an unnecessary parasite to the planet. As such, the Eves have arrogant, cold, merciless and ruthless personalities, but their very submissive and actually motherly...in a very messed up way.

But he was focusing on the OG Melissa Pearce, Parasite Eve which would adore Tzeentch, and see him as "Father Cell" and the Master of Evolution, he'd be the perfected Mitochondria Adam/Father Cell and not only wish to birth his...eldritch babies...but also be his mate/wife.

As for Melissa's story, Melissa is an opera singer living in New York City, and the story/game it begins when she gets the lead role for a production though after the lead died in an apartment fire; it is hinted that Eve was responsible for causing the fire.

Her plan began when she meet with Dr. Hans Klamp, and with Eve as the dominant persona, and although the game does not mention it, it is also possible that the two had a relationship and Eve may have seduced Klamp, Eve and Klamp collaborated and planned to eradicate humanity in order to begin a new world with a higher species of ultimate beings.

Eve told Klamp her sister in Japan was unable to attain her ultimate goal because the father's side of the mitochondria caused a rebellion, in order for Eve to succeed this time in becoming pregnant with the Ultimate Being, Klamp created special artificial sperm without the male mitochondria DNA.

On December 24, 1997, in order to star in an opera performance, Melissa overdosed on immunosuppressants, this drug overdose collapsed Melissa's immune system, allowing Maya's mitochondria to finally take full control of Melissa.

Eve "awakens" during Melissa's solo at Carnegie Hall, causing people on stage and in the audience to suddenly burst into flames, Melissa is unharmed, along with Aya Brea, as the game officially begins and the long animosic rivalry, between Aya and Eve began.

At this point, Melissa "dies" and Eve becomes the dominant persona permanently, immediately mutating/evolving at that moment, as her legs are replaced with a black tail-like appendage, her fingers and nails lengthen to form claws, her hair reshapes and recolors itself, and Eve levitates again, she displays her new strength by smashing the piano she was playing and declaring that today is the day for the mitochondria to be freed, Eve attacks Aya with green laser beams until she retreats.

When Aya escapes Eve's attack and the NMCs in the Carnegie Hall, the next day, the police attempt to suppress Eve's existence from the public, due to the lack of clear details and eyewitnesses.

However, in the following press conference, Aya reveals the truth, and since then their rivalry has begun between them.

Chasing Eve allover New York, and even managing what her "sister" failed to do, get pregnant with the "Ultimate Being" with artificial insemination with the Mitochondria Male-DNA, this triggered some set of evolutions to be able give birth to her...child...which eventually lead to the final encounter/battle between her and Aya on the Statue of Liberty.

Which ended in her death, and her Ultimate Being was easily killed later by her rival Aya on a Navy Cruiser, and this lead to the events of PE-2, which he has to honestly say was weaker than the first game, then the slightly unknown third game, called PE-The 3rd Birthday.

The 3rd Birthday, was more weird story wise since they added time or memory or alternative reality travel, or whatever, which Aya is once again fate-bound with Eve that has reverted into a child, and by what the story of the game states, this is the greatest evolution stage of Eve.

Regardless Tzeentch can provide Eve with what she has always desired, evolution, mutation, and perfect mate, plus allowing her to evolve and change various creatures she'll utterly love his little brother...and as stated the Eves are practically submissive to their chosen eternal mate/partner.

Looking at Tzeentch, Laharl spoke, "My brother. I do have a perfect candidate for your wife and queen." Tzeentch actually brighten up, and gave a very curious aura to the Dark One, as Laharl began to explain saying, "Since your clearly interested. Let me tell you, about a being. A woman name Eve, Mitochondria Eve..."

Location the Nethervoid-Top of a Lone Mountain of Creation, Inside the Sphere of Baetylus

After telling Tzeentch all about Mitochondria Eve, and the results have been positive, the Changer is greatly interested in Eve, so he suggested he'd use the Gate giving to them by their patron...that Tzeentch has fortunately not meet yet, since is going be a shit show for sure...to observe all the Eves, which he did but not before giving Laharl the material for his new scepter.

And so Laharl returned to his domain, and headed straight to his workshop, Baetylus, on top of the Lone Mountain of Creation.

Laharl was on his "workbench" as his "serpents" have provided the main material, that he'll work with merging and forging together with the provided materials from his brother, the Architech of Fate.

Those said materials are a blue arcane crystal from his very home of the Impossible Fortress, nine feathers from various powerful and loyal tzeentchian daemons that willingly offered to their dark master, raw eldritch energy contain in the eyeball of the "First Wicket Schemer in History", and lastly a ingot that was embued with the tears of the hopeful.

All these things, are literally the darkest and most vile relics of arcane, hope and scheming that Tzeentch could provide, as the Dark Creator starts hammering at the materials, forging them together, as his raw Warp-energy hammer struck again.

The Dark One though about the scrapped lore, all that he knows about the "Crystal Staff of Tzeentch", considered the most powerful weapon that empowers and made Tzeentch, the strongest Chaos God, during his reign in the Age of Technology.

This drastic shift in the power balance between the original four Chaos Gods, that Khorne, Slaanesh, and Nurgle made a truce to attack Tzeentch and get rid of him, and Tzeentch being Tzeentch regardless world or dimension, he was very proud and arrogant, that he truly believes that he'll win and...he lost.

The three allied Chaos Gods managed to break through his citadel of power, the Impossible Fortress, and surround Tzeentch, at the moment the Changer of Ways, managed to calm down his rivals and by shattering his symbol of power, a Crystal Staff that contained all his arcane and psyker power over "sorcery" in the 40k World, this convinced the other Dark Gods to back off, and spare Tzeentch.

But being the Scheme God, "it was all part of the plan", as Tzeentch been scouwering and collecting every "spell" on the Galaxy, which are translated in the 40k World, as psyker powers, thus the version of spell collecting in the 40k...

Staff of Tzeentch or as the Dark One have decided to name it, Gridarvölr, a long staff that fit the Arcane King of Magic.

Obviously a cross between a dark Staff from a fantasy setting, with a eldritch mix to it Gridarvölr, a multi-tone blue and purple staff with some flesh growing out the metallic pole of the staff, as the upper part bents back and is connected to a metallic, razor-sharp crescent moon in silver and sapphire.

The cresent moon has a golden piece holding the moon in place, extended on the back has a charm, hanging by a silver chain with mix feathers, returning to the crescent moon very strands like flesh-webbing grabbing onto a transparent sapphire pearl-eye that is alive.

The moon is covered tzeentchian glyphs and glowing markings, it is a living artifact and weapon, as the eye was looking around and settled on Laharl, showing some hostility, since it alive and only has one master, Tzeentch, so it natural that the Gridarvölr, while dislike any other being that isn't his brother.

Placing the Gridarvölr in a bubble, he'll give the staff to the Scheming God later, for now he has finish his latest God Artifact.

As the Dark One was starting another project, such a finally making a dumb clock that can actually tell time in the Warp, or at least in his Nethervoid, since he is tired of the screwed up "logic" of Time & Space in the Warp.

As he worked on this super-clock, he contacted Aillia as he desired to check on a few things, such as his Stats and Divinities.

Aillia said to him, (Here there are. Also I just wanted to say, congratulations!!! 🎊 Another baby, yay!!! 🤗🥳❤️) this made the Dark One smile, as two blue transparent screens appeared, before his eyes.


Name: Laharl Valboga

Other Aliases-Na'nag Othah, Adrak'Maal, Alka'lkarnak, Valboga, the Dark One, the Dark Harbinger, the Shadowking, the Bat, Lord of the Twisting Nether, the One that Dwells in the Void, Tresb (Tres-2b).

Titles-The Dark Emperor of Daemonkind, Warp Bender, Keeper of Oaths, Breacher of Realities, Cultor of the Universe, the Great Seductor, the Void Lord of the Shi'lanorai, the Defiler of Reality, the Dark Creator, the Sacred Creator, the Bat God of Norsca, the Father of the Neverborn, Primordial Source of All Daemons, the Arch-Daemon of Chaos, the Throne Giver of Infernal Princes, the First of the Chaos Gods of the Immaterium, the Nether Titan, the Force Within the Void, the Destroyer of Atlantis.

Major Divinities: Carnage, Infernals, Abyss, Oblivion, Condemnation, Creator, Supremacy, Oaths Lust & Love

Dark Divinities-Greater: Desacration, Insanity, Dark Arts, Terrors, Bats, & Fel

Lesser: Curses

Noble Divinities-Greater: Bonds, Relics, & Riches.

Lesser: Smithing, Symbols & Hierarchy.

Sacred Number # 13

Chaos Colors-Dark Purple, Maroon, Burgundy & Black

God-Tier: Primordial Force of Creation

FON: The Void

Rival: Tzeentch.

Enemy: N/A.

Army Size-15.90B

Soul Collection-18.33B

Strength: 941M

Durability: 930M

Psychic: 902M

Resistance: 805M

Domination: 973M

Worship: 2.6B


Magic: 704M

Endurance: 542M

Leadership: 633M

Instinct: 815M

God Artifacts-1.The Sword of Darkness, Ragnarok.

2.The Claw of Hades, the Blades of the Abyss.

3.Iron Maiden 666, the Void Guardian.

4.The Chains of Insanity, Gleipnir.

5.Magni'manta, the Divine Fortitude.

Soo close to reaching 1B in [Domination] and only [Resistance] was still in the 800M.

It was kinda frustrating, but it was still sometime away from his next rank-up in Godly level, setting that aside Laharl turned to his Divinities List, and inspected them next.

Prime Divinity: Carnage

Greater Divinities

1.Love-Max Level

2.Lust-Max Level

3.Infernals-Max Level

4.Creator-Max Level

5.Oblivion-Max Level

6.Oaths-Max Level

7.Abyss-Max Level

8.Condemnation-Max Level

9.Supremacy-Max Level

10.Insanity +2

11.Bonds +8

12.Desecration +8

13.Relics +8

14.Fel +3

15.Terrors +5

14.Dark Arts +2

15.Riches +2

16.Bats +1

Lesser Divinities

1.Hierarchy +4

2.Curses +2

3.Smithing +4

4.Symbols +2

Things look good, his [Bonds, Desacration & Relic] divinities were close to ascending to their final rank, and his recent [Bat] divinity was starting to progress, as he swiped away the two screen lists, Laharl went back on working on his damned clock, but at that moment Aillia spoke, (Sorry my Lord, but a new information load is about to begin. 😢) hearing her, he only said, "Ohhh fu..." as new wave of information and updates that have occurred on recent events, media, novels, and GW started flooding into his brain.

Groaning in pain, as he was forced down onto his knee on the futuristic floor of his workshop, as all he could do is bare with it and let it pass...

(Tzeentch/Change God POV)

Location the Realm of the Sorcerors, the Impossible Fortress-The Study of the Architech

After having my conversation with my brother, Laharl, he told me of a perfect woman, her name Mitochondria Eve, she's a never ending evolving being, all I'd heard about her drew my interest.

Under my brother's suggestion I connected to the gate he and our brothers used to crossover and invade the Old World, creating a special mirror from one my crystal to see Eve and all her incarnations in her world.

I'll admit they were all beautiful, and represent never ending change, scheming, evolution and mutation, just as the Dark One mentioned.

From the First Eve, Kiyomi Nagashima, who plotted her rise in power and actual birth through mental manipulation of Kiyomi, that on her final birthday, she suddenly finds herself asleep at the wheel, dreaming, only for her to "awake" just as she crashes into a telephone pole.

This car crash was planned by Eve, who had previously influenced Kiyomi into getting an organ donor card, and having one of her kidneys was transplanted into a teenage girl by the name of Mariko Anzai.

The Eve mitochondria in this kidney gradually alter Mariko's body, so that she will be capable of giving birth to a mitochondrial creature with a perfect form, as Eve's body is rapidly drained by the overflow of energy produced by her advanced mitochondria, such a shame her main ploy failed, the plan to conceive and birth the "perfect lifeform" capable of replacing humanity and similar eukaryotes, but the experiment fails, since Toshiaki's sperm carry a separate line of "male" mitochondria that resist the change by fighting for control of the child's body, causing it to switch between male and female forms, resulting in the child desth, and this fool Toshiaki also dies thank Warp, and merging his body with the child's to control the bursts of psychokinetic-like power it gives out in its death throes that threaten to kill many people.

The Second Eve, she is Maya Brea, she used a similar method to manifest herself using Maya as a backup, and causing a accident that resulted in Maya supposed death and of her mother Mariko as they both died in a car accident.

As Eve manipulated things so that one of Maya's kidneys was donated to Melissa Pearce, and one of her corneas to her sister, Aya, this insure that Eve have several options to continue her schemes, should they fail, with Aya as a backup host, and Melissa becoming the Third Eve.

The third Eve, Melissa Pearce, was exactly like my brother described and evolved into a absolute beauty, and succeeded were the other previous Eves failed...but the "Ultimate Being" was a disappointment, if that been my child it be a true "Ultimate Daemonic Godling", again a shame that Melissa Eve died, then the final and fourth Eve manifested in Eve Brea, that was defeated on the second "Eve Incident" and then reverted to a child and adopted by her mortal enemy, temporarily losing her memories but her mitochondria remembers and resulted in the third incident.

Eve Brea was created and raised by the Shadow government as a tool to harness and control ANMCs, as a clone of Aya Brea.

Eve was kept in a room inside the shelter deep in the underground ark called Neo Ark, the poor young woman, she was brainwashed and experimented upon in horrific and torturous ways which involved physical, emotional and psychological abuse, such a apex self-evolving Goddess deserves to be by my side...all of them should be by my side, and will once...huh that when I sensed something powerful, the energy source was coming from Laharl's Nethervoid.

Seems my brother finished my staff, he impressed me on how fast he made this Godly Artifact for me.

Laharl deserves praises...not that I'll do it...but he'll have my gratitude for creating it and introducing me to a perfect woman.

So with a swipe of my arm, I stop the view on my mirror and it floated away, it time for me collect my staff, and meet Mitochondria Eves for my future wife.

Next chapter