
I remember

Almost forgotten how long she's been locked up, Moira stares through the window. The warm sunlight caresses the treetops. Moira sighs again and wraps her arms around her legs. For the past three days, she heard Jefferson go in and out. He was building something in the room next to her. He had only shown himself to feed her and see if she needed anything. Since she failed the escape attempt, he has not let her out. But that appears to be changing now. Moira looks up at the door that opens slowly. "Come" he orders and beckons to the hall. Moira stands up hesitantly. Her dark blue lace dress whispers over the sheets. Her black flats make a soft noise on the gray carpet. "No" she squeaks when Jefferson crosses his arms around her body. Jefferson chuckles and closes the door. "Come on now, Moira, you know your time is up." "Jefferson" begs Moira hopelessly. Jefferson smiles and pushes Moira forward. Struggling, Moira tries to escape Jefferson's strong arms. "Don't waste your energy, Moira. Not yet" Jefferson mocks and pushes her into a spacious living room. He pushes her down onto the black U-shaped sofa and strokes her jaw. "Sit down" he orders and takes a phone from his pocket. Her phone. "Jefferson please" she starts, but Jefferson interrupts her. He places his finger on her soft lips and stares into her eyes. "Calm down now" he grins and dials a phone number. "Rumple, this is Moira's phone. Yes, that's true. She's still with me. Your time is up dark one. Unless you come with a memory potion today, I'll have to end poor Moira." "Jefferson" begs Moira softly. Jefferson smiles. "You know where I live" he chuckles and pushes the red button. "Voicemail" he proclaims and shrugs. "Jefferson stop" begs Moira as he straightens her again. Jefferson laughs playfully. In a sudden fit of bravery, she punches Jefferson in the stomach. He collapses, puffing as Moira runs away. Panic colors her voice as she hastily turns the lock on the front door. Blinded by the sudden daylight, she closes her eyes. With a growl, Jefferson pushes the front door shut again and places his strong arm around her stomach. "Moira," he says angrily and drags the protesting girl towards him. "No" begs Moira frightened. Tears again escape from her eyes. "I'm not really going to hurt you. Unless you ask for it" he hisses and grabs her firmly against him. He pushes her against the wall and places his hands on her shoulders." Moira" he begins. His sentence is abruptly interrupted by a cold rush that rages through his body.

A golden-yellow wave shines through his house and makes Moira stiff. Incomprehensibly, the pair remains petrified. What had just happened? Why? Why do so many memories flash through her mind at once? The Queen's Curse ... Daddy ... Alexa ... Jefferson takes a deep breath and looks at Moira. A tear rolls down her cheek. "Moira," he asks cautiously. "Jefferson ... You were right. I remember now" she whispers and stares into his eyes. Jefferson smiles. "I told you." But Moira doesn't smile back. Everyone should be happy that they remember again. Now they can find their loved ones. Everyone was relieved ... except Moira. All she remembers is the image of her father. Dead... In her arms. The pain, the loss ... How bad she felt when she found out she's been adopted ... all of a sudden everything comes back in one burst. Why does she remember everything? In one go? All the feelings she had at that moment break free in her body. All those feelings ... plus the fear. The fear of being trapped. The fear that Jefferson will kill her despite everything. Because her father ... her real father is a monster ... A bad wizard. Like no other. The dark one. "Moira," Jefferson repeats softly. Moira her bright eyes burning in his. "Moira, what were you doing when the curse came? What happened?" Moira cannot answer. Her words get stuck in her throat. Sobbing hopelessly, she takes short breaths. Tears stream down her face. "Moira," Jefferson whispers softly. His heart breaks at the sight of her pain. Why? Is it because he got feelings for this girl? He hurriedly pushes the thoughts out of his head and wraps his arms around the crying girl.

"Shh," he comforts and places his hand on the back of her head. "I'm sorry," Jefferson whispers sincerely. Right now, Moira doesn't care that Jefferson imprisoned her. All that matters right now is how good this feels ... His arms around her. Comforting, protecting ... warming. She closes her eyes gently and rests her head against him. Sobbing, she places her delicate hands around his broad chest. Jefferson swallows a tear away and gently wraps his arm around her torso. He looks suspiciously through the immaculate window. A threatening cloud of pink mist rushes towards them. "Moira" he whispers carefully. He hurriedly grabs her better so that her head is against his chest. His arm obscured her view. Hoping she doesn't see the dangerous storm. Whatever it might be. He doesn't want to scare her even more. Frustrated, he closes his eyes, hoping this cloud will not bring them back home.

"Moira" he whispers and opens his eyes again. What was that? Nothing had changed ... right? Was it? Magic? Tears are still rolling from Moira's cheeks. He carefully embraces her and caresses her back. He lifts her bridal style and places her on the couch. "Moira" he whispers as he rubs the hair from her face. She hesitantly places her gaze on her face. His face suddenly seems much kinder. Is it because of his warm smile? He seems to be really concerned about her. "Sit here, I'll make something for you. Don't worry, it's something nice" he says and places a blanket over her shoulders. Still overcome by her feelings, her memories, Moira obediently remains. She puts her arms around her and stares straight ahead. Jefferson hadn't lied. Mister gold ... Rumpelstiltskin was her father. And now he knew that. And Regina ... Regina was her mother. And it was oh so plain that she knew this too. It wasn't long before Jefferson gets back. A cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream and cinnamon adorns his hand. He smiles and hands Moira the cup. "I learned some time ago that cinnamon can soothe feelings and enhance happiness," he smiles gently. Moira hesitantly accepts the cup. "Thank you" she whispers. Jefferson smiles and sits next to her. "If you want to talk about it, I'm not going anywhere." Moira blows, staring in front of her, over her mug. As promised, Jefferson waits patiently for her to finish ... in silence.

"Jefferson?" "Hm," he answers hazily. "Why did you still have your memories?" Jefferson sighs and places his hand on her knee. "Regina... She cursed me. Differently. My daughter, Grace. She doesn't remember anything. And that was the curse. Watching her happy in another family ... Without with another father. It was terrible. Because of this. I was so distraught that I decided to push the dark one. I'm sorry I used you for this Moira. " "I forgive you" replies Moira softly. A sparkling of surprise echoes in Jefferson's eyes. "What are you waiting for? Go find Grace!" Jefferson shakes his head. "Before the curse ... I left her. I promised to come back ... And I didn't." "I don't think this was voluntary," Moira replies and drinks her chocolate milk. Why does everything he makes taste so good ?! Jefferson shakes his head. "The queen set me up." Moira bites the inside of her cheek. Her mother she thinks. She carefully places the empty mug on the ebony coffee table. Jefferson gently rubs Moira's hair behind her ear. "If I can forgive you then Grace can too." Jefferson smiles. "You're right. I have to try." He takes Moira's arm and straightens her. "Jefferson what are you doing? You don't need me anymore. Grace will remember you now!" Jefferson nods and puts his arm around her body. "That's right, but I still need protection from the dark one. I guess the last thing I saw ... well let's just say I think magic is here." Moira looks at him intently. Not again does she thinks. Her thoughts slip to the pirate. Would Killian be here too? "Jefferson" she squeaks pleadingly. Jefferson smiles and ties her wrists together with a strong rope. "Hush now. You're going to meet Grace" laughs Jefferson and drags Moira against his chest.
