
He's back

Max's current beard was a lot like what the dwarves were equipped for handling and hence they had him looking prim and proper in no time. 

The stylist carefully plucked all of Max's grey hair from his beard, only leaving the thick black hair before styling them in a sharp 'V' pattern and adding a conical ring near it's end. 

He then shaved all the excess hair from his chest and the rest, giving him the dignified look of a gentleman once again, as that alongside the fake make up of Max Rajput where he added a scar to his face made him look very intense. 

If there was ever a mob boss to be portrayed in some gangster film, Max would be the first choice of a director if they saw him in this look as alongside his beard, the scar and the red eyes, the very aura he emanated was terrifying. 

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