


"Knock Knock" Houryu said as he walked in after blasting away the huge gates of the Kuchiki estate, attracting the attention of everyone in the vicinity.

"Wha… Wh-Who is this bastard…!"

"Help, we're under attack…!"

"Where are the guards…!"


"Who is this guy that thinks he can just break in and waltz into the Kuchiki estate unannounced…"

Squeals, screams and shouts came from everyone who was in the vicinity when the gates were blasted wide open.

"Stop with the noise… you're irritating my ears…" Houryu said as he stopped to look around and sent another pulse of his spiritual energy to pick up the trail of his phoenix life energy, but instead of finding a trail, he found a source.

"There you are…" He whispered under his breath and then looked forward to see guards and shinigamis who had arrayed themselves against him. They were over a hundred people already in front of him and it seemed that there may be more coming.

'Tch… how troublesome… should I just kill all of them…?" He thought as he scratched his hair.

'Nah… no point yet… it wouldn't be worth it if I just killed them all now and then find out there was no point in them dying.' Houryu thought again as he watched more people arrive.

"Well… it's not like they can get away if I did want to kill them…" Houryu said aloud with a smile slowly gracing his face, "Also it could be a good warm up for my hands… it's not every day I get to fight while not actively trying to kill… hold on tight Sylvia." He said to Sylvia, who quickly grabbed on tighter to his shoulder.

"Such bold words… you should be on your knees begging for us to spare your life." A well-built middle-aged man that seemed to be leading the guards and soul reapers against Houryu shouted at him as he heard his words,

"Whether I'm all talk or not…" Houryu said as he started to walk towards him before suddenly disappearing,

"Ask my fist…!" Houryu said as he appeared right in front of him with his fist bearing down on his face.


The middle-aged man was hit right in the nose and just as he was about to fly back Houryu caught him by the arm and pulled him back before slugging him again, this time with an upper cut that sent his eyes rolling into the back of his head.

"Well… Who's next?" Houryu asked as he dropped the man to the ground, before showing forth his toothiest grin and then jumping at them at very high speed and appearing right in their midst.

"Boo" he said as he punched the guy directly in front of him and then kicked the guy on his left as well, sending them both flying and creating a bit of space for him to move around.

"Let's dance…" He smiled as his sharingan spun rapidly,

The next few moments all that were heard were pained screams, sounds of hard hits and bodies hitting the ground with the occasional sound of bones cracking.

Houryu looked around and saw only about twenty guys still standing, but as he wasn't planning to leave anyone standing when he left, he charged at the nearest person to him and instead of hitting him this time, he ran almost past him before grabbing his head in a reverse grip with his right and then supporting it with his left and then jumping forward.

"R.K. O!" He shouted as he did the smack down.

Houryu stood up again and then looked at the guy he just knocked out, "That one was especially fun." he smiled before facing the 19 remaining guys and then looking at the guy running at him right now before using sonido to appear suddenly in front of him and using a genjutsu to knock him out before sending a high kick right into the side of his face, sending him at three other guys, knocking down four of them at once.

He then ran at another guy before sliding and then using a sweeping kick to sweep him off his feet and then punching him in the face as soon as he fell and then running at the next two guys and then jumping at them before using a flying kick to hit them both in the face with extra explosive power, knocking them out immediately.

Houryu then noticed a rope on the ground beside him and he picked it up before turning to ask the rest of the guys who were "soon to be knocked out," "Who brought a rope… you guys didn't exactly expect yourselves to catch me and then bind me with this cheap rope… or was someone here using it for a little… BDS…" Houryu was saying with a laughing look in his eyes when one of the remaining guys ran at him shouting,


"Completely lost his cool… well not like I can't understand why… I am pretty scary… sometimes…" Houryu thought as he kicked a slipper that was lying around into the oncoming guy's face, before quickly tying the rope into a lasso and then throwing it to catch the guard he just sent the slipper to. The rope caught him and then Houryu pulled the rope to tighten the noose before then pulling sharply again,

"Get over here…" He shouted as he pulled the guard towards him with the rope and then shutting him down with a lariat.

"Phew…" Houryu turned towards the remaining standing guard and then began rushing at them and knocking them out quickly either with one quick hit or sending them into a genjutsu, a few seconds later, he was the only man left standing.

Sylvia walked towards him atop some of the people now laying on the floor, knocked out. Houryu picked Sylvia up as he had put her down a while ago when his fighting style got rougher. He then began walking deeper into the Kuchiki estate before stopping in front of the biggest house in the estate.

"Kuchiki Byakuya's house huh… well let's see those cupboards and the skeletons they are hiding." He said as he walked in through the gateway, this time not breaking down the door.

On his way inside Houryu met some more security guards but he quickly put them to sleep with a genjutsu as he didn't want to waste time fighting more people. He could slowly feel himself getting closer to the phoenix life energy and he could already feel the phoenix life energy itself getting agitated as it sensed its original owner nearby.

Houryu finally saw a door that he knew behind it was where his phoenix life energy was but in front of the door was a woman dressed as a nurse who was just coming out of the room and had just closed the door behind her.

The moment the nurse looked up from the door she met a pair of weird red eyes with strange patterns swirling, sending her into a daze and then into a deep sleep.

"Weird…why a nurse?" Houryu whispered to himself as he caught the nurse and then placed her on the ground with her back against the wall.

Houryu finally got up and went towards the door and then grabbed the handles and opened, but instead of a laboratory like area with all sorts of experiments going on, that he was expecting… he saw…


Give me those powerstones or no next chapter... Muhahahhhaha...

Just kidding...

but seriously, send those powerstones my way... Thank youuu

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Sphire1707creators' thoughts