

"How would you pay for everything you've done!" Xavier smacked the table that attracted the eyes of other guest and waiters in the restaurant. Xavier was so furious at her. Her stupid actions has cost him a huge sum of money, his plans of using Hazel was working perfectly as the girl gave the reaction he had expected. But Berverly had come with her stupid suggestions to make him earn higher. Xavier felt so stupid for listening to her.

He already had a plan to break Hazel and make her bend to his rules, but this witch before him begged to take Hazel's position. Now they're back to square one, with no one having an idea where the girl has gone to. He discovered from Amelia that Vanessa has been living with Alex and she's fully recovered, but now Hazel's taken her away.

If he was aware of her recovery earlier, she would have killed her before now. He problems would have been cut off his list of problems.

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