
Fairy 36: The Minot Brothers IV

The moment Zack has been hit by the two sealing spells. Was the moment he felt magical chains over his body. And this caused Zack to glance towards the short wizard, with a surprised look on his face.

"Hahaha, what you going to do, kid? With that magic of yours being four times weaker, that monstrous strength of yours is uselessly gone! Hax, Ta, end this fool!" The moment Ko laughed and shouted that. Hax and Ta made their moves to end Zack's life.

The first one to reached Zack was Hax. This time around, he didn't bother using magic, and just simply use his superhuman strength, and throw a punch towards Zack with enough force to either seriously wound, or worse, kill Zack.

And yet, the grinning faces of the Minot Brothers soon became none existed. As both Ta and Ko watches with a blank face, as Zack stabbed Nightfall into the ground, and rushes with inhuman speed towards the startled and confuse Hax.

Zack slapped away the punch aiming at him, throwing Hax's off balance. But that didn't matter, if Hax came off balance, because with his spare hand, Zack grabbed and even slammed Hax by the neck into the ground, and creating a few meter wide crater when he did so!

"T-This…!? Hax!!" With a roar, Ta cannot stand seeing his little brother, Hax Minot, being knocked out when his head and body smashed into the ground. And madly used his Wind Magic, to boost his speed, and fire more beams of white light towards Zack.

On the other hand, Zack reached his hand in the air, and Nightfall floated in the air, before it flies into his hands. And turned around, while feeling his magical powers has been reduced until 25% what he should be capable of.

However, that didn't matter to Zack, as he used Gravity Magic, only to send a wave of gravity towards the incoming light beams, that caused them to shake, and even changed directions, as they all clashed into the ground before they could reach Zack.

Right after that magic attack failed, Zack begins to crack his neck, and even looked towards Ta who flee away in fright, before he did another attack towards this kid.

"Sealing Magic huh… no, wonder I feel like my magical abilities weaken. However, I am very thankful, because of you, sealing my magic. I don't need to worry about holding back any longer and destroying everything in this cave along with us."

The moment Zack said that. Zack lift Nightfall into the air, and for the first time in this fight. Zack used his strongest, and most destructive magic he has, Quake Magic (Gura Gura no Mi).

Sounds of the sword ripping the air like a chainsaw sounded throughout the place where they stood. And the very next second, Zacl slashes this chainsaw beating sword, and a powerful blade like supersonic attack, Sonic Slash, slashes towards the Sealing Wizard, Ko.

Seeing the wave of shockwaves that formed into a supersonic slash heading towards him. Ko panicked seeing such powerful and destructive magic.

However, Ko is always someone that prepared for everything. Used one of his hidden cards. And like that, a shield like seal appeared, and begin to devour the incoming magical attack.

But shame for Ko, that Sonic Slash is just too powerful. After all, if it wasn't based on the power that is capable of destroying the world. It will be worthless to be called that if it were to fail to break through Ko's shield.

And like glass, the seal like shield shattered, which created a powerful shockwave when it shattered, and the shockwave itself caused Ko to clash into the nearby wall behind.

"Like I thought, this magic is just too dangerous, don't you think so, as well?" Zack went, and slowly walked towards Ko. Whose face become even more paler, with each step Zack took closer to him.

"W-What the heck are you…? What kind of magic was that… you should be weaken… but that magic…" Sweat pour down on the short wizard's spine, as Ko begin to feel fear manifesting inside his heart, as he looked at the kid, no, the monster before him.

"It's Quake Magic, or so it says. Now than, shall we continue?" When Zack said that he looks away from Ko, and glance towards Ta, who was about to grab Hax, who still is unconscious on the ground. However, unlucky for Ta, Lady Luck seems to have left his side, because the moment he is about to reached Hax, is the same moment that Zack sent a Sonic Slash in his way.

Ta who about to grabbed Hax, notice the incoming Sonic Slash heading his way. He knew if he were to use the remaining magical power left inside him. He might be able to flee, but Hax wouldn't, Ta bitten his lips, knowing he had fell into this cunning plan of this kid.

Even if the Minot Brothers are infamous bounty hunters, that deal with a lot of dirty work, and bounties from the underworld.

Doesn't mean, the Minot Brothers don't care about each other. No, oddly enough, these villains, no, this brotherhood value companionship above themselves above all else.

That is why, seeing he only could save himself, or his little brother. Ta picked the letter, and used all of his remaining magical power to blast Hax away from the incoming Sonic Slash. And dodged himself, knowing it was useless.

When Ta dodged the Sonic Slash, but he didn't dodge the powerful shockwave, that was created upon impact when the Sonic Slash ripped into the ground. And because of that, Ta flew and clashed into the nearby wall, and even spat out blood, before he passed out.

Ko, who watched as his two little brothers become defeated in matter of seconds. Felt his back become even more cold when Zack's gaze returned to him.

Seeing he will be next. Ko bitten his lips, trying to think of a way to save both himself, and his brothers. And then he suddenly remembered something.

"That blue haired lass, has a 10 million jewel bounty on her, you know!" Ko went, trying to plant the seed known as greed. But shame for him, he tried with the wrong flowerpot.

"So?" Zack went in an uninterested voice.

"W-What you mean by 'so'!? It's 10 million you know, that isn't a small amount! Say how about we spilt it..!?" But the moment Ko said that, Zack's grassy green eyes turned icy cold, as killing intent was felt from within them, shutting Ko up from saying the rest what he was going to say.

"It doesn't matter how much you offer me, be it millions, billions, or even trillions. In the end, there is no way I am going to betray anyone… because of some pocket change." Zack went, as he finally halted his steps, and stood before Ko, who become more frighten, but hasn't given up trying to reason with this monster.

"Pocket change…? How funny, but let me tell you, we are not the only ones after this lass! There even S-Class Wizards that are tempted with that level of bounty! You think you could keep her safe from all of her pursuers!? Dream on kid! Mister Rivers wouldn't rest until he gets what he is promised! No matter the price!"

Ko might sound he is going overboard saying all that. But he not wrong. It is true, that nearly everyone in the underworld must had least heard of Vottes Brave's bounty once or twice. Some even tempted to hunt her down. And Mister Rivers isn't a simple guy either.

In most cases, who wanted to deal with such a situation, when the whole of the underworld might be after you?

However, even knowing that. Zack didn't wavier, his expression didn't change, as he looked at Ko with indifferent eyes. Like those things didn't matter to him.

Instead, Zack not only shows his unbreakable willpower. But he begins to release his full magical power, that caused the magical chains from Ko's Sealing Magic shatter into pieces.

Ko, who feels the overwhelming magical power that doesn't belong to a S-Class Wizard, but a SS-Wizard, felt even more cold sweat down his back, and ironically, he will feel more cold sweat and fear the next moment when Zack opened his mouth.

"It doesn't matter, if it the world, the Gods, Titans, or even those Dragons are after her. As long I wear this Mark… as long I bear the name of Fairy Tail, I will not wavier! Because that is my promise to them, my promise to protect everyone from my family! Don't dare to belittle my will to protect my beloved ones!"

The moment Zack shouted that with his steel like willpower. He shows the Fairy Mark under his sleeveless jacket, the proof he is a Fairy Tail Wizard.

And when Ko looked at the red Fairy Mark on Zack's chest, he froze. Even if the Minot Brothers are not from Fiore, just like Vottes. Doesn't mean he hasn't heard of them.

In fact, almost everyone in the underworld, no Ishgar, knows that Fairy Tail is not only the strongest guild in Fiore. But it also the guild where that monster, Gildarts is from!

Everyone in the underworld knew of Gildarts. In fact, it hard not to, when that monster is crushing one Dark Guild after another, like some kind of natural disaster!

After all, Gildarts is an infamous figure in the underworld, as many middle and low level Dark Guilds or cults has been destroyed by that man. And to think… that very guild, even if the kid before him is not on the same level as Gildarts, but given another five or ten years, that be another question...

Knowing and understanding this. Ko felt cold sweat as he looked into those cold grassy green eyes of this monster before him, and only can curse inwardly at himself.

'Why did a monster had to picked up our target…?' Ko cursed, as knew it is pointless to do anything before the young man that stood before him.
