
Chapter 3 Part V

Using the emergency staircase, it's taken us quite a bit of time to descend from the 13th floor to the 1st floor. There was the possibility that the lobby would be crowded due to the water outage but fortunately neither students nor administrators were present. 

"We can go if it's now".


Through the entrance, both me and Horikita, who was hiding in my shadow and following me, left. However---From the darkness spreading out before us we could see several male and female students approaching us while chatting. They don't seem to be Class D students, however, it didn't matter now who they were. Not having enough time to leave the dorm itself, she turns her back as if to return.

"At this rate they'll see us.....".

Slowly their presence approaching the dorm is becoming larger. Perhaps it would be better to return to the emergency staircase. In a panic, we opened the door to the emergency staircase. Having come this far, will our misfortune turn into a chain of misfortune? I could hear a voice coming from above us. Listening carefully, it appears to be a male student living on perhaps the 3rd or 4th floor that's descending. 

It's often common for students living on the lower floors to not use the elevator. It's not strange even if they used the emergency staircase. No longer able to ascend up the stairs, we were forced to hurriedly turn back towards the lobby. 

"There's no other choice but the elevator.....!".

"Is that ok? You'll be seen on the monitor".

"I'll have to use you to cover myself. Since we know the position of the camera we should be able to do it".

It would certainly be a strange thing, but it's certainly not an impossible task. It was a method I would have liked to avoid if possible but since there's no longer an escape route, I have no other choice. 

We quickly get on the elevator that's supposed on the left side of the 1st floor. And then, as I quickly stepped in front of the camera's line of sight, Horikita stood behind me like a ghost and hid her arm. 

If it's like this even if we're seen slightly on the monitor, they wouldn't notice anything. In any case we need to leave the 1st floor. I randomly pressed a button to make the elevator ascend. 

"For now we're safe but...this is just the start".

"I'll just give up. This isn't a state where I can just go outside. Since I've come this far I'll just tough it out until the water outage is fixed".

I felt it was a bitter decision she had made, but Horikita seems to have concluded as such. If that's the case, we'll just have to return to the 13th floor. I cancelled the random floor I had pressed and pressed the button for the 13th floor. 

No more trials should befall us. As both me and Horikita felt relief somewhere inside us, without any notice it came. The elevator's speed, which had been rapidly rising until now, suddenly slows. Recently whenever I get on an elevator, good things never happen, so I did not even have time to think what was happening. It's neither a breakdown nor a mistake in pressing the button. This is---

The elevator came to a stop on the 5th floor. That's right, a student on the 5th floor had pressed the elevator button. No matter who gets on, there's no avoiding them seeing Horikita's abnormal appearance. 

At this point, having a large number of people crowd the elevator is likelier to keep someone from noticing. 

However ruthlessly enough, there was only one male student standing in front of the door as it opened. Of all things, to run into him.....

That man, whether he's noticed us or not, strides into the elevator with his usual, unchanging elegance. Not even sparing us a glance, he made a beeline for the mirror inside the elevator. Then, staring into the mirror, he begins to check his hair for any abnormalities. 


Horikita also seemed to be stunned at the existence of this man who seemed to be completely immersed inside his own world. Then, bringing out a comb he seems to always carry around with him, he began to set his hair. 

"Elevator Boy, I shall request the top floor". 

While staring at his reflection in the mirror that man.....the student of Class D named Kouenji Rokusuke, said that to me. 

There are a lot of things I wanted to interject then, but right now, it's better to shut up and obey him. I silently pressed the button to the top floor as the door to the elevator closed. We once again ascend. 

Perhaps Kouenji has no interest in us while checking his hair, but he showed no signs of paying attention to us. It was natural if we were complete strangers, but even so, we were classmates. I think sparing us a glance at least would have been normal. But we have gained a narrow escape from certain death. If it's Kouenji, he would have no interest in Horikita at all so he would not notice the water bottle.

Now all we'd have to do is not commit any actions that would attract his attention and spend this brief while. That's all. And even if by some chace, he happened to glance at us, Horikita had adjusted her body position to make it look alright. While maintaining her position in the camera's blind spot, she also managed to cover herself from Kouenji. 

The elevator passed the 10th floor. I did think what business he had on the top floor, but I can't ask that. I did think, unexpectedly he might really not have any reason to go there but we made it all the way to the 10th floor. As the elevator doors slowly opened, both me and Horikita almost simultaneously stepped out. In the end, without ever taking his eyes off the mirror, Kouenji continued all the way up to the top floor. Although we managed to avoid further problems, Horikita, after a brief, fast walk, returned in front of her room. 

"It's impossible to do anymore than this. It's too much to go around walking outside, cautious of the surroundings in this state". 

Saying that, she suddenly went back into her room. She must have felt quite anxious.....

After that, following her, I also entered the room. And, with that timing, my phone vibrated. 

"I'm sorry for the late reply, I was looking up something and I didn't notice". 

From Sakura, a response like that came back to me. 



"It's about water, right? Of course it's ok. Would a plastic bottle be enough?".

"That's more than enough, thank you. Is it ok if I come and get it now?".

"Yes, I'll be waiting". 

Sakura replied like that. Whenever I talk to her directly in person, it's hard to continue a conversation but when it's through the chat, it flows really smoothly. 

"Rejoice, Horikita. It seems Sakura will share water with us. I've got her consent so I'll be going now".

"Thank you. Please do make sure not to tell Sakura-san about me"

"Yeah. You'll soon be parting with this figure, do you mind if I take a commemorative photo?" I asked her.

Since it seemed like she was about to start swinging the water bottle at me, I panicked and quickly ran into the corridor. 

"What a fearsome woman. Judging from her athletic assessment, if she swings it down on my head I could die".

It would leave a stain on my history if I died from getting my head smashed in by a high school girl whose arm was stuck inside a water bottle.

Next chapter