
Chapter 3 Part II

Nothing would happen today. I had thought the whole day would end just like that. But, around 9PM, the screen of my phone lit up. A new message had arrived. 

"Are you awake?". 

It was such a chat from Horikita. 

"I'm awake".

"I'd like to talk with you for a bit, do you have time now?".

It was roughly two hours since our last call that she made this sort of contact. 

"I'll call you". 

After saying that to her, I immediately called Horikita's phone and with just one call, she picked up.

"What's wrong?".

"There's something I wanted to ask you.....".

Horikita said that with a slightly disarrayed manner of speech like before, and after that briefly went silent. 

"Let's say for instance there is a turtle".


All of a sudden, such a crazy story came forth from Horikita. 

"That turtle is an extremely smart and talented turtle. But, if it happened to be involved in an accident and was flipped upside down, don't you think that would be a terrible thing? It won't be able to stand back up on its own anymore".

"That's right. It's just, when speaking of normal turtles not being able to get back up, they can extend their necks and use their legs to balance themselves and in most cases, they can regain their initial posture. By the way, the ones that are unable to get back up on their own would be giant tortoises and sea turtles. It's because both species are born under conditions that lead to them being unable to flip themselves back up".


When I added my unnecessary words, Horikita went silent. 

"That was unnecessary. It would be easier if you honestly assumed that they would be unable to get back up on their own and listened".

I thought so. Even I thought that was a spectacularly unnecessary addon. 

"And? That situation where it can't get back up, is something the matter with it?".

"If you encountered such a situation, what would you do? I just wanted to ask for future reference". 

"If I did, I would probably wake it up. It's not that much of a bothersome task". 

Indeed I would have no reason to save it but I also have no reason to abandon it either. 

If that is the case, I might as well extend a helping hand. But I wonder what exactly this story is leading to. If I consider the situation simply, it would be that Horikita is currently, like the turtle, in a situation where she can't get back up on her own. But from the call, I could not detect any sense of panic and she herself seems calm. It probably means it's not that urgent of a situation. 

"So...what's troubling you?".

In response to Horikita who was beating around the bush, I straightforwardly asked her that. No matter what problems she's facing, there's no profit to be had in prolonging this. If that's the case, this makes hearing it out go faster. 

"I'm not particularly in any trouble".

"No but, right now our conversation's going in that direction, isn't it?".

"I was just talking about an overturned turtle, it has nothing to do with me".

"...then why did you talk about that turtle?".

"I just felt like it. I wanted to tell you about the overturned turtle".

This is messed up. 

"This isn't like you, no, asking for help isn't like you either but...you called me because you didn't have anyone else you could rely on right? If that's the case, saying it quickly would be better". 

I admonished her like that and after a while, she began to talk. 

"If you feel like helping people no matter what then it can't be helped, it's not like I can't allow you to advise me on this".

"O-oh. And? That's fine so let me know".

The Horikita who had been twisted by a sense of superiority had said an unbelievable thing like that. But at this point, anything goes. 

"I'm just having a little trouble".

And then finally, she admitted it honestly.

"Where are you now?"

"I'm in my room" Horikita answered.

"Don't tell me, are black bugs showing up?".

If that's the case even if she can afford to casually talk, it easily gives off an image that she cannot easily resolve it. It would also be accurate for a period. However the dormitories are kept clean and Horikita also happens to live on the upper floor. The chances of them appearing in her room are low. 

"That's not the case. If that were so, I could deal with it myself".

"How would you deal with it? Detergent? Hot water? Slippers? And if none of those, then how?".

I also noticed she did not immediately tell me the details of her problem. No matter how much I'm blessed with reasoning abilities, I cannot imagine Horikita's situation. 

"The reason I'm in trouble is...actually it's fine. I'll solve it myself".

"You're trying to solve it yourself, but it's already been more than two hours that you haven't resolved it yet, hasn't it?".

She should have already been caught up in the problem by the time she attempted to contact me. If so, she should've struggled quite a bit already. 


So that's an affirmation, however perhaps the details of it seem to be weighing quite a bit on her since she didn't reply immediately. But then

".....well.....indeed I'm close to my physical limits. I'll tell you honestly".

At last I can cut to the chase. I thought that but Horikita cut in like this.

"...could you come to my room now....?".

It was a meaningful statement that was equal parts shy and disgusted.

"From now, but it's already past 9 o'clock". 

"I understand but...there's no other way to solve this other than having you come here...."

It was a burning voice. It was a frustrated voice that sounded slightly pained. 

"There might be some resistance though. To go all the way up to the upper floors where the girls live".

"I understand that, but unless I get you to move directly, it would be difficult to solve this".

And just like that, Horikita onesidedly ended the call. 

"This seems a bit scary...but I suppose there's nothing else to do but go".

In any case, it wouldn't be nice to be late so grabbing only my phone and the keys to my room I left my room.

Next chapter