
'You Don't Belong Here.'

Henrick and Elijah come up behind her, Elijah caught her before she could fall. She was in shock. Klaus was right….he really hated Klaus. She could never believe it.

But now….She did.

"Caroline!" Henrick was upset. "Father! Stop it!"

"Shut up!" Mikael shouted. "Start the spell, Esther!"

Esther Mikaelson nodded and started the spell.

"Stop this! Father!" Elijah shouted. "This is madness!"

"Madness!" Mikael shouted. "He is an abomination! A bastard!"

"Please! Don't do this!" Klaus shouted. "Stop them! Brother!"

Esther Mikaelson started to chant.

"She's alive!" Caroline shouted. "Freya!"

Mikael turned around.

"What did you say?" He asked.

"Alive! Freya is alive!" Caroline repeated.

Esther Mikaelson stopped. She turned around in shock. She couldn't understand how Caroline would even know that name.

"Esther gave her to Dahlia!" She told her.

Henrick and Elijah crept up, and quickly started to untie him.

"Esther lied to you!" Caroline Forbes threw a live grenade in her mother-in-law's marriage because she needed to save hers. Carolinem couldn't have made a more vicious move, she was truly Klaus Mikaelson's soulmate.

"She gave her daughter to Dahlia in exchange for more children."

Mikael froze.

"You are lying!" Esther shouted.

"I saw her!" Caroline yelled back. "I saw her…She came to me! She came to warn me about your sister! That she will come and take my child from me!"

Esther couldn't say anything. This was the truth! Caroline wasn't lying. Klaus was untied.

"Run." She mouthed. But he didn't move. How could he? He would never leave. Not without them.

"You!?" Mikael didn't know what to say. He screamed at his wife."How dare….?"

Before they could run, all of them were attacked. The wolves had attacked them. Ansel had felt that his son was in danger. He had come to save his son.

They all ran after Klaus and Caroline.

"Stop!" Caroline held Klaus's arm. "We have to follow them."


"The wolves!"

"The wolves?" Klaus asked.

"I think he is your father." Caroline said. "He'll take us to safety."

Klaus nodded. He ran after them.

Caroline Forbes ran as fast as she could. She didn't know where she was going. In a rush, she got separated from Klaus.

And, they didn't see each other for days. It was dark, she ran. When she realized that Klaus wasn't behind her. It was too late.


"Hello?" Caroline turned around. She saw a woman behind her. Standing at the door of a cottage. She felt as if she had seen her before. It was Tatia Petrova.

After four days, Caroline Forbes-Mikaelson gave birth to a baby girl in Tatia Petrova's cottage.

Tatia didn't know her, but she helped Caroline as much as she could. She knew the pain of being seperated from her love. She was separated from her husband, who had gone to the war. He hadn't written in a long time.

She nursed Caroline and helped her with the baby. She forced Caroline to stay and rest, but Caroline wanted to run. She wanted to find him.

After a few days, Tatia gave in, she helped Caroline locate Klaus, and she left.

In the few days Caroline had stayed with Tatia, she got used to him. She knew it was better to not stay, and to go back to Klaus right away. She would be vulnerable, she might not be able to protect the child better. Tatia Petrova missed the girl whom she barely knew. She prayed that she would get back safely.

"Let me tell you something, Caroline." Tatia told her. "I have to warn you."


"You don't belong here." Tatia told her, "This is not the place for you….The witches feel a disruption because of you."
