
Family Behind Troubles.

"Caroline!" Elijah shouted.

Hope shook her head at him and took Caroline's hand. Caroline and the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson zoomed away from the Mikaelson compound.

"Is this it?" Hope asked.

They had reached the end of Rousseau's. She pointed to the cabin down hill.

"That's it." Caroline started to walk down.

Hope took her hand.

"You have to stay here!"

Caroline smiled.

"Yeah…I get it, you want to keep me safe." Caroline shook her head. "Because, I make a difference in the world."

"How did you know?" Hope asked.

"Just…I just know." Caroline shook her head, "But, it's fine, Hope. I know you are a witch, you are superior to vampires...but, I am not leaving you alone."

"Because, I am just a kid?" Hope asked.

Because, that was the explanation she got from her parents.

"Because, I think you are wonderful and I would never forgive myself if something happened to…..just the most perfect girl."

Hope smiled.

"Now, come on." She told Hope. "Like I would leave you! Your mother would kill me, and then your father would resurrect me…just to kill me again.."

Hope laughed.

"That is what I heard about the Mikaelson Hybrid. My mom told me all kinds of horrible things," Hope told her, "I didn't know he was my father."

"I don't think your mother thought it appropriate." She said,

"Because, he was absent…..She wanted to keep you protected."

"You are defending her?" Hope asked. "After how she treated you?"

"Yes." Caroline opened the door, "I'll tell you why…"


The door swung open.

"Mrs. Salvatore, get down!" Hope shouted.

She took her hand, and pulled to the ground, an ax swung across the room and hit a tree outside.

"The person I most desired to see….the one who was kept in a castle, spelled." Dahlia stood up. "Has come to me herself."

She smiled at Hope.

"If it isn't the tribrid."

"Mrs. Salvatore?" She whispered.

Because she wanted Caroline to listen but not Dahlia.

"You take my dad, and I'll get her."

Caroline nodded. That seemed like a good plan, she was the witch and Caroline would be able to let Klaus feed from her if she needed.

"Ready?" Caroline asked.

Hope nodded.

Caroline zoomed towards the other side of the room when Hope zoomed the salt away from Rebekah, Kol and Klaus.

"Come on, Klaus." Caroline kneeled in front of him, she bit her arm and she put it on his mouth.

"Walk up, come on, Klaus." She whispered.

Dahlia was taken back at the power Hope had. She felt she couldn't hold on any longer. It was rather ironic that a nine year old wasn't taking minutes to destroy the power she had built up in nine decades.

"You can't do this to me." She whispered. "You can't do this to Hope."

He bit her arm as the drops of blood reached his lips.

"I knew you would come, Caroline." He smiled weakly.

She took his arm and pulled him up.

"Save her, Klaus." She told him. "She is the most important person in your life."

"Caroline…you are the most im…"

"Trust me, I am not." Caroline shook her head, "She is…and you can.."

Caroline didn't need to say anymore, Klaus Mikaelson stood up and zoomed towards his aunt. He snapped her neck from behind without any hesitation.

Hope Mikaelson lowered her hand as she saw the man who was her father for the second time in her life.

Hope raised her hand again. Dahlia was dead but her father's memories were still kept away. It wasn't like compulsion that Dahlia was a vampire. She was a witch.

Klaus screamed.
