
'I'll Make A Deal With You.'

A half an hour later, Caroline Forbes-Salvatore had stopped in front of a house. A small cottage in the corner of the city.

The night went by quietly. Both Damon and Elena were fast asleep in the bedroom, Caroline had prepared breakfast, left it covered in the kitchen.

A small note, that said,

"Be back as soon as I can."

She kissed the baby in the nursery, and left. Her heart ached for Stefan to be here.

He was there. He was always there. Stefan Salvatore was on the other side, watching over his little family. Caroline taking care of the whole school, Caroline playing with his niece, Caroline crying over him. Year after year….he saw her. He saw everything. She just didn't know.

She was walking out, she felt something. She held a hand out, trying to feel something. He tried to take it.

But he couldn't….could he?

He just wanted her to feel at peace. She was her peace, if she wasn't at peace, he would never be.

Caroline shook her head softly. It was in her head, wasn't it? Was it?

She came out of the house, and started to walk around the streets.

"Excuse me?" She stopped someone on the street. "Can I ask where The Mikaelsons live?"

"The Mikaelsons'?" The man looked scared. "You can't go…!"

"Please…tell me!"

"Two blocks, take a left." He told her. "Second house."

"Thank you."

Caroline knocked on the doors, entering past the iron gates. The doors opened, and a blonde girl came out.

"Hello…" Caroline smiled, "I am here to see Klaus Mikaelson."

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Caroline Forbes."

"Oh….Come in." She got out of the way.

"Can I ask…?" Caroline stepped inside, "Who are you?"

"Freya Mikaelson." She replied quietly.

Following Caroline inside.

"KLAUS!" Freya came to the staircase, and yelled. "KLAUS! Get down here!"

Caroline looked around the living room.

"I am….coming.." Caroline heard footsteps thudding, "You can stop… screaming, Freya…The whole city…."

Grumbling. He stopped.

"Caroline?" A wide smile appeared on his face.

Freya looked shocked.

The way his expression changed in seconds.

"I…." Freya sat down. She wanted to see this. It might be interesting.

He hugged her.

"I have some things planned out…." He started to say. "The day begins with the art…."

"Klaus…" She stopped him.

Freya Mikaelson gapped. What the hell was happening to her brother?

"Can we talk?" Caroline sensed a change in Klaus's behavior. No love notes. No marching bands. No sweeping declaration of love. No sketches.

It felt nice. Caroline could reach out to him as a friend.

Klaus nodded.

"Alone?" She had no idea who this girl was. Freya Mikaelson.

The Mikaelson Family she had seen didn't include Freya. Freya raised her eyebrows.

Klaus Mikaelson directed her out of the house,

"Let's take a walk, shall we?"

Freya Mikaelson didn't feel bad, at all. She was very surprised at the girl. A teenage girl. Pretty. Yet, dressed in black. All black. Gorgeous. She seemed powerful.

There was a mystery about this woman.

Klaus wasn't that like with Cami. She had no word for 'That'.

Was he in love with her? She couldn't tell.

Caroline Forbes stepped out of the house. She collided with someone.

"Oh…I am sorry.." Caroline apologized. She had no idea who this was.

A man with a suit.

"No, I should apologize." He smiled. Nodding.

And his eyes squinted. Who was this?

"We are going out, Elijah!" Klaus said shortly. Caroline had said to be 'alone.' Apparently, it was something important.

Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline were sitting in a diner.

Caroline Forbes explained the whole situation to Klaus. He promised to find her a witch who would perform the spells for her.

"I…also need something from you." He told her.

Caroline smiled. This was the first time Klaus Mikaelson had ever asked something from her.

"Of course." Caroline told him.

"I have a….."

Klaus Mikaelson didn't know how to tell her this.

"A friend…kind of."

Caroline laughed.

"Come on, Klaus!" She laughed, louder. "We are old enough….Your girlfriend…You can say it."

"Camille, she has turned into a vampire."

This was the thing he had loved about Caroline. Purity in death. That's what attracted him so much.

"She wants to die….for good." Klaus looked away, "She needs to see that there are good vampires!"

"Deal." She smiled wider. This was no problem. "You find me a witch, and I'll talk to your friend….kind of."

He laughed.

"Thank you."

Caroline spent the rest of the morning with Klaus, because she still had a debt to collect and he had a debt to pay.
