
Chapter 59

Two days later.

Syl woke up to the exams ending and the results being posted.

It went slightly differently than the original.

Class A (Sakayanagi): -200 Class points, + 2,000,000 private points

Class B (Ichinose): 50 Class points, + 3,000,000 private points

Class C (Ryuuen): + 150 class points, + 5,500,000 private points

Class D (Horikita): 0 Class points, + 2,500,000 private points

That means the rankings were:

Class A (Ryuuen): 963

Class B (Ichinose): 881

Class C (Sakayanagi): 817

Class D (Horikita): 789

Syl smiled.

He picked up his phone and called Ayanokoji. "How's it feel to have your second loss?"

Ayanokoji sighed. "It was surprising to see that happen."

Syl chuckled. "She might actually grow. That would be pretty interesting."

Ayanokoji nodded. "It would."

"You don't seem too upset, did I knock some sense into you?"

"You could look at it like that." Ayanokoji replied.

"Bah! So replying so cripticly!"

"Is that everything? Hirata wants to talk to me."

Syl sighed. "Sure, peace." He hung up.

Then he smiled mischievously and made his way around the boat looking for someone.

He found her soon. "Hey Ichynose! Have a moment?"

"Hmm? Syl? Sure! What did you just call me, though?"


"Sorry, I must have heard you wrong then!" She said with a smile.

Syl shrugged. "How was the exam?"

Ichinose smiled wryly. "It went alright…"

Syl chuckled. "I see you took my advice."

Ichinose slowly nodded. Looking sad.

"How do you feel?" Syl asked.

"Terrible. I can't believe I stole points from Ayanokoji, from you…"

Syl smiled. "Really? I think it's a good thing."

"... How? How can you say something like that?"

Syl shrugged. "You would have been class C otherwise. I would have been disappointed if you didn't."

"But then you would have been class B. How can you honestly say you're happy with what I did in this situation?"

Syl hummed in thought. "A wise man once said. 'Who cares about 100 class points?'"

Ichinose looked at Syl funny. "What? Who said that?"

Syl chuckled. "Ryuuen."

Ichinose shook her head. "I'd never take advice from him. He's evil."

"How?" Syl asked.

"He uses dirty methods."

"No. He's never broken the rules once." Syl replied.

"Yes he has. He does it all the time."

Syl smiled. "When?"

"Uhhh… that one time-"

Syl cut her off. "Name one time the school punished him."

Ichinose looked confused. "What are you saying?"

"He's never gotten in trouble for it, so what did he really do wrong?"

"That's a logical fallacy."

Syl nodded. "True, but the world is full of fallacies. If a rich man lies and cheats and is never caught, he dies a good man who was rich, it's only when he gets caught that he is a scumbag."

"But that doesn't make him a good person. He's still evil." Ichinose countered.

"True, but who cares? If everyone thinks you're a good person, who cares if you really are?"

"I do. I won't let myself do something like that just because I can get away with it." Ichinose replied.

Syl stopped walking alongside her and turned to face her. He stared into her eyes as if he was looking at her soul. "Then you've never done a single thing wrong, right?"

"W-well…" Ichinose looked up and away.

Syl chuckled and faced forward as he continued walking. "You're the same as the evil man then."

Ichinose looked sad, like she was on the verge of tears. "You're right. I'm not a good person."

Syl shook his head in exasperation. "You're wrong. You are a good person."

She shook her head sadly. "No, I'm not."

Syl smiled. "Then prove it."


"Prove you're a bad person, reach class A, by any means necessary."

"I can't! I'll never sacrifice a classmate!"

Syl smiled. "Then you must sacrifice the other classes. It's your only choice. You understand now, right?"

Ichinose looked troubled. "Why are you doing this? Are you really just trying to help me?"

Syl nodded. "I don't want to see your class lose so early. It would be boring, plus, I think you deserve better. I want to see you have a fighting chance."

"I don't understand."

Syl chuckled. "You don't have to. Just think of me as a secret admirer or something. Perhaps I fell for your charms and wanted to see you reach class A?" He winked and walked away.

Ichinose clasped her hands in front of her chest. "I really don't understand him at all…"

Just like that, the cruise ended.

The whole grade was taken back to the school.

Kinda weird how only the first years were allowed to go on the cruise. What did the other two years do?

A Mystery!

The days went by.

One day, Syl was on a walk to get home from the mall after hanging out with a few friends.

He bumped into someone unexpected.

"Eh? Prez? What are you doing here?" Syl asked as he met up with Manabu.

"I'm just heading to the student council room. I heard about your special exams, apparently you were very helpful in the island exam and in the winning group on the zodiac exam."

Syl shrugged. "I really didn't do anything, I only found out one class leader."

"That's still 50 class points, but I also heard you were the one who changed the leader from Suzune to Ayanokoji."

"And you believe that?"

"No, not for a second. It was Ayanokoji's idea, though he wouldn't admit it yesterday."

Syl chuckled. "Good luck with that."

Manabu shook his head. "He won't admit it that easily. However, he was injured. Most other people wouldn't notice but I could tell something was slightly off. I wonder what happened."

Syl shrugged. "I don't think he's hurt, and if he is. Then I guess it's a mystery."

"What do you think about joining the student council, Ayanokoji rejected, but I wonder what your thoughts are."

Syl chuckled. "Do I look like a nerd? Of course not!"

Manabu sighed. "I'm running out of options."

Syl chuckled. "Just ask your sister, she'd jump at the chance to spend more time with you."

Manabu sighed. "That's the problem."

"I know right! What a brocon!"

"Don't talk about my sister that way."

Syl raised his hands in defence. "What a siscon!"

Manabu sighed and walked away.
