
Chapter 12

After class.

Chashibara had just finished announcing the upcoming midterms.

The loudspeakers call both Ayanokoji and Syl to the teachers office.

Syl looked at Ayanokoji. "You didn't do anything to get us in trouble right?"

"Nothing I can recall."

Syl nodded. "Me neither… maybe it'll be fun!"

"... I doubt it."

"Bah! Cheer up! Don't be such a dead fish! Maybe a cute teacher just wants to talk to you!"

"Did you just call me a dead fish again?"

"Just imagine how great it would be to date a teacher! You could never get expelled!"

"That's illegal…" Ayanokoji's voice drifted off. As though he only realized telling Syl this was pointless after already speaking.

"For them! I'm not doing anything wrong!"

"Don't we have to go?" Ayanokoji cleverly avoided Syl's rant! He didn't even realize he was being manipulated!

He manipulated the MC! What a guy!


The duo arrived at the office.

Only to run into Hosinomiya sensei!

She giggled when she saw them.

"Are you two Sae's students?"

"Sae?" Ayanokoji asked.

"Ah! Silly me! You only know her as Chashibara sensei! Of course she wouldn't tell you her first name! She's too cold sometimes!"

Syl nodded. "Right? What a tsundere!"

"Huh? What?" Hosinomiya tilted her head cutely.

"A tsundere!"

She turned to Ayanokoji. "So why are you so gloomy? Did something bad happen? Ah! Maybe that's why you're in the office! Are you a bad boy~?"

She moved in closer to Ayanokoji… a little too close for a teacher and student.

Syl clicked his tongue. It should have been him! Chie was so cute! Well, she might have a hidden side… but still! SO cute! He could almost give her one of his pink bunny slippers! ... Almost!

Suddenly someone else entered the room.

"Chie. Please leave my students alone." Chashibara came to the rescue!

Syl cheered her on. "That's right! No illegal contact! Unless it's with me!"

Chabashira furrowed her brow. "No inappropriately touching ANY of the students. Especially the first years."

Syl instantly went against her. "Woah! That's too harsh! It was just a little joke! It's fine if it's me!"


"Tch." Syl clicked his tongue as he dreams were crushed.

Hoshinomiya giggled when she heard him.

She switched targets and gave Syl a light hug. "So cute!" She squealed.

Syl was standing in a daze with hearts in his eyes.


He was swiftly awoken by Chabashira stepping on his foot with her heels.


He quickly grabbed his foot.

"You should watch were you step." Chabashira said offhandedly.

"Wha-bu-wha- YOU STEPPED ON MY FOOT!!" Syl called out!

"No yelling. Unless you want to face punishment."

Syl sulked. "No sensei." He looked down and pouted.

Hoshinomiya giggled again when she saw this.

"Sae! What did you call these two here for?"


"Awww c'mon! Don't be like that! We're besties right?"

"It's class D's business." Chabashira slightly smirked before continuing. "It has nothing to do with Class C."

Syl froze. 'WHAT??!?!?!'

Hoshinomiya's smile faded. But she acted like everything was fine.

"Won't you tell your best friend? Pretty please??"

Syl was so shocked he didn't even notice the new person enter the room.

"Hoshinomiya Sensei! There you are! Can you help me out with this?" A girl called out as she entered the room.

Hoshinomiya smiled again. "Sure, Ichinose!"

The student walked in and introduced herself. "Hey! I'm Ichinose Honami from class B! Oh I mean from class C! Sorry! I'm still getting used to that!"

Syl instantly recovered from his shock and smiled. "Hey! I'm Sujin Syl! But everyone calls me Syl because I'm from Canada!"

The two shook hands. Ichinose looked at Ayanokoji and waited for him to say something. Just when she was about to speak up again Syl spoke first. "This is Ayanokoji! A normal high school boy and my classmate! I'm sure you two will meet a bunch in the future!"

Ichinose smiled. "I hope so! Nice to meet you!"

She and Ayanokoji shook hands before she left with her sensei.

Syl turned to Chabashira and grumbled. "So why exactly are we here?"

She guided them to a room. "Sit. If you try to leave you two will be expelled."

"Then you'll be fired." Syl shot back.

"... Just sit."

Syl sighed. "This is a dictatorship! Viva la revolution! Right Ayanokoji?"

"I suppose."

"Haaa… What a headache. This is so over the top. Can she just be a little nicer if she wants to reach class A so bad?"

"Why do you think that?"

Syl shrugged. "I told you before. I just pick up on things. Her talk with Hoshinomiya, the way she acts, the fact that I heard Horikita call her to talk to her a while ago."

"I thought you were lovestruck earlier…"

Syl gasped. "You could tell?! DO YOU THINK SHE COULD TELL???"

Ayanokoji looked away. "...no." He lied terribly.

"Thank god!! HAHA! You scared me for a second there!" Syl was somehow oblivious…

"Isn't that eavesdropping?" Ayanokoji asked Syl.


"You said you listen to other people talking. Aren't you just eavesdropping?"

"What? No! I mean yes! But it's totally different! I don't seek it out! Think about it like this. If I'm in public and scream. 'I like Hoshinomiya!' Is everyone around me eavesdropping or am I telling them?"

"... You're screaming at them… that's not the same situation"

"Bah! Bacon shmacon! Same thing! If they don't want other people to know, then don't talk in public!"

Ayanokoji just nodded along.

Suddenly they heard the door opening next door.

Horikita's voice could be heard.

"Why am I in class D?! My grades, athletics and everything else is top of the class, no, top of the grade. I should be in class A. There must have been a mistake."

Syl mumbled. "Is she really that clueless?"

Ayanokoji nodded.

Chabashira replied to her. "Everyone in class D is there for a reason. There was no mistakes made."

"I want you to review the decision."

"That won't change anything. There was no mistake."

"No. You're wrong. I should be in class A."

"Everyone is in class D for a reason. They are all 'D'ysfunctional in some way."

"Not me."

"You don't communicate with anyone."

"I don't need to."

"But, you admit you have a flaw."

"It's not a flaw if I don't need to communicate."

"Horikita. There was no mistake, you deserve to be in class D."

"Wha… bu… No! That's wrong!"

"There was no mistake."

Horikita was shocked as she slowly walked out of the office in a daze.

Chabashira walked back into the room with Ayanokoji and Syl.


Syl nodded. "You should be fired for making a confidential meeting public knowledge. I should report you to the chairman."

Ayanokoji followed Syl's perfect logic and nodded along.

Chabashira had a tick mark appear on her face. "Do you want to reach class A or not?!"

Syl threw up his arms in defense. "Yes! Whatever you want sensei!"

She sighed but nodded.

On the way out Syl mumbled. "Damn dictator."



Man I love Syl! What a goofball! I'd love it if you guys could leave a review! Hope you enjoy!

Smol_frogcreators' thoughts