
Grimoire Pages

Skills: Further down = Rising in Complexity


​Sound Transmission - transmits sound from point A to point B.

Sound Amplification - Can amplify or deamplify sound.

Sound Distortion - Can distort and undistort sound.

​Soundwave Creation - Produces original soundwaves.

Sound Mimicry - Produces sound from memory.

Sound barrier - Produces a sound barrier that barres sound and projectiles.

​Sound Instrument Creation - produces instruments.



​Drum fist, Bell palm, Whistle finger - Attacks that release fatal sound according to their instruments. It is enhanced with proper martial arts.

​Triple Extreme Sound - Upon the successive attacks of Drum Fist, Bell palm, and Whistle finger it will inflict Molecular Vibration to the opponent that severely stuns them, unable to control their body.

​Soundless Wind Blade - Through complex manipulation of sound vibrations, silent but deadly wind blades are created.

​Heavenly Gong - Suppresses, and stuns opponents when heard.

​Sound of silence - Debilitating magic. Weakens opponent's magic, and reduces mana, and stamina.

​Soul Expression - Allows sound to transcend the physical and affect the soul.

Sound-World Union - Investigative spell. Upon casting it enhances the user's senses or give them 'new' senses and allow them to investigate tracks of other beings or phenomena. They can also be used for prolonged surveillance.

​Divine Life Tune - Healing magic. Heals physical, and mental damage.

​​Harmonization Melody - Enhances mana perception, five senses, and a 45 percentage increase in mana. ( Ex. A peasant with 150 points of mana increase to 217.5 points, while a royal with 2000 points will turn to 2900 points. Basically more mana you have more mana you get.) Turns to 80% when it becomes true magic.

​Mana Skin : Sound Mode - An advanced application of mana skin, and transformation magic mimicry. Transforms the caster into sound allowing him to move as fast as sound.

​Mana Zone: Surround Sound Orchestra - Surrounds the target with orchestrated instruments and barrages them with sound attacks.

​Mana Zone : Wondrous Hand Profound Sound - Creates several arms which generate offensive sound waves by snapping their fingers

​Mana Zone : Green Jade Song - Song that transforms opponents into jade.

​Mana Zone: Heaven and Earth Song - Song that can move earth and heaven.


True Magic : (Can enhance previous magic)

Song Warrior: Grants the songs form through physical embodiment. Each warrior has the effect of the song while being able to fight like a human being.

​Submission Song - Can subdue and control opponents inflicted by the song.

​True Mana Zone : Silence surpasses sound - Makes the user into Silence, and can move as fast as silence. Can allow him to appear where silence is present.

​True Mana Zone : World of Silence - Annihilates magic, and mana in the surroundings. The spell is gained from magic research and inspiration by Asta's anti-magic.


Ultimate Magic:

​Separation Song - Separates the opponent and their grimoire. Effectively severs the connection of the soul and grimoire.

Divine Bell of Death - Ignores defenses and inflicts fatal damage to the soul. Sometimes instantly killing opponents.

​Dimension Silence - Silences the vibrating strings in the fabric of spacetime. It effectively encroaches on Temporal and Spatial Manipulation, also freezes space around the caster.

Upon writing this I binged Reverend Insanity so I got Feng Jiu Ge and Miao Yin's killer moves. Only because they are the most prominent sound path immortals in the story, and they are ones that I remember best. But of course there are some original moves as well.

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