
Riro and the furious five cross and capture at Qing dynasty.

At the edge of the northwestern part of the East China Sea, was a creek, with a dense hamlet, there Soso docked the ship.

As Soso and his companions alighted from the ship, they were met by a handful of armed villagers;

"Hey, we mean no harm!" Riro said as he obeyed by raising his hands.

"Uncle!" Soso said while rushing to hug an aged man.

"Uncle Zen Tai!"

"Soso! It's good to see you again. I never knew this day would come." Zen Tai said while trying to wipe his eyes.

"Now drop your weapons; don't you remember Soso? He is my brother's son and also the brother to Long Yen – the leader of this clan."

The villagers were transfixed for some time, and then some started thanking the gods for bringing him back while others embraced him warmly. Riro and the others stood in awe at the show of warmth to their loquacious friend.

Then another group of villagers started coming, being led by an old woman, when Soso saw them coming, he ran up to them;


"Oh, my son!" Both she and Soso embraced with both in tears.


Emperor Za Ming was at a penthouse in the palace, training with ten fighters; with Commander Foon Za Wai watching. As the fight went on, he defeated nine and with the last fighter remaining; he throat-lock the fighter and broke his neck.

"Now, what is the report?" Za said wiping his hands with a towel.

"Emperor Za, Ching troops has destroyed Shaolin and burnt it to the ground."

"And Shi Lan Chu?"

"He is dead, just as you instructed,"


"Riro would be heading to us in days. You know what to do?"

"Yes, my Lord!"

"Now clean this place up. And next time make it fifteen armed fighters; so that it would be worth the waste of time." With that Za Ming walked away.


At the west wing across the yellow river was shrubbery, the five elders ran into it and hid.

"I think we have lost them." Ng Mui said as she gasped for breath.

"Yes, but we still have to keep moving, they might still be on our trail." said Ji Sin.

"So Shi Lan Chu gave shaolin away, he must burn in hell!" Bak Mei fumed.

"I wish I had died along with my brothers. What am I living for?" Fung Dou Pak said while punching at a shrub furiously.

"You don't have to say that, we have everything to live for." Ng Mui said.

"So what do we do now?" asked Miu Hin.

"All along we have been trying to save Shaolin by avoiding taking side with Shifu Wu, now what we were trying to avoid has happened. So we must join forces with the dragon warrior and put an end to Emperor Za's insanity. So who is with me?" Ji Sin inquired. All hands were up;

"So we go east beyond this rivers!"

"To the freedom of China and revenge for our brothers!" Ji Sin shouted. The other four echoed in unison.


At midnight, the creek at pechihli bay was bubbling with fun as the whole villagers gathered to celebrate the return of Soso. Soso and his companions were at a table close to the podium;

"I never knew you were a prince," Riro whispered into Soso's ears.

"Not really, but my late father was the head of this clan of sea pirates."

"Oh really!"

"Yes, and now my brother leads them. You have already seen my mother."

"Oh come on! I know what is on your mind. How did she give birth to me? I have seen that face all my life. I was adopted by my father."

"But why is your brother not out here celebrating?" Egret asked.

"Long story. He lives up there." Soso turns around and points at the only building in the creek with two levels.

"He must be really mad at you – huh!" said Donnie.

"Yes, real – ly." Soso turns and saw Long Yen looking from the balcony of the second level of his building, as he looked for a while, both of their eyes locked and then he went inside;

"I am coming, let me go and catch up with my brother." Soso said as he left the group. Immediately Zen Tai climbed the podium;

"I want us to greatly welcome our guests, most especially Soso Yen and the dragon warrior. Feel free to do justice to a pirate's travelling companion because the night would be long with fun and merriment!" Zen Tai said to the gyration of the ecstatic crowd.

"But who told him about the dragon warrior?" Shifu Wu inquired.

"Must be no other than Donnie's brother who just left some minutes ago." Egret Chan retorted as all burst out laughing.


At a palace-like room; decorated with ornaments and shells, there sitting at his throne was Long Yen beside whom was his mother. And facing both of them was Soso, his companions and a handful of elite villagers among who was Zen Tai all seated.

Then Long Yen beckoned on them to speak; Shifu Wu stood up, greeted and stated their reason for coming.

"Ally with the dragon warrior from Wong Su dynasty," Long reasoned.

"For many years now, this creek has been forgotten by the whole of China, most especially by the most humane dynasty in China – Wong Su. Then by the will of karma, the dragon warrior spring forth aided by my long lost brother and they seek my allegiance. Wow! What a beautiful twists of fortune." Long laughed.

"Now listen carefully, this creek has been forgotten by China and I want it to remain that way, I won't want to take part in anything that will jeopardize our future and safety, let alone against the ferocious Emperor Za. So, I want you all to leave this creek, tomorrow!" with that Long Yen walked away and went to the room behind. His mother winked at Soso, instantly Soso followed behind Long Yen.

"You know dad would be proud of the man you have become?" Soso said while touching a vase on the table.

"Oh! Stop that big brother parody of yours. It won't work this time. You think after these long years of your betrayal, theft and forgetfulness; I would run into your arms and welcome you without remembering how you caused dad's death or mum's constant coldness?"

"I am sorry Long. I."

"Enough! Just leave this creek first thing tomorrow morning with your crew. And I don't want to see you ever again on this creek. Next time, mum pleas won't stop me from killing you. Just leave and don't ever come back."

Soso just watched as Long stamped out in rage, and a stray tear dropped down his cheek.


Soso and his companions were led by a handful of villagers to the harbor,

"But uncle you don't have to come along." Soso said.

"Why not? I know Qing dynasty like the back of my palms and I can be of help in this quest." Zen Tai replied.

Riro and the others along with Zen Tai boarded the ship and beckoned on Soso,

"Mother I would miss you!"

"Oh – my son come! Promise me you would come again and stay. May the god's lead you back to me – my son."

Soso embraced his mother long enough and joined the others. They were bade farewell by the villagers and his crying mother.


At a tent in Wong Su cantonment, there Fo and all his generals were gathered;

"News reaching us says that Shaolin temple has been burnt to the ground along with all the monks in it." Fo said as he bent towards the seated generals with his fist pressed to the surface of a table. His words was greeted with murmur and shock,

"So General Fo, what do we do now? We all know that the remaining resistance to Emperor Za is Wong Su and the pirates of Pechihli bay. But these pirates have no honour and ever since the splitting of China, they have shown apathy to every side. So we are on our own. What do we then do?" a general asked.

"A sage once said that it is only a tree that hears of the conspiracy of its death and does nothing to avert it. So I want every one of you to command its battalion to be on guard because we are at war times. Za Ming's invincible can strike at any time and I want us to be prepared. If we must die, let us die with honour. Now go and inform your men!" Fo shouted as all the generals present started leaving. Kara walked up to Fo,

"Do you think Riro was part of those killed?"

"I don't think so; I have a hunch that he is alive." Fo retorted.

With that Kara saluted and left, while Fo slumped on a chair and was deep in thoughts.


At night along the yellow sea, was a ship heading east, there Riro was at night watch while the others was fast asleep. As Riro looked to the control of the ship, he saw Soso alone and he walked up to him,

"The night is so cold." Riro said as he rubbed both palms together.

"Here – take!" Soso handed him a bottle of gin.

"You never told me or the others that you were royal!"

"Royal! I didn't think of myself as royalty." Soso said smiling.

"I was told that my father – a famous pirate was married to my mother for many years without a child. Then on his voyage to Africa, he saw me at the bank of a river in a basket. Then he took me back to Pechihli and showed my mother who instantly fell in love with me and they decided to adopt me as their son. Five years later, my mother was pregnant and she gave birth to Long. Over the course of the years, I learnt all my father's trick, while Long wasted away with women and mischief, my father wanted to disown him on several occasions but was pacified by me and mother. As I grew older, I became the pride of our parents while Long became the spectacle of the family. Then, one night after we returned from a voyage amidst the celebration, my father pulled me to a corner and told me he wanted me to be the leader of the clan. I felt the pain of my brother and I decided to leave Pechihli without telling anyone."

"You are a good man." Riro said as he touched the shoulders of Soso who was now sober.

"Oh, look out!" Riro shouted as Soso quickly jibed and steadied the ship,

"And also a good sailor." Riro said as they both laughed.


At Emperor Za Ming's bed chamber, he was in bed with Sao Loo;

"Guess what my love?"

"What? You want it now – huh!" Za said as he tries to climb her.

"Oh, come on! Don't you think of something else?" Sao Loo said as she playfully brushed him aside.


"Oh! You want to; I am not good at this, just cut the chase."

"Hu!" Sao Loo sounded as she nods while rubbing her hands over her stomach. Za quickly grabbed her;

"Now let me quickly do this, to add to the number already inside that belly of yours!"


At Tang Wai's home, he was in his room being entertained by female dancers when a scout came in,

"Commander Tang – greetings!"

"Go on; any news about our brothers or their partners from Ching dynasty?"

"Commander Tang, they were attacked and killed by soldiers from Wong Su, while those from Ching dynasty fled."

"Wong Su!" Tang wai shouted with rage.

"Soon you will pay for all this; and so also those traitors from Ching!"

"Where are the bodies?"

"They have been burnt – Commander Tang."

"Prepare troops that would go with me to Wong Su soon, to set it on fire and avenge the death of our brothers. Shaolin temple has paid for theirs, now it is time for Wong Su to pay – hurrrr!" Tang Wai shouted as the scout left with haste while the music resumed.


At a hill close to the borders of Qing dynasty, there Riro and his companions hid staring at the city.

"What do we do next?" Koala asked.

"We need to get into the city unnoticed and try to locate Za Ming's palace." Riro said while crawling back to take cover..

"So who should go into the city for us?"

"I!" Soso shouted.

"Oh come off it, I won't trust my only chance to get to Za on Donnie talk more of you," Koala said.

"Enough of your silly jokes; I think I should go!" Lee retorted.

"Or I should go!" Shifu Wu cuts in.

"No, Shifu that would sale out our plan. We need someone who is not known to be part of this quest." Riro said as he reasoned.

"Then, I should go. I have a friend in the city, I can go and borrow some clothes for us to disguise in." Zen Tai said.

The others accepted, and Zen Tai left the group. After several hours, he returned with some clothes and each of them changed and went into the city as merchants.


Riro and his companions were being led to a storehouse surrounded by elevated buildings with porches by Zen Tai, on getting to the front of the storehouse, he stopped;

"He said we should wait here!" Zen Tai said while looking around frantically.

"Are you sure he can be trusted?" Shifu Wu asked.

"Of course, he is an old friend of mine. He is a noble man. He would soon be here; I know."

As they waited for sometime;

"Something is not just right about this place." Riro said as he looks around. Split seconds later, Commander Foon Za Wai emerged from the storehouse accompanied by troops of soldiers, Riro and the the others were about to start a fight;

"If I were you I wouldn't do that!" Foon Za Wai said as he pointed to the porches of the surrounding buildings, there were stationed archers ready to shot.

"Give it up, you are already out numbered." Foon Za Wai said. Soldiers from his troops disarmed Riro and his companions and bond them.

"Good job – my friend!" Foon Za Wai said as he reached for Zen Tai's hand.

"But uncle, why?" Soso asked soberly.

"You want to know? Of course the prodigal son wants to know why?" Zen Tai scoffs.

"In days Emperor Za would have you and your bunch of misfits beheaded. Then as a reciprocation of the favour I did him, he would help me take your brother out of the way. With the two prodigal sons dead, our clan would have no other option than to make me their head. You know the most beautiful part? The moment I become the head of our clan, your beautiful mother would be my queen and soon would forget the memory of your father, your brother and you, by the time I make her scream in bed."

"You bag of shit!" Soso shouted as he spat on Zen Tai.

"That won't stop me from being attractive to your mother, Take them away!" Zen Tai jeered as he wipes his face.

Riro and his companions were led away in chains as the accompany troops sang in jubilation.

Next chapter