
Chapter 96

At Illya's lewd insane thoughts, I just swatted her on the backside with a palm made out of wind, making her yelp in surprise at the invisible hand that spanked her. "Illya be a good girl before you get put in time out," I said tiredly as I relaxed and went back to petting Sella's head.

It was honestly therapeutic for me to massage and pet my girl's very soul... It was like petting through the fur of a loving dog or cat as I could feel the trust and contentment radiating from their soul with each caress.

Thus, Illy being told to quiet down just pouted before rolling her eyes and went over and sat down on one of the nearby chairs. "You think Momma is still being checked out by uhhh." Illya drew off and I chuckled as she didn't know what to call Raven.

"Just call us by our names unless I am holding court with foreign dignitaries," I said and Illya grinned happily at me being informal and wasn't going to be super strict about the hierarchy between us. I mean honestly, I only really cared about my face in front of people that were remotely my equal.

Otherwise, I didn't mind messing around at all.

"So, you think Momma is alright with Raven? It's taken her a while to check on her?" Illya asked somewhat nervously, and I hummed in thought as I paid more attention to the room that Raven and Irisviel were within, they seemed fine with Irisveil's energy seeming purer than before. So maybe Raven was able to do something with Irisviel's broken doll visage.

I lifted up the hand that wasn't petting Sella to point in their general direction. "Yup, they are perfectly fine... If anything they are on their way here now." I said before I frowned feeling something foreign to my realm enter it.

"My lord, your chest tightened, are you alright?" Sella asked me with some concern in her voice as I cast my consciousness out of my body and as I silently Sella's face back into my chest so I could focus, my consciousness saw at the edge of the realm something that made my face twitch.

Perched atop one of Heuco Mundo's weakly living trees that lived off the chaos energy running through the realm, I saw a beautiful peacock sitting imperiously atop the tree and as my realm consciousness closed in on the creature it lifted its clawed feet off its perch to leave behind a scroll with the peacock turning around and with a flap of its massive wings it threw up a gale of wind as it launched itself into the air and tore through space as it left my realm before I could demand what Hera wanted.

Because with how obviously Hera herself put up the Einzberns and even the Golden Apple Tree Cuttings only to show up in my realm after not even an hour... It was clear she wanted something from me.

Unlike the other versions of Hera, the DC Universe one was no joke or merely the spiteful scorned woman of Zeus. She was a true Old God with abilities that allowed her to keep other women from attempting to usurp her place as the queen of Olympus despite the Greek Pantheon being full of ambitious backstabbing assholes. Sure, I was stronger than her in terms of pure power, but she could browbeat Ares into obedience to her through her power, how petty and vindicative she could be.

"Excuse me, Sella," I said rolling her softly to the side and into Galatea's arms who giggled at the petite woman's blushing as Galatea's large breasts pushed into her back. With no one on me now, I carefully teleported the scroll in front of me, atop a coffee table and after scanning it with my spiritual magic I didn't sense any magical seals or anything on it. Nothing seemed off about it other than it being made out of some high-quality paper with actual gold threads woven into the sides of the paper...

"Who the hell uses gold to line the sides of paper," Galatea asked looking over Sella's shoulder as she became the meat in a homunculus sandwich.

At Galatea's question, I snorted before I undid the wax seal holding the scroll closed and then I opened it up and used a coaster to keep it open so I could read the large letter addressed to me by name. "The Queen of Olympus does... Oh, this is fucking bullshit." I cursed as I realized what convoluted nonsense the queen of drama and incest was wanting to drag me into.

Both through my travels through the infinite realms seeing snippets of other timelines and my general knowledge of the DC universe I knew the prime timeline of how a schism formed between Zeus and Hera due to the birth of Wonder Woman and several other children I already knew that Hera was banished from Olympus after she killed a woman named Zola that bore Zeus a child... But the fucked-up thing was that Zola was actually a mortal incarnation of Athena that she abandoned after Zeus got her pregnant.

The whole situation was orchestrated for Zeus to take over and possess the child born from Zola and be reborn at his full strength after a bunch of other things happened, I didn't know the other details but that was the gist.

And what did Hera want from me according to the letter?

"Hello, Lord of Unfettered Winds. I Hera, the rightful Queen of Olympus greets you with warm tidings and hope my gift of those two treasures you picked up at Lord Glory's auction house have proven their value." The letter started with the appropriate schmoozing and so was the next couple of paragraphs as she seemingly listed my achievement such as killing Slade armed with God Killer as well as permanently killing a Lord of Chaos as a new one had already been born to take Klarion's place.

Then it finally got into the meat of things. "With such martial accomplishments as well as the power to create your realm I am proud to announce that I see you as a worthy equal to my husband Zeus, the King of Olympus barring how your age of course. In either case with a world lord of such martial valor, I seek to mend any misunderstandings the Greek Pantheon has with you due to Slade Wilson's actions making it seem we approved him hunting you."

"My Husband Zeus, however, does not seek nor desire any such closure of past hatred or past grievances. I am afraid to announce that he under the advisement of Athena and Ares has come to decide to formally declare war upon your realm, to add your realm to Olympus as your realm is so young that it could be easily melded into the realm of Olympus after your death Lord of Unfettered Winds." Hera's letter continued and I felt a hot flash of rage fill me at the thought of Zeus cockily striding into my realm to steal it from me and at the next paragraph that rage turned incandescent.

"Even worse for you Jake Bariss. I must warn you that Zeus's ultimate plan is far worse for your loved ones. He has stolen the mantle of the sun from Apollo after his brief rule over Olympus. With that mantle, he plans to take your woman Galatea and create a sun god with the bloodline of Rao to take over Apollo's position and in time take over as the war god with how Ares has repeatedly failed to bring Wonder Woman to heel."

Wordlessly I crumpled the scroll into my hands as I barely registered the bottom of the letter saying she would approach my realm in a couple hours as I teleported away from my castle and realm to Hell to let my wroth work itself free.

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