
Codex of determination.

2 february, 2042.

After a long and hard journey, the family arrives in a city where they rest. But they only slept there for one day.

Then, they continued their long and tedious journey. The map was not precise so they found themselves lost in vast territory, despite understanding the map quite well.

"Now is when my ninja skills will prove useful. Let me point out the direction." Akiba said enthusiastically.

Although he seemed to show off, he was actually good at using maps to find directions, since he was clumsy with the GPS.

The trip was exhausting, but they managed to reach a place that seemed to be what they were looking for.

Ancient ruins in the middle of a forest full of vegetation was what they found.

It looked like some kind of ancient pyramid with some irregular shapes at its base.

"Only those who prove to be related to the brotherhood will be allowed to enter the place."

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