
Chapter 64

Harry grinned as his emerald green eyes began to glow as he stared down at both Tomura and Kurogiri who took a step back upon feeling an odd pressure begin to come down on them.

Both villains didn't know why but there was a sudden feeling of dread that was slowly overcoming them, whoever this stranger was he wasn't someone to mess with, Tomura then growled not liking the emotions that he was currently feeling "Nomu! Kill this guy!".

Nomu suddenly reappeared in front of Harry surprising him a bit but he still stopped the punch that was sent his way with one hand, Harry then stared at the creature before him and noticed how it was healing its wounds quite rapidly "I see, so you have a healing factor and some sort of resistance to force...".

The creature didn't respond to what Harry just said, it just roared and tried to punch Harry with its other fist but Harry moved his head out of the way and then used the fist he was holding to lift the creature above his head and then slammed it down to the ground where he then grabs hold of his neck preventing it from moving.

The young inspiring heroes stared in confusion and awe at the ease this strange and new person was dealing with such a terrifying creature, the same creature that had taken down their teacher with ease.

Tomura was throwing a fit and scratching his neck nonstop "How! How is this guy able to stop Nomu! How is he overpowering our weapon against All Might so easily!? Sensei never told me of someone this strong existing!".

Kurogiri narrowed his eyes as he stared at how their creation was being manhandled so easily "Tomura I think we should leave immediately. This newcomer seems to be trouble".

But Harry heard their conversation and then suddenly snapped his fingers creating an anti-teleportation ward around the entire area, Kurogiri suddenly grunted in pain as he felt his Quirk no longer working.

Tomura noticed Kurogiri's discomfort and got worried since he was his mean of escaping "Kurogiri? What's wrong?".

Kurogiri grabbed hold of his chest and let out a strained breath "He did something... he somehow is stopping my Quirk from activating!".

Tomura growled and then turned towards Harry who had his gaze towards them and he held down Nomu preventing it from moving.


Izuku Midoriya was completely amazed at this new person that appeared out of nowhere "He's moving so fast... Super speed? Increased reflexes? But not only that, he's strong too so super strength? And then he did something when he snapped his fingers... that teleporter seems to be in pain so he did something that prevents warp-type Quirks?".

Tsuyu Asui was still in a bit of shock, she was well aware that she had almost died, that villain had her dead to rights and she couldn't even do anything to stop it but then this strange and quite terrifying -her animalistic instincts were telling her that Harry is extremely dangerous- person saved her life and was now playing around with what the villain had claimed to be the weapon to kill All Might, the only thing she could do right now is let out a soft "kero".

Shota Aizawa was in a lot of pain, not only was he severally injured by the strange and powerful creature that had appeared with the villains but he had also been affected by the Quirk of who he believes is the ringleader of this unexpected attack on the USJ.

But that wasn't all, now they had a new stranger, a very powerful one if how easily he was dealing with the same creature that hurt him so badly was any indication of his power and skill.

Even from his position on the floor he can easily see the ease with which this new stranger was dodging all of the super-fast punches sent his way, that spoke of experience and skill, the confusing thing about all of this is the fact that the stranger seemed young, around 17 to 20 years old and he already had that creature pin down on the ground.


Harry stop staring at Tomura and Kurogiri and turned back his gaze towards Nomu and inspected him with his 'Rinnegan' and 'Observe skill' "... You used to be human... what kind of monster would do this to a person?".

Harry frowned and turned to glare at Tomura and Kurogiri who took an involuntary step back "... Not you two, you don't look smart enough to do this".

He then turned towards Nomu who was struggling to escape from Harry's grip, Harry thought about it for a while but in the end, he decided to do something about this creature.

He then took both of Nomu's superpowers and created skill orbs out of them and then place them inside his Inventory, Nomu screamed in pain but Harry then reversed time on its body returning it to who he was before, he was still dead but now his body wouldn't be used for evil.

This made the villains gasp in utter shock this even shocked everyone watching Harry deal with the creature not once expecting it to be a human, finding out that the creature was a person left everyone speechless, Tomura and Kurogiri could only stare in disbelieve at what had happened to their weapon.

Harry stood up and then turned towards both flabbergasted villains and then points a finger towards Tomura "I don't know what sort of situation I stumbled upon but I know this, you have a disgusting amount of darkness in your heart, your too dangerous to keep alive...".

The young inspiring heroes and their teacher widen their eyes in shock upon hearing Harry's declaration, to some of the students the idea of killing someone seemed too extreme and unethical.

Shota however, could understand what Harry meant and he definitely agreed that this guy seemed too dangerous and unhinged to let him run around freely, even though he should stop this -though he didn't want to- he couldn't he was to injured to move.

Tomura glared at Harry "You... want to kill me? What sort of hero would kill? You aren't making any sense!".

Harry chuckled coldly "Hero? I think you're confusing me with someone else, I'm not a hero nor will I ever be one, no I'm just a guy who does things his way and doesn't care if anyone doesn't like it, right now my instincts are telling me that it would be a grave mistake to let you live and I always listen to my instincts".

Tomura actually gulped from the seriousness in Harry's voice {He really is planning to kill me... tch I can't let myself get killed here!}.

Tomura began to nervously sweat and once again scratch his neck to the point where he began to bleed.

Harry was about to spring into action when suddenly a double steel door was busted wide open and a big, tall, and muscular man slowly walked inside "I am Here!".

The young students began to smile and cheer upon watching their teacher and hero All Might finally arrive, the villains actually gulped while Harry sweatdropped {... What sort of dramatic entrance is that}.

However All Might, the moment he saw Harry standing by what seemed to be a dead body jumped to conclusions, that fact that he had rushed over to save his students from a villain attack meant that he himself wasn't in the mood to wait to be told of the situation.

This is why All Might immediately jumped into action and attacked Harry confusing him as another villain and before anyone could even try to say anything he was already in front of Harry with his fist up in the air and ready to punch him.

Harry however just raised an eyebrow and stopped All Might's punch with one hand which caused a massive shockwave that caused all the students to drop on their butts

Toshinori Yagi aka All Might's eyes widen in utter shock at the fact that this villain -to him at least- was able to stop his punch with ease.

Harry grabbed hold of All Might's fist and then stared into his eyes "I don't know who you are but you're making a big mistake...".

All Might narrowed his eyes and then launched his other fist to try and hit Harry in the face, Harry however was getting tired of people trying to punch him since he got to this world and so then moved his head to the side and dodged the punch.

Using the momentum from his maneuver he spun on his heel and then lashed out a kick into All Might's chest causing him to cough up blood and then get sent flying a bit backward.

Meanwhile, Tomura and Kurogiri took advantage of the situation and silently tried to escape, Harry noticed and tried to catch them but All Might suddenly appeared in front of him, causing Harry to huff in annoyance "Tch! You're annoying!".

Harry without hesitating waved an arm and released an energy wave that hit All Might but he put up his arms to protect himself from Harry's attack.

Harry then watched as Tomura and Kurogiri ran out of the door this new guy just busted in and then a moment later he felt them disappear from his senses causing Harry to grow even more annoyed.

This was the first time in a long while since an enemy had escaped him and he was very upset about it "Damn... I should have extended the ward wider.. I just didn't expect an idiot to get in my way so suddenly".

Harry then turned towards where All Might was standing and shaking a bit from the pain caused by Harry's energy wave, Harry frowned and used his Rinnegan to analyze All Might {What the hell? This guy is literally half-dead already! How is he able to move so fast and hit that hard with his condition?}.

All Might recovered and stared at Harry, he could tell that this young man was frustrated with him and perhaps angry with him for getting in his way but he knew he was dangerous, something told him that this young man was a threat, a big one and he couldn't ignore it "Young man, I don't why you decided to attack this facility! But you won't get away with whatever your planning! I never let villains win".

Harry just raised an eyebrow as he stared at the man before him "A villain? Hmm can't say I have ever been called that before but honestly, I don't know what you're talking about, look just leave me alone, you're in no condition to fight and if you insist on doing so I won't show you any mercy".

All Might frowned, this person didn't seem interested in him and he somewhat seemed confused, the weirdest thing about all of this though, is that he didn't seem to recognize him plus he mentioned his condition and that's something that not a lot of people know about.

Before he could say anything his student and protégé Izuku suddenly spoke out loud "All Might! He's not the bad guy! It was those other two that just escaped, this guy save us!".

All Might gaped towards Izuku who sweatdropped upon watching his teacher realize he messed up, All Might then turned towards Harry who just shook his head and huffed.

All Might then coughed and stood up straight "Well in any case! Is everyone alright?!".

Everyone gaped towards All Might in shock, the same thought ran through everyone's mind at the same time {He's going to pretend nothing happened?!}.

All Might began to nervously sweat as he saw everyone giving him a weird look, Harry just sighed and walked up to his companions who were all sitting on top of Mr. Goop as if he was a beanbag.

Luna waved at him while Hermione and Susan gave him an amused smile, Harry just smiles back at them and shook his head "Sigh... we're always arriving when there's action sigh... I blame the cursed Potter luck, damn it, dad...".

The girls giggled while All Might went to check on Shota "Aisawa sorry for being late...".

Shota just sighed and slumped on the floor "Sigh... it's fine, that person over there saved everyone, you missed it but these villains were here specifically for you and they brought some kind of creature that they claimed was made just to kill you... it certainly seemed so, that thing had Quirks that made it too strong, good thing that guy took it out, that corpse over there is the creature, I don't know what he did but he turned the creature back to human, one that seems to have died a long time ago by the looks of it".

All Might frowned, all the information he just received was very concerning, he turned toward the dead body and then turned his gaze toward the young man who was able to stop his punches.

Luna jumped off Mr. Goop and then spoke up to Harry "Harry, why do you think all those kids are wearing costumes? Did we interrupt Halloween party?".

Harry chuckled and grabbed her hand "I don't really know but how about we go ask? plus that guy on the floor looks quite hurt, let's give him a hand".

Luna cheerfully smiled and nodded, Harry then turned towards Susan and Hermione who nodded and jumped down from Mr. Goop and everyone walked towards Shota and Yagi.

The two teachers and heroes stared as Harry along with the girls approached them and waited to see what he wanted to talk about.

Harry and company arrived at Shota and Yagi, Harry then began to talk "So can someone explain to me what is going on? We just arrive and we don't know what kind of situation we just got involved with".

Both teachers noticed how weird that sentence sounded, This strange young man said that they have just arrived but from where? Shota grunted and began to speak "Ugh where did you even come from? You appeared out of nowhere..".

Harry raised an eyebrow and pointed an open hand toward Shota causing both him and Yagi to tense up "'Curaga!'".

A soft green light engulfed Shota's body and instantly healed his wounds surprising both teachers.

Shota feeling better suddenly stood up and inspected his body "Everything is healed...".

Harry shrugged "You seemed to be in a lot of pain so I decided to do something about it".

Shota frowned and then stared into Harry's eyes "Just who are you? You have an alarming amount of Quirks".

Yagi narrowed his eyes towards the strange young man upon hearing about him having multiple Quirks, Harry however tilted his head "Quirks? What do you mean Quirks?".

Both Shota and Yagi stare in disbelief at Harry, Yagi then spoke "Young man, those abilities you showed, those are Quirks".

Harry looked even more confused but it was here that Izuku had arrived and spoke up while Tsuyu was speaking to Luna and poking Mr. Goop in curiosity, Mineta was on the floor somehow tide up while Susan was glaring at him "They mean your super strength, super speed, enhanced reflexes, quirk absorption, time reversion if that's what you did to that creature, energy blasts, and healing as well!".

Harry jumped a bit when the green-haired boy suddenly got too close for comfort while speaking so fast, both teachers sighed and All Might decided to speak "Young Midoriya, slowdown and give this young man some breathing room!".

Izuku froze and then jumped a bit away from Harry while apologizing to him who just raised an eyebrow to Izuku "Errr... no worries and I caught all of that, the problem is that those aren't Quirks, my physical abilities are because I'm not human, the time reversion and healing was magic, the energy wave was Ki and Quirk absorption was just me using soul and energy Manipulation".

Izuku was writing furiously in a notebook, no one knew where he got from while Yagi and Shota gaped at Harry, Tsuyu who was now on to of Mr. Goop just let out a small "Kero".

Shota looked down in thought as he analyze everything Harry just said but only one thing seemed to stand out the most from everything he just said "What do you mean you're not human?".

Harry grinned but he didn't have a chance to explain when another voice appeared out of nowhere "I would also like to hear this as well".

Harry turned around and looked for the person who just spoke but he didn't see anyone, he then began to look around confused, suddenly the voice spoke up again "Down here young man".

Harry looked down and stare at the mouse-like creature in a fancy suit who was grinning at him, he was about to speak but then Luna squealed in delight, and in a blur, she had the strange creature in her arms and hugging it tightly.

Everyone sweatdropped when they saw the strange creature actually melt in Luna's arms and smile content for some reason Harry chuckled "Ah well... I think I've seen everything now..".


After a while more teachers appeared and began to help the injured and arrest all of the villains that were defeated, Hermione healed the woman who was very injured and proceeded to ask her why was she wearing a space suit.

Afterward, Harry, the girls, and Mr. Goop were taken to Nezu's office along with All Might and Shota, where everybody can peacefully speak, Harry then explained most of what was going on to Nezu who seemed very interested in the fact that Harry and his companions had come from another world, a world where magic and supernatural creatures were the norms.

Harry after explaining their situation then told them about how the had arrived right in the middle of the whole USJ mess and seeing that someone was about to die he decided to intervene and so he dealt with the creature, he was about to deal with the other villains when All Might arrived and started attacking him for some unknown reason "I didn't want to hurt this guy anymore than he already is so I tried to get him out of the way but he was too stubborn".

All Might and Nezu stared at Harry until Nezu spoke up to ask "How do you know about All Might's condition? That's been kept a secret in this world".

Harry turned his gaze towards All Might for a second before turning his gaze back to Nezu "All Might huh? What a stupid name for a superhero. The sad part is that it isn't the worst one I've heard, my eyes are special, they allow me to see all kinds of things, like the physical condition of people to even their souls".

Nezu nodded in understanding while All Might sweatdropped at his name being attacked like that, however, Shota frowned and spoke up "Do you honestly expect us to believe that you came from another world? That you can use magic and whatnot? It's illogical to believe such nonsense!".

Harry shrugged "I could care less if you believe me or not, I don't know you and I don't care about you besides it doesn't change the fact that if I wanted to I could destroy this entire solar system with a snap of my fingers".

Shota growled and stepped forward towards Harry but Luna waved a hand and turn him into a teddy bear causing both Nezu and All Might to jump in surprise "There now stay like that until you calm down!".

Harry chuckled and shook his head in amusement if there was someone that anyone should fear it is Luna Lovegood, she might be a sweet and caring girl but as the master of darkness, she has a very vindictive mind when she wants to.

Nezu stared at the teddy bear Shota was turned into, it had Shota's black long hair and his tired red eyes but everything else was all teddy bear, All Might walked up to it and picked it up, he stared at it for a good minute and then placed it on top of Nezu's desk, Nezu himself then turned towards Harry "Earlier before, you mentioned something about not being human, what did you mean by that?".

All Might gaped at the fact that Nezu was ignoring the fact that one of his teachers was turned into a teddy bear while Harry then grinned at Nezu "I'm a Dragon God, Luna, Susan and Hermione are Mages very powerful and skilled ones at that, though Luna is something else as well but that's up to her to tell you if she wants to".

Nezu rubbed his chin as he began to absorb everything he just heard and seen "What are your plans in this world Harry?".

Harry just smiled and shrugged "Honestly we're only here for a vacation, we don't have any plans other than to spend time together and have fun".

Nezu began to chuckle while All Might looked completely stunned upon hearing the reason for Harry to jump into this world, Nezu then spoke up "Then how would you like to help in this school of mine Harry? Here in U.A we train children to become heroes!".

Harry tilted his head "Heroes? This is a school for superheroes? Why? Being a hero is not something that can be taught, it is something that is sparked in the hearts of people".

All Might and Nezu nodded in agreement to Harry's sentiment but they still had to explain how things work in this world and they did, Harry listened intently at how the government took control and made laws to control the use of superpowers and tried to avoid children from growing up as villains by creating a school system to inspire them into becoming heroes.

Harry didn't exactly like everything he just heard, he could understand some of the reasons but he just couldn't accept them, so he frowned something that Nezu noticed but he waited for Harry to speak up "... I'm not a hero and I'll never be one... I have always considered myself a selfish monster that just wants to keep his loved ones safe... but I have met real Heroes, people willing to sacrifice everything to protect everything, selfless and kind men and women that faced many dangers and had even died only to get up again and keep fighting to save their world but this... fanaticism of heroes, commercializing heroism and controlling when and where people should save a life seems utterly stupid to me".

All Might frowned but Nezu nodded, he knew of what Harry meant with his words, Harry then went on "What does the government expect? For someone to just patiently wait for a hero to come by and saved them when they need help, for someone to just stand there and watch an injustice happening and not do anything about it because they don't have a piece of paper saying that you have been approved to help? What about some of the students I saw today? Some of them had darkness in their hearts, a darkness that tells me that they don't deserve to be heroes".

All Might looked ready to protest but Nezu raised a hand stopping him from speaking, Nezu then spoke "Yes everything you just have said is correct, I myself was a victim of a hero not being there to help me in my hour of need and no doubt there are others like me out there but this is why I hope that with my school that I'm able to teach the new generation how to be good and kind heroes but I need all the help I can get not only to show them the way but prepare them to be just as you had described true heroes".

All Might frowned but didn't say anything, he knew Nezu had suffered a lot at the hands of humans and that no one had bothered to save him until he came along so he can't blame his old friend for having that kind of mentality.

Harry frowned and looked down but then he felt someone grab his hand and he turned towards who had grabbed it, he smiled when he noticed that it was Luna who had grabbed his hand.

Luna gave Harry a soft and kind smile "You have always helped people Harry, why not help a couple of young people become real heroes, show the world what real ones look like, like you did with the Avengers?".

Harry sighed but softly smiled at Luna, Nezu grinned while All Might then spoke up with a question "The Avengers?".

Hermione smiled and nodded "The Avengers are a group of superheroes from another world that Harry help train, he was also a member of this team and together they protected that world against pretty much anything, super villains, aliens invasions, gods, demons, magic users and even the government itself!".

Nezu then laughed excitedly while All Might just looked like he had given up and just accepted the fact that these people weren't normal, Harry just smiled at Hermione and caress her cheek causing her to blush and smile at Harry, Susan pouted and jump on Harry's back "Hey Harry, pamper me too!".

Harry grinned "Okay, okay just let me finish speaking with the rat okay?".

Susan grinned and nuzzled his neck, Harry then turned towards Nezu "Okay, so what exactly are you asking me to do Nezu?".

Nezu maliciously grinned "I would like you to teach and show these young inspiring heroes how dark and hard the path they have chosen is! I want you to use your vast experience to give them a piece of reality!".

All Might was now very worried about his students and even more so about his protégé Izuku, especially since he could see Harry maliciously grin "Ah! You know what Nezu? You and I are going to get along just fine!".

Both Nezu and Harry then began to cackle in evil glee causing All Might and Hermione to sweatdrop and Susan to giggle at her boyfriend's antics.

Luna and Mr. Goop decided to join in the cackling as it seemed like both Harry and Nezu were having a lot of fun.

This is how Nezu's office was filled with the sounds of four cackling people and at the same moment, each and every student in U.A had a collective sense of dread that caused a cold shiver to go down their spine.

Throughout the rest of the day, everyone who was a student of U.A was tense, nervous, or at times downright terrified, almost as if Death itself had them by the necks.


In Death's domain, Death herself was laughing very hard at the fact that so many souls were fearing her and they didn't even know why "Fufufu, my beloved master seems like he's about to have a lot of fun soon".


Back with Harry and company, after Luna, Mr. Goop, Nezu, and Harry finished cackling they began to speak about how everything would work out.

First Nezu was going to give them some land so Harry could build a house where he and the girls along with Mr. Goop could live in peace and comfort.

However, Harry had told both All Might and Nezu that he had no intention of following this world's idiotic laws in heroism and if the government tried to do something then he would bring destruction upon them.

Nezu agreed not really caring about what the government had to say and if they wanted to do something stupid like pissing off a legitimate deity then they deserve to be taught a lesson.

All Might began to nervously sweat and inwardly pray that the government never tried to do something stupid.

Harry also told him that he would not be allowing anyone with darkness in their heart to continue to pretend to want to be heroes, he would gladly take their powers away and leave them to live the rest of their life without their precious Quirk.

This was the only thing Nezu didn't like but he could understand why Harry would want to do this so he told him that if that's the case, to first come to him to talk about it before he makes a decision.

After thinking about it for a while Harry, in the end, decided to agree with that condition alleviating the concerns and worries of both Nezu and All Might.

And so Harry will now begin to teach the young heroes in training of U.A, Shota upon being turned back to normal wasn't happy that this had happened and the fact that he couldn't even protest it just made things worse but Harry just chuckled "And what makes you think I care about your protest? You do things your way and I'll do mine my way".

Shota frowned but didn't say anything else, in some ways he agreed with Harry's way of thinking but he also thought that he was being too extreme about it but like Harry just said he has every right to do things his way, especially since he himself certainly does things his way as well.

After that Nezu took them towards a big empty lot inside the school and Harry wasted no time in using his Mokuton (Wood Style) to create a wood house just for him, the girls, and Mr. Goop.

Shota, All Might, and Nezu gaped at the ease Harry had created such a big house and then watched in awe and amazement as Luna, Hermione, and Susan began to use magic to ward, expand and add utilities to the house.

Nezu was certainly impressed "Amazing... you made this wooded house self-sustained, I think I saw miss Hermione carve what I believe were runes, is that how you did all of this?".

Hermione smiled and nodded "Yes! I used Runes to create clean water, to turn mana into electricity, automatic cooling and heating runes to keep everything comfortable here, and a few other things".

Nezu nodded "I see, what about what you did to make the rooms bigger, you even added more somehow".

Susan was the one who answered his question "Oh! Those were standard wandmagic expansion spells and space and time manipulation to create more rooms".

Nezu was very interested in such useful and exciting abilities that magic seems to provide "How interesting, who taught you to do all of this by the way?".

Luna grinned and then spoke next "Hermione and Susan learned wandmagic in a school for Witches and Wizards, Harry taught us everything else! and even gave us all kinds of abilities too".

Nezu turned to Harry who was taking out furniture from his Inventory that he had prepared for when he had decided to world jump with the girls "Is that so, Harry you can give other people powers".

Harry turned towards Nezu and nodded "Yup, I have given all kinds of skills, spells, and techniques to my family and friends, I know that I'm not always going to be there to protect them so I gave them the means to protect themselves but that's it, every one put in the dedication and hard work to master everything I gave them".

The girls smiled and nodded, while Nezu nodded in agreement to Harry, after all, why shouldn't he share his power with those he loves? Shota and All Might were busy looking at everything but then Shota turned toward Mr. Goop who was cheerfully smiling and just standing beside Nezu who didn't seem to mind him "I've been meaning to ask but what is this thing?".

Shota pointed at Mr. Goop who just blinked in surprise, Luna giggled and answered Shota's questions "That's Mr. Goop and he's a good slime!".

Shota and now All Might stared into Mr. Goop's eyes for a long minute, Shota then commented "This is a slime? Aren't they supposed to be weak and small? This guy seems to be made of metal and for some reason, he's giving me last boss vibes...".

Nezu grinned while All Might spoke up next "Well I got to say he does have quite the impressive mustache! Hmm I wish I could grow one like that".

Mr. Goop actually wiggled upon hearing All Might's comments about his mustache while everyone else chuckled or giggled, Harry then spoke "Well Mr. Goop started as a small blue slime but since he became Luna's familiar he has grown and evolved over time now he's what he's known as a Kaiser Metal Slime, which is literally some of the most powerful types of slimes there is and he's not even done evolving yet".

Shota sweatdropped while All Might nodded and spoke "Ah that makes sense, it must be the mustache".

Luna smiled and cheerfully nodded "I know right! I wonder what he'll evolve into next?".

Everyone smiled however Harry suddenly heard a small and full of pain call for help through what he knew was God's system which was now connected to this world thanks to him and his domains {Ouch...someone, anybody... please... save me}.

Harry looked around and narrowed his eyes, the last time this happened was when Luna needed help so he wasn't going to ignore this "Someone needs help... someone is suffering too much right now, Nezu looks like I'll be causing some chaos, I apologize in advance".

Nezu frowned but nodded "Who is it? Who needs help?".

Harry stared into Nezu's eyes "I don't know but it sounds like a child a very young one at that".

Nezu nodded "Then what are you waiting for go!".

Harry grinned and then waved a hand opening a dark corridor "I'll be back soon, girls prepare another room please".

With that said, Harry stepped into the dark corridor which disappeared as soon as Harry stepped through.


Meanwhile a little pale girl with bluish-white hair and red eyes, she also had an odd horn on her head, this little girl was strapped into a table as she was being cut into, just like always all she could do was cry and pray for someone to save her, to take her away from all this pain.

But as always she didn't think anyone would come, after all, no one ever did no matter how much she prayed but she still had a small glimmer of hope that someday someone will come to save her.

This little girl had no way of knowing that today was the day that someone will answer her prayers and that someone will change her life for the better.
