
Chapter 32 : NOT a Morning Person(1)


Before you read this chapter I will say that you need to remember that the Titans now know that he has abilities, so he won't be trying to hide them as much as before.


"Wind Style: Concussive Force Technique!"

From between Naruto's hands a small bullet of air shot out towards the two Leaf-nin, almost invisible to the naked eye, before stopping in the air about five foot away from them. It seemed to be creating a high pitched buzzing sound and for a moment nothing happed, the small ball of compact air just hovering. Then the noise started to get louder and higher in pitch, the air inside it seeming to spin faster and faster as if building up to something. His eyes widening as he realised what was happening, Kakashi quickly grabbed Lee by the back of his cloak and jumped away, trying to put as much distance between them and the ball as he could.

The Titans watched as another of the seals on the blondes back flashed and not a second later the barely visible ball of air exploded outward, still keeping to it spherical shape, and pushing everything it touched outwards.

Realising that they were still in range of the technique, Kakashi and Lee braced for impact, right before they were thrown of their feet, despite the fact they were using chakra to hole them rooted to the ground, before smashing into one of the buildings that lined the street. The force of the jutsu had destroyed almost the entire street, the buildings looking like they had been hit by a bulldozer. In the centre of the destruction was a shallow indent in the ground with a circle of completely empty space around it for about a hundred feet in every direction. Stood at the very edge of the destruction was Naruto, staring at the two ninja embedded in the wall in front of him, his face completely blank of all emotion.

The six teens behind him could only look at the damage the blonde had caused in complete shock, that fact that it didn't even seem to tire him out scaring them more then anything. Were they really this weak compared to Naruto? It was like he was on a whole other level to them. The sound of rock crumbing drew all their attention back to the two masked men as they pulled themselves out of the wall, falling to the ground on their hands and knees because they were too weak to stand, panting heavily.

For Kakashi and Lee their thoughts were surprisingly similar to the six Titans. How had Naruto, the dead last in the academy, the loud mouthed idiot that always made them laugh, become so strong? They had been cut off from the Elemental Nations ever since arriving in this world, having to rely on the jutsu and fighting styles the silver haired jonin had copied over his years as a Leaf-nin to continue their training, but that was more then the blonde had. Yet Naruto had completely outclassed them at almost every turn. Looking up as the sound of footsteps echoed around the silent street, they watched as the whiskered teen slowly walked towards them before stopping a few meters away.

"I gave you two warnings to leave me alone; this was your last strike. It's time I send a message to the rest of your team."

Instead of the seals on his back flashing like the last time he used a jutsu, this time the blonde used his hands to make the seals.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball technique!"

The large blazing ball of heat charged at the two injured Leaf-nin, who were unable to move out to the way, the Titans starring in horror at the spot they had been before they were blocked from view by the smoke that covered the erupted on contact. But when the smoke cleared nothing was there, the two masked men seeming to have disappeared into thin air. Then they saw where Naruto was looking and followed his gaze to the top of a building that had survived his last attack to see two more masked figures holding the two that had moments ago been about to be cooked.

For a moment nothing happened, Naruto and the two uninjured figures just starring at each other in complete silence before without warning the two on the roof disappeared in a swirl of wind and leafs.

After a few second had passed and he was sure they had gone, Naruto let out a deep sigh, his expressionless facade disappearing in an instant to be replaced by his usual calm one, as he turned to look at the six teens that were all starring at him with mixed expressions of amazement and fear. The only exception to this was Raven, who had a thoughtful look on hers.

Shrugging his shoulders, Naruto closed his eyes and smiled at them all.

"Well, that was fun."


The moment they got back to the warehouse both Kakashi and Lee were rushed to the makeshift medical wing they had built, at Sakura's insistence, and were lay down on two of the four beds. Seconds later the pink haired medic-nin came rushing in, Hinata and Ino right behind her, and started to run diagnostic jutsu in order to determine the damage as the two figures that had saved them removed there masks to reveal Sasuke and Shikamaru.

Lee had a broken nose, four broken ribs, two cracked ribs, a punctured lung, a minor concussion and several bruises on his arms and legs. Kakashi was in an even worse state, five broken ribs, four cracked, a punctured lung, internal bleeding and a burn on his right arm from the fireball that had been fired at them before they were saved at the last minute.

While the three girls rushed around the room getting what they needed to help the two injured Leaf-nin, Sasuke watched them with an unreadable expression on his face as the lazy Nara crouched down in a corner of the room and put his hands into a familiar seal, his eyes closed as he tuned out everything that was going on.

The plan had been simple, have Kakashi engage Naruto so that they could get an estimate of his skills and use a shadow clone with an explosive bomb attached to it as a decoy as a backup plan, they would have used the 'Great Clone Explosion Technique', but apparently that was one of the few Jutsu Kakashi didn't know. The exploding tag was supposed to have enough power to disorientate the blonde, giving himself and Sasuke enough time to swoop in and grab the teen while Kakashi and Lee made a quick get away. But the seal had been stronger then they were expecting, the only jonin of there team having just enough knowledge in the sealing arts to create a basic exploding tag. He could only assume that a mistake in the seal matrix was the cause of the larger then planned explosion.

The biggest problem was that now Naruto thought they were trying to kill him in stead of capture, a perfectly reasonable assumption given the circumstances, but the fact that he had went for the kill shot meant that any restraints he had been using before were gone.

Then there was the fact that Naruto had apparently found a way to use jutsu without handseals with the use of Fuuinjutsu which, while impressive, was also very dangerous. Though he didn't miss the fact the blonde had used handseals for the 'Great Fireball'. They knew from what Sasuke and Hinata had told them that he could use wind manipulation without handseals to at least some extent, but this was beyond anything they were prepared for. The fact that his already impressive healing ability had increased so much was just a bonus

That just left the question of how he had learned so much about seals. He knew for a fact that the blonde would never have been able to learn about such a complicated art in Konoha, as much as he and the others hated the way he was treated it didn't make a difference right now, which meant he had learned it in the last three years since being in this world. But how was that possible, had he been going between worlds to steal scrolls, not likely, if Kakashi couldn't use summons then neither could Naruto. Had he stolen them before leaving the village, again not likely because they would have been told about it before being dispatched to bring him back. That left option three; Naruto already had the scrolls before he left.

It was the most logical answer, though where and why he had them to begin with was something to think about at a later date, and with his clones passing on everything they learn back to him Naruto could read and learn almost anything. What would take most ninja years would only take him hours if he made enough shadow clones, and with his higher then average chakra reserves he could make as many as he wanted.

The only other thing Shikamaru had noticed was that, with the exception of when he was using KI, Naruto seemed to be in complete control over himself. He had seen the blonde right eye change to red, just like Sasuke had said it did, right as the smoke had cleared before turning back to normal. That meant he had better control over his other personalities then they thought he did.

When he put all of the information together it all added up to one thing, they had underestimated Naruto, severely so. For all they knew the blonde teen could be at Kage level by now, though that was a bit of a stretch, and they had no real way to determine his true level because of his clones, and the fact was that until they did they had almost no chance of beating him without lethal force.

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