
Luka x Jagged Stone's Niece! Reader

This was requested by @Mslz11. Go check them out! Thanks for reading! Spider alert: This is pretty long.

You waved goodbye to your parents as the plane departed. You were coming from (C/n) to Paris, France to stay with your uncle, Jagged Stone. He invited you to stay the summer with him and open his summer season with him.

You met up at the airport with your uncle and started your adventure. "We'll go to my place and chill for the day. Tomorrow is when we'll get our rock on!", he explained to you. You chuckled and walked alongside him.

"How's Fang?", you asked him. He replied with a thumbs up as you approached his limo. You got in and the driver began driving to Jagged's hotel. (I can't remember where he lives. I think he lives in a hotel. Sorry.)

You exited the limo and walked inside the huge place. Jagged led you to his room where you put all your things up in the separate room. There was a knock on your door and your uncle peeped his head in.

"Just a little heads up. Your mom requested you attend school here until the end of the semster. She doesn't want you to miss out on anything." And with that, he scurried back to his room. You groaned at the boring news.

You got settled in and laid down on your bed. You shut your eyes and went to sleep. You had a strange dream about meeting a Caribbean blue haired boy.

When you woke up you yawned and got out of bed. You got ready for school, knowing it was Wednesday. When you were ready you went into Jagged's room.

"Hey, Ragged."

He twitched in his sleep at the nickname. His eyes shot open and he was about to yell for Fang until he saw you standing there. "Oh, hey kid. What are you waiting for? Get to school.", he ordered.

You shifted back and forth nervously. "What," he questioned, "You don't know the way?" You shook your head while laughing.

He got out of bed and got ready while you waited in your room. He called your name and walked into your room. "Let's go. I don't want (M/n) (Mom's name) getting mad at me 'cause you were late on your first day."

You hopped off your bed and walked alongside him. You thought about what your new school would be like. You got in the limo with your uncle and went to school.

To sum things up, your uncle appeared to be more famous than he once told you. He was swarmed by lots of teenage fans at the school. You laughed and waved at him before skipping your way to school.

"Wait, (Y/n)! Don't leave me here!"

You smirked as you entered the school. You knew he was exaggerating. He always did that when you were around.

You entered the classroom the front office guided you to. You stared at the mass of empty seats. you predicted.

You took a seat at one of the middle benches as the teacher walked in. She had reddish orange hair in a bun. She looked at you and smiled.

"Oh, hello. You must be (Y/n), Jagged Stone's niece."

You nodded your head and waited for the students to pour in. They all started piling in one by one. A girl with black hair and purple highlights sat down next to you.

You found out her name was Juleka and became friends with her. She introduced you to the entire class. You found out Chloe was going to be a stick in the mud.

When school ended you bid goodbye to everyone and met up with your uncle. "How was the first day, kiddo?", he surveyed. You smiled and answered, "It was great. A lot better than my old school."

He asked you random questions as you both were in his limo. You got to his hotel and entered his room. "Ok, we need to get started on my summer jams. Got anything?", he asked you.

You thought about it. "We could open up with Spring's Residue (Random name)." He agreed and you both went to work.

Juleka had invited you to her house to chill. You had become best friends and wanted to hang out together. You approached the address she gave you and giggled when you saw a ship.

"I...must have the wrong address."

You turned around until a voice stopped you. "Hey, are you (Y/n)?" You turned back around to see a boy with Caribbean blue highlights.

Something felt familiar about him. You shook it off and nodded your head. "Yeah, who are you?", you countered.

He rubbed the back of his neck as he came closer to you. He climbed down the ladder and walked over to you. "I'm Luka, Juleka's brother.", he answered.

You took in his features. It struck you like a lightning bolt. He was the boy from that dream you had.

He led you onto the boat where Juleka was waiting for you. "Hey, (Y/n).", she greeted. You waved at her and said, "Hey. What's up?" She cleared her throat and looked behind you.


You turned around to see Luka staring at you. You quirked an eyebrow at him and saw his cheeks flush red. "Can I help you?", you asked politely.

He blinked and shook his head. "Uh, sorry. It's just that-You look very similar to a rock star I listen to. Have you ever heard of (R/n) (Rockstar name)?" You laughed as you nodded your head.

"Indeed I have. Because I am (R/n)."

He went wide eyes and pulled out a pen and paper. "C-could you sign this poster? A-and maybe some of my guitar pi-" He was cut off by Juleka.

"Stop it, bro! You're ruining any chance I have at a normal friend...again!" You giggled as you took the pen and paper from his hand. You signed it and gave it back to him with a wink.

He blushed as you turned around and followed Juleka. She led you to her room where y'all played random games and called your friends. When it was late you big her goodbye and left.

"(Y/n)! Come in here!"

You ran into your uncle's room and sighed. "What is it, Raggs?" He flinched at the nickname but left it alone.

"The concert starts this afternoon. Tell all your little girl friends you can't make their plans.", he informed you. You chuckled at his comment. "Actually, I already told them where I would be. Everyone wants to come meet you."

He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "You can bring all of them, but only one of them is allowed backstage. Deal?" You shook his hand and said, "Deal."

After you got ready for the concert, there was still an hour left. You decided to call Juleka and ask to come over. When she picked up the phone and heard your rewuest, she complied.

You thanked her and hung up the phone. You told Jagged where you would be considering his concert location wasn't far from Juleka's ship. You ran out and slowed down and walked to her place.

When you got there Luka greeted you. "Hey, Luka.", you responded. Juleka came from her room onto the deck and saw you.

"Hey, (Y/n)! Why did you want to come so suddenly?"

You gave a small whistle as you slithered three bracelets from your pocket. Her eyes widened as you handed her one. "Are these Jagged Stone tickets?!", she screeched.

"Yep.", you answered her. You turned around and faced Luka. He looked a bit disappointed.

"Haha! Don't look like that, Luka! I brought one for you too, you know?" His head lifted and he smiled. "Really, (Y/n)?"

You nodded as you handed him the other two bracelets. He eyed the second one peculiarly. "Is-is this a backstage pass?!"

You nodded with a close-eyed smile. "Sure is. Raggs said I could invite as many friends as I wanted but only one gets in backstage."

He suddenly wrapped his arms around you and said, "Thank you, (Y/n). I..." You patted his back and pulled away. "You're welcome. Now let's go! Raggs will unleash Fang on me if we're not there in thirty minutes!"

You all took off running to the concert. When you got there you were nearly out of breath. Your uncle approached you and he didn't look happy.

"(Y/n), I I told you to be here ten minutes ago! Come on."

He grabbed your wrist and led you backstage to his dressing room. He shut the door and eyed you. "Have you memorized all your parts?", he asked as he started fixing your outfit.

Turns out running isn't good for a fancy rock outfit.

You nodded your head and sighed. you thought. (Anybody get the reference? No? Ok. I'll go hide in the corner now.).

Once Raggs was done checking your outfit, it was ready for the concert to start. He led you on stage where the crowd was even bigger than the ones for your concerts. "Hello, everybody! I have someone very special with me today!", your uncle yelled.

The crowd roared even louder. You waved at them beside Jagged. He handed you the mic.

"Hey! I'm (R/n)! Raggs here invited me to stay in Paris, and might I say. It's wonderful here!"

Everyone cackled at your nickname for your uncle and cheered. Jagged started playing on his guitar as you started singing. (I'm not going to make an entire song since this oneshot is already so long lol.).

When you were done with the concert, you went backstage where you saw Luka. You ran up to him and waved. "That was awesome, (Y/n)!", he complimented.


You talked with him until Raggs came over. "Who's this, (Y/n)? Your boyfriend?" You facepalmed and turned to him.



"What?!" You turned to Luka with wide eyes. He laughed and took your hand.

"(Y/n), will you by my girlfriend?"

His question threw you off. Raggs' laughter brought you back to reality. "What's so funny?", you asked him.

"Nothing, nothing.", he insisted. You sighed and looked at Luka. You gave him a smile.

"Of course I will."

He smiled back and embraced you. "Alright, alright. No hugging on my watch." Jagged pulled you two apart and chuckled.

"Your mother wouldn't approve of me if I allowed that, now would she?", he whispered in your ear. You nodded and laughed. You cleared your throat.

"Right then. Luka, let's go."

You led him away from Jagged and hugged him. "Hey, he said not on his watch. He's not watch-" You were cut off by Luka smashing his lips against yours.

He pulled away and smirked.

"He's not watching, right?"

You kissed him back.


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