
Chapter 52

‘Shall we go outside? Get some fresh air.’ Draco asked. Hermione lifted her head up off his shoulder. They had danced the whole time, until the ball was over. They had been cleaning up and Hermione insisted on staying. Everyone was gone to bed and Draco and Hermione were the only ones who were still in the Great Hall. They had sat down at the table, which was the last one standing and Hermione had, out of exhaustion, laid her head down on his shoulder. ‘Yes sure.’ she said with a small smile. She stood up and waited for Draco to take the lead. She walked after him out of the Great Hall and then out of the castle. The sky was filled with stars, no clouds to be found. Draco took her to the Black Lake where he sat down on the bench, Hermione following his lead. She looked at the black water which reflected the full moon. It was a beautiful evening. ‘Thank you Draco.’ she said. ‘For what?’ he asked. ‘Arranging the ball and being just the way you are.’ she said. Draco looked sideways at her. ‘You know it’s weird, when I woke up I couldn’t believe we had been in a relationship before I hit my head, but now, now I can understand.’ she said. ‘The funny thing is though.’ Draco said looking back down at his hands that were laying in his lap. ‘That you made me change and become like this.’ Draco said. ‘I did?’ Hermione asked looking at him. Draco nodded. ‘Because of you I wanted to be a good man, be someone who helped people, someone who people wanted to be around, someone worth living, someone that would be good enough for you.’ Draco said. Hermione’s sight became blurry. ‘Really?’ she asked. ‘Yes.’ he said looking sideways at her. ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her close to him. ‘Nothing, it’s just-‘ she said and then taking a deep breath. ‘Just that I’m in love with you.’ she thought, but some way she was afraid to say it. ‘Just what?’ Draco asked concerned. She looked up at him with a tear rolling down her cheek. Draco cupped her cheek with his hand that was not pressing her close to him. ‘You know.’ he said. ‘Someone told me that I didn’t need to forget that she loved me.’ Draco said looking at Hermione. ‘Who said that?’ Hermione asked. Draco looked down at his hands and then back up at Hermione. ‘That girl was you.’ Draco said. Hermione raised her eyebrows and wiped a tear away. ‘I said that?’ she asked. Draco nodded. Hermione looked down at her hands. Draco lifted his hand up and placed his finger under her chin, tilting her head back up so she had to look him in the eyes. Draco slowly started to lean forwards to her and just before he touched her lips with his, he stopped moving. ‘Do I have permission to kiss you? Before I get another slap in the face.’ he said. Hermione chuckled and then closed the little space that was left between them placing her lips on his. She felt the butterflies in her stomach, she felt the heat tingling from her lips to the rest of her body, making everything warm. Hermione pulled away, looking at Draco. ‘I’m sorry.’ she said with flushed cheeks. ‘Don’t be.’ he said with a small smile.

Hermione walked into the Great Hall and sat down next to Harry. ‘And?’ Ginny asked. ‘What?’ ‘Do you remember anything?’ Hermione rolled her eyes. ‘Good morning to you too.’ Hermione said. ‘Well?’ Ginny asked. ‘Gin, give the girl a break. She just woke up.’ Harry said. Ginny gave her boyfriend a deadly glare as Ron sat down next to his sister, opposite from Hermione. ‘Oi, that looks like a good start of the day.’ Ron said. Hermione chuckled. ‘How did you like the masquerade ball?’ Harry asked. ‘It was amazing.’ Hermione said smiling. ‘Glad you liked it, Draco was a huge pain in the arse.’ Harry said. Hermione laughed. ‘Funny thing is, I’m not even questioning that.’ Hermione said. Harry smiled. ‘He’s a good guy.’ Harry said. ‘At least he’s not like he was a year ago.’ Ron said. ‘Nobody is like they were last year.’ Hermione said. ‘True.’ Ginny said. ‘I mean look at you, you’ve changed so much.’ Ginny said looking at Hermione. ‘Happenings in life change you. And there has happened quite a lot in the past months.’ Hermione said. Ginny smirked. ‘And the past night.’ she said. Hermione widened her eyes and she felt she started to blush. ‘HA! I knew it!’ Ginny said. ‘Ah dammit!’ Hermione hissed. ‘You betrayed yourself.’ Ginny said. ‘I know.’ Hermione sighed. ‘What are you girls talking about?’ Ron asked. ‘So what did you do with Malfoy?’ Ginny asked smirking. ‘Oh for Merlin’s sake! I’m eating!’ Ron said. Ginny rolled her eyes. ‘Tell me!’ Ginny said. ‘Gin, really? Here? Where everyone could hear her?’ Harry said. ‘You’re not getting rid of me that easy Granger, we’ll talk later.’ Ginny said. Hermione sighed and started her breakfast, just as Draco walked in the Great Hall. Hermione looked at him and when his gaze met hers she fast looked down at her plate. Ginny turned around to see Draco looking at them and she raised her eyebrows. Draco shook his head as an answer. Ginny frowned and mouthed ‘It’ll be all right.’ Draco sat down at the Slytherin table and Ginny turned back to her friends. Hermione took another bite of her toast and didn’t dare to look Ginny in the eyes. ‘So what really happened?’ Ginny asked. ‘Gin-‘ Harry started. ‘No, I’m serious Hermione, what happened?’ Ginny asked with the most serious tone ever. Hermione sighed. ‘Well after everyone was gone and Draco and I were alone,  we went outside to get some fresh air and we talked and all of a sudden we’re kissing. It was strange, and no before you ask it, I didn’t get my memory back. Anyways, we went inside, but something felt off, as if I was doing something I shouldn’t do. And the feeling became worse with every step I made. When we reached our common room we sat down and Draco tried to kiss me again, but I refused, I told him I couldn’t do it. That it felt wrong. Then I stood up and ran off to my room.’ Hermione told them. Ginny gave her a sad look. ‘What felt wrong exactly?’ ‘I don’t know, maybe the idea alone of Draco and I together.’ Hermione said. ‘It’s weird and strange. Something unnatural.’ Hermione said. Harry frowned. ‘Sure it weren’t just nerves?’ Harry asked. Hermione shook her head. ‘It’s strange.’ Hermione said. ‘I thought it might….. well maybe get us somewhere. That it maybe could work, even though the idea of us together is crazy.’ Hermione said. ‘Not as crazy as you think.’ Ginny said. ‘It worked once, why wouldn’t it work a second time?’ Ginny asked. Hermione smiled. ‘I know you’re doing the things you do with the best intentions Gin, but you can’t push me into something I don’t feel comfortable about.’ Hermione said. Ginny nodded frowning. ‘We’re here for you.’ Harry said. Hermione nodded. ‘I know and I appreciate that, but I’d rather be alone now.’ Hermione said standing up and making her way out of the Great Hall, ignoring the eyes burning into her back.

Hermione had been avoiding her friends, but mostly Ginny for the whole day and if it weren’t for the fact that she needed a book for research, she would’ve stayed in her room all day. Hermione fast made her way down to the library, picking up her book and then making her way back upstairs. Hermione walked up to the seventh floor, but she had the strange feeling she was being followed. When she turned around she saw a quick flash of a shadow. She turned a corner and when she was halfway the corridor she turned around again, but she didn’t see anyone. She fastened her step and said the password as she arrived at the portrait, she walked in the common room.  Just when Hermione turned around Draco stood behind her and placed his lips against hers. She felt his hand cupping her cheek as the warmth from his touch filled her stomach with butterflies. Draco pulled away and looked down at her. ‘Why are we keeping this a secret again?’ he whispered.

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