
512. July the 4th Part III ~The Time-Turner~

Luz stares at Belos with absolute horror. "You... killed him..."

"You're next, Luz..." said Belos.

He Wahrewoges into a Zerstorer and summons several Dementors all trying to suck Luz's and the other's souls. They circle around them as their cloaks float like dark feathers of death in the air. Shreds of their cloak fall and float down.

"(Expecto Patronum!)" whispered Luz. Nothing happens. "(Expecto-...)"

Suddenly, her soul in the form of flames begins to get sucked out of her body by the Dementors.


Anne's soul is nearly sucked completely. Gabby's soul is barely sucked because of the tattoos around her body. But Amity's soul begins to join the Dementors.

Luz begins to go limp. Her body weakens and she feels weaker than usual. "(Expecto-...)"

"EXPECTO... PATRONUM!!!" yelled a female voice.

Suddenly, a beautiful Owl Spirit appeared and began burning the Dementors with its light.

Out of annoyance, Belos yells, "AVADA-!!!"

The Owl Anting-Anting begins to split into pieces revealing a strange modified Time-Turner. Within the Time-Turner is an Infinity Stone known as the Time-Stone.

"WHAT!?!?" asked Belos. "An Infinity Stone!?"

The orbs around the stone begin to orbit it, beginning to spin faster. The stone grabs Luz, Amity, Anne, and Gabby...


Everyone wakes up in the dungeon.

"Luz...?" asked Amity. "Where are we...?"

Weird Rick is seen in front of them, turned around while taking a nap on his table.

The four sneak away and reach the tunnels with several jail cells around. These were the tunnels where Luz was locked up earlier. In the tunnels, they find a jail cell where Dipper, Mabel, Sasha, Marcy, Polly, and Hopediah stayed unconscious. The lock is enchanted.

"(Aufero Effectum,)" said Gabby, as all the padlocks lost their enchantment.

"(What was that spell?)" whispered Luz.

"(It disables all charms for one day...)" whispered Gabby. "(Only a powerful magic user can do such a thing...)"

"(I used Pallius Sensus on all of us to cloak us from the Zauberbiests and Hexenbiests nearby...)" whispered Gabby.

"(Wake 'em up,)" whispered Amity.

"(Rennervate...)" whispered Luz, waking up Dipper, Mabel, Sasha, Marcy, Polly, and Hopediah.

Dipper does a few Karate chops and says "Ha! Hoo! Hiya!"

"GRAPPLING HOOK!!!" Mabel shoots Dipper in the face with a grappling hook.

He gains a black eye. "OW!!! Mabel!!!"

Sasha punches Marcy, yelling, "AH!!!"

"Ow!" Marcy grabs her cheek.

Polly tazes Hopediah.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" Hopediah yelled in the background.

Weird Rick wakes up.

"(You guys gotta get outta here... Dipper? Gimme my sling ring...)" said Luz.

Dipper nods and gives it to Luz.

Luz opens a portal and the others sneak into the portal back to Hellsing Organization Headquarters.

Amity then feels something strange. So, she turns to the left just by the door and peers through the corner, seeing a familiar lock of hair. Amity then steps to the side and is shocked by what she sees.

"(Wait... Luz... that's you...)" said Amity, seeing Luz in another cell.

"(What's going on...?)" asked Anne.

"(You used one of Dad's modified Time Turners...)" said Gabby.

"(We need to get you out of here...)" said Amity.

"(No! I got out by myself! Trust the timeline...)" said Luz. "(We have to go!)"

Luz opens a portal. "(I think we should go to the fight!)"

Suddenly, the Time-Turner begins to rotate at an extremely fast pace.

The portal changes destination to some kind of bush.

"What the hell...?" asked Anne.

"Go, go, go!" yelled Luz.

The group hides behind a bush.

"(This is before Weird Rick opens the portal...)" whispered Amity.

Amity grabs a rock on the ground and throws it into Luz's head.

"Ow!" Past Luz turns around to see a bush far away with Amity's hair poking out of it. "What the-...?"

Amity's eyes widen.

Luz elbows Amity's arm. "(I have a bump from that!)"

"Luz! Pay attention to what I'm-!" Amity's words are cut short.

"Uh..." She gasps... and feels a tingling sensation in her thoughts. "Get down..." said Luz, with widened eyes.




A portal opens and Weird Rick walks out of it.

"Hello, Weather Reporters..." said Weird Rick, smirking.

"What do you want...?" asked Luz, squinting her eyes.

Everyone stands up. Dipper takes out his electric crossbow. Mabel takes out her grappling hook. Anne activates her Charged State. Sprig takes out his slingshot. Luz and Amity activate their Tao Mandalas. King prepares his scream.

"Huh... If it isn't Ibarra's scrawny puke of a student...?" said Weird Rick. "... and her bitches..."

"What do you want, Weird Rick...?" asked Luz.

"I want you to -..."

Anne has an idea. "The Cloak!"

Gabby takes out her handkerchief that gets larger, turning into the cloak of invisibility, which they hide under.

Suddenly, after Weird Rick had left, the group begin fighting each other.

The future Reporters nod to each other and they crawl into the fight.

Past Amity carries Past Anne in her arms and proceeds to take out Floo Powder from her pocket. She warps out a portable furnace around her. "The Coordinates that I'm thinking!"

The future Reporters grab onto Amity's leg, as she gasps.

So do Sprig and King...

They all end up falling down the furnace of Belos' office...

"Uh-oh..." said Sprig.

"(WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE!?!??)" asked Miguel.

"(AH!!!)" They all yelled in whispered voices.

"(What are you guys doing here...!?)" asked Sprig.

Anne sees a bridge on top of the ceiling keeping the roof from falling. They all nod to each other and they begin climbing up a pole at the very center of the room. They use the invisibility cloak to hide their bodies.

Miguel squints his eyes as he looks at the pole.

The future Reporters stay still to avoid Miguel out of fear.

Miguel looks very closely at the pole they're climbing.

Gabby elbows Miguel. "(Dad!)"

"(Oh! Sorry... Yeah... Felt that too... Four people-... Wait!)" said Miguel. "(Why are you here!?)"

They continue climbing. Reaching the bridge, they stand on top of the visible side of the invisibility cloak. Its invisible side is the one facing below.

As the others begin arguing, they then split up into different groups.

"(Gabrielle...)" Miguel gives Gabrielle a portal gun. "(When you get the mirror...)"

"(Oh... Thanks...)"

"(I think I have a plan that's already going on right now...)"

"(What do you mean by, 'you think?')" asked King.

"(I don't know yet... Good luck...)" said Miguel. "(I feel like we're gonna fail today...)"

*step... step...*

As Belos passes by, the group crawls away.

Belos squints his eyes and turns to the two cloaks.

"Hello...? HEY!!!"

Belos chases after the one with Miguel...


Suddenly, Past Luz drops down Belos' office for some reason.

"What the...?" asked Past Luz. "Why'd I teleport here...?"

The Owl Anting-Anting subtly glows green.

"What the -...?" asked Past Luz. "You teleported me here, didn't you...?" asked Luz. "I'll have to get back there..." Luz tries to take out Floo Powder. "Drat! I used it all on the potato chips!"

Amity does an annoyed gesture, pointing at what Past Luz said, basically saying with her body language, "See what you just fucking did, there...?"

"What is this place...?" asked Past Luz.

*step... step...*


Luz holds her breath...


Belos, frowning, looks around his office.

The four women, still under the cloak, on the ceiling bridge cover their mouths while hunched on the top...

She turned invisible at that very second.

Belos smiles. "Luz...? Luz! I know you're here. Where are you dear old friend of mine?"

Luz frowns with absolute hatred and disgust in her eyes.

"Luz! No one will come for you!Strangely enough, there are four other people here that I can barely detect..."

The four future Reporters look at each other and stay very, very still.

"Must be that spell... I can-..."

The group just watches the pair prepare to kill each other.

"EXPELLIARMUS!!!" Past Luz creates a circle and blasts energy at Belos, who slaps it away. She takes a deep breath again and turns invisible.

"I don't need that old wooden staff to channel my power, Noceda! It was 'for-show'! Have you forgotten, already? And when have you learned magic!?"

Past Luz prepares another attack.

"Aaah... Yes! I forgot! You cursed yourself to save your dear old mentor..." sneered Belos. "How is she, by the way? After I nearly killed her... And the Titan died, as I remember..."

Future Luz angrily stares at Belos. Future Amity, feeling worried, holds her hand, but Future Luz pulls away.

Past Luz jumps up and yells, "HELL..." Luz appears, jumping in the air and preparing a flame spell, and blasts fire at Belos. "FIRE!!!"


Past Luz's flames from Hell clash with Belos' death spell.

They stay at a standstill while Past Luz tries her hardest to keep standing before Belos.

"(This fight would be cooler if these were lightsabers...)" commented Anne.

Past Luz begins growing wings and slowly becomes an owl-like creature.

Future Amity grabs her mouth.

Future Luz closes her eyes and looks away.

Belos' face slowly begins to gain cracks and his body begins to decay. "AAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!!!" he roared after Luz overpowers Belos and he is forced to burn and feel the pain of 10,000 souls. He closes his eyes and takes in a deep shaky breath. He then breathes out, trembling. "I've been in Hell before... This? This is but a flesh wound."

"Why are you helping Aurora!?" asked Past Luz. "Why do you even care!?"

Anne has an idea and she takes out her phone, pressing "Record."

"We're helping the Aurora capture Rafaella so that Aurora will let us destroy the Boiling Isles," said Belos. "They suggested that we send the Karens to take care of that... I don't know why they used such annoying people, but it was actually quite effective."

"And why are you serving the Black Claw in the first place!?" asked Past Luz. "All you want is the Spell!"

"They're not serving me. They're working with me. They are helping me destroy your world and absorb all the life forces in the Isles. After which, I'll offer them my services to create a wish. One wish that will enslave all Humans."

"Including you...!?" asked Past Luz.

"Oh, Luz..." Belos slowly woges into... A Zerstorer. "Do I look like a Human to you?"

Past Luz gives a horrified look and backs away.


The flash of lightning flickers to show his rotten face. His skin hangs in shreds on his skull. His eye holes glimmer with disgusting green light.

"Ah!" Luz backs away. "Y-You're a-!"

"Wesen! Yes! Very good, Luz! Turns out the corruption of the artificial magic... changed me forever... morphed my body... turned me into something known as a Lich... Otherwise known as a Zerstorer. But, I get magic, too... Plus, I get to enjoy killing you after all this... So, it's a win-win... *HISS!!!*"

"What did you turn yourself into!?" asked Past Luz.

"I turned myself into Belos... The All-Powerful... Belos... The Deserving... BELOS... THE CHOSEN!!!"

"HEY!!!" yelled Past Gabby and Past Amity. Gabby prepares her Gauntlets and Amity prepares her Tao Mandalas.

Belos sneers. "Interesting...WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!!!"


The trio crashes into the walls over and over again. The walls don't break because of the enchantment.

"(Oof...)" said Future Gabby. "(Yeah...)"

"(Explains the bruises...)" said Anne.

"(Yeah...)" said Gabby.

Anne pats Gabby's head.

Past Gabby and Past Luz pant while they slowly stand from the wall.

Belos sneers.

Past Amity is on the ground, trying to stand up, but is really and badly beaten.

Past Gabby and Past Luz then charge at Belos.

Past Gabby throws several punches at Belos and Past Luz creates a plant spell that pulls Belos' legs down into the soil.

"I'd like to say that this is pitiful, but there are probably enough people who said such to you fools," Belos breaks free and strangles the pair with red light.


Past Anne, with Charged State and glowing blue all over, rams into Belos and makes him crash to the ground.

He lets go of the two women who struggle to stand right back up.

Past Anne pins Belos to the ground using her Charged State. Belos uses a red Tao Mandala to push her away.

He's woged right now in his Zerstorer form. "Anne Boonchuy! The Blue Dragonfly! Savior of Amphibia! I have been expecting you! I am Belos, the man out of-!"

Past Anne then punches him in the face. "I don't... care!"

"(I really didn't care...)" whispered Future Anne.

Past Gabby smiles. "Cool..."

Past Amity tosses several Abomination blades at Belos, who blocks each of the attacks.

"Your mother is disappointed, Blight..." frowned Belos.

"I don't care, either," said Past Amity.

"(I didn't care either...)" smirked Future Amity.

"(I guess, that's cool...)" said Luz.

Amity frowns.

"(I mean... You're so cool, Amity!)" smiled Luz.

"(*ahem...* That's right...)" said Amity.

Meanwhile, as the past versions of the four Reporters fight, Past Luz is teleported away.

Suddenly, Belos says, "Crucio!!!"

Suddenly, all three girls begin screaming in pain.

"We have to help us...!" softly yelled Anne.

Belos hears that...

Belos' eyes widen and he stops. "Somnum..." he said.

They fell asleep unconscious.

Belos looks up with a sus look... He subtly squints his eyes. "Levitato..." He begins levitating and begins flying up toward the four women.

Belos looks up and tries to touch the ceiling.

Belos floats forward and tries to grab around.

Belos reaches and reaches, but the group keeps moving around.

Belos sighs and yells, "Deletrius!"

The entire bridge disintegrates into dust and nothingness.

Belos looks around, annoyed.

It is then revealed that Anne is flying and Gabby is standing on an Eldritch Step in midair while both are carrying the invisibility cloak.

Belos looks around, facing up.


Past Luz teleports back after a minute... but... with...

"Ibarra!" sneered Belos. "You're here!? How did I not sense you!?"

"A spell. Pallium Sensus," said Miguel.

Belos frowns. He proceeds to sneer. "It's been a long while ever since you tried to liberate the Isles and tried to send me to Hell!"

"('Liberate the Isles...?')" asked Future Amity.

"Indeed, Philip..." said Miguel. "You've gotten older..."

"('He called him 'Philip'...')" whispered Luz.

"And you haven't, you cheat. All the more annoying that the sacred ruler of all things is a filthy WITCH!!!" yelled Belos.

"What have you become?" Miguel.

"Something more than Human!"

"How is a corpse like you above my people?"

"(Ooooh!)" whispered Future Anne.

"Your people? You abandoned your people!"

"(Ooooooh!!!)" whispered Future Anne.

"Unlike you, I managed to come back."


"Would you stop that!?" asked Amity.

Suddenly, Miguel and Belos glance up.

"That's all I ever wanted. To return. And you won't allow it," said Belos.

"Because you belonged in Hell! Not on Earth! Not in the Boiling Isles! You deserve to burn, Philip. And I've wanted to tell you something for a long time now...BLEAAAH!!!" Miguel incongruently rolls his eyes and flips his tongue up and down.

Belos gives a visibly annoyed look. "AVADA KEDAVRA!!!"

Miguel slaps the attack away, but his veins slowly turn black and his skin turns pale. He genuflects in pain.

Luz begins creating a portal.

"(Luz... What are you doing?)" asked Gabby. "(You told us to trust the timeline...)"

"(He disappeared, Gabby...)" said Luz. "(When he spoke the spell... where was the body...?)"

Luz, meanwhile, grabs Amity, Anne, and Gabby in her arms to try and wake them up. "Guys! We gotta go!"

"Avada... KEDAVRA!!!"

Miguel slaps it away again.

Miguel warps out his pair of sticks.

"You know... only one with so much love and truly throw the power of death away like that... But can you keep doing it, Miguel IBARRA!?!?"

"Shodero Madi sha, dakadedota Makenta."



The pair blasts at each other with beams. One is an orange beam of flames and the other is a green beam of plasma.

Miguel's fingers slowly turn black.

"You are a hypocrite, Miguel Ibarra! Look at you, dealing with dark magic! Clearly, something that a sacred being like you cannot touch!"

Future Luz's eyes widen upon hearing those words. "(That can't be true...)"


Miguel begins to gasp as green energy begins enveloping his body.

"You used it on yourself, Ibarra... An unforgivable curse... The reason why you can't throw it away is that you lack self... love..."

Miguel looks up and smiles.

Luz waves and nods to Miguel.

Miguel nods back.

"You lack the ability to understand or even comprehend that idea... And that will get you and everyone loved killed-... WHAT... ARE YOU GAWKING AT!?!?" asked Belos.

Amity holds Luz's arm and hugs it.

Miguel looks up, saying "Gaaay..." while smiling.

Belos angrily asks, "WHAT ARE YOU GAWKING AT!!!?"

Miguel keeps smiling while looking up.

Luz then takes out her sling ring and opens a portal.

Belos then yells, "Avada Kedavra!" shooting a green energy blast at Miguel.

Miguel disappears in front of Belos.

"MIGUEL!!!" sobbed Past Luz.

"Where's the body...?" asked Belos, in his head. "Never mind... He must've found a way to escape..."

Past Luz stares at Belos with absolute horror. "You... killed him..."

"You're next, Luz..." said Belos.

He Wahrewoges into a Zerstorer and summons several Dementors all trying to suck Past Luz's and the other's souls.

"(Expecto Patronum!)" whispered Past Luz. Nothing happens. "(Expecto-...)"

Suddenly, her soul in the form of flames begins to get sucked out of her body by the Dementors.

"(Luz... Do something...)" said Gabby.

"(Not yet!)" yelled Luz in a whispering voice.

"(Luz... He'll kill us...)" whispered Anne.

"(Expecto-...)" said Past Luz.

"(Luz!)" yelled Anne and Gabby in a whispering voice.

"(Listen to Luz!)" yelled Amity in a whispering voice.

Anne's soul is nearly sucked completely. Gabby's soul is barely sucked because of the tattoos around her body. But Amity's soul begins to join the Dementors.

Luz begins to go limp. Her body weakens and she feels weaker than usual. "(Expecto-...)"

"EXPECTO... PATRONUM!!!" yelled Future Luz, drawing a spell circle.

Suddenly, a beautiful Owl Spirit appeared from her finger and began burning the Dementors with its light.

Out of annoyance, Belos yells, "AVADA-!!!"

The Owl Anting-Anting begins to split into pieces revealing a strange modified Time-Turner. Within the Time-Turner is an Infinity Stone known as the Time-Stone.

"WHAT!?!?" asked Belos. "An Infinity Stone!?"

The orbs around the stone begin to orbit it, beginning to spin faster. The stone grabs Luz, Amity, Anne, and Gabby...


The Dementors struggle as the light begins burning and dusting each of them.

Amity grabs her hand and a Cat Spirit appears and helps out the owl, mauling the Dementors.

Gabby grabs Amity's shoulder and a raven appears to peck and claw out the Dementor's eyes.

Anne leaps down and hammers Belos in the head.

Belos, still Wahrewoged, blocks the attack with his hand. "AVADA-!!!"

"SHUT YOUR YAPS!!!" yelled Anne.

Anne's knee kicks Belos' chin, making him bite and wound his own tongue.

He screeches and falls to the ground.

Belos stands right back up and yells, "Crucio!"

Anne screams in pain, feeling immense pain as Belos splashes her with the spell.

"Imperio!!!" Belos puppeteers Anne. She begins to strangle herself and begins shaking her head violently.

"GET BACK!!!" Miguel Ibarra opens a portal and appears behind Belos. He whispers into his ear. "(Hey, Philip, baby...)"

Belos' eyes dart at Miguel's in fear.

Miguel takes out his stick and beats the left side of Belos' head with it. "Crack an egg on it! CACAW!!!"

Belos' skull is unharmed as a forcefield protects his head.

Miguel frowns and he grabs his shoulder. "Twistus Testiclus..."

Belos' eyes' pupils contract as his testicles twist themselves. "MY TESTICLES!!! UGH!!!"

Belos drops to the ground, rolling and grabbing his crotch, defeated.

Miguel grabs him by the collar. "WHERE THE HELL IS MY DAUGHTER!?!?"

Miguel punches Belos in the face over and over. "WHERE IS SHE!?!?"

Miguel grabs his face and knee-kicks it. His head slams on the wooden floor. "Shodero Madi sha, dakadedota Makenta! HELLFIRE!!! FEEL THE PAIN OF 80,000 SOULS!!!"

Miguel's flames touch Belos as he screams in pain, burning in Hell's flames. "Well!? WHERE. IS. SHE!?!?"

Belos stops screaming and begins to feel pain. He speaks dryly. "Y-Your niece has her... The Devil's daughter... You... failed... Ibarra... It's your fault for sleeping with that demonic Succubus..."

"That 'demonic Succubus'-..."

"I know... She's your partner... and you claim to love... her... But do you really think that the world will accept that the Messiah had fallen for a heathen like her...? Had a child with her...? The moment your daughter becomes Aurora's heir, it will be your doing... You act like you don't care... You act like the world will just leave you alone...? Too bad, Ibarra... You're going to suffer... And watch your daughter become the Devil..."

"So... you're saying that the only reason why I'm keeping you alive... Doesn't exist...?"

Belos looks at Miguel. Miguel looks like a pale corpse with black veins and white eyes. "Look at you... Corrupted... You and your disgusting usage of Dark Magic... You tried to kill yourself... With the killing curse... 'Avada Kedavra...'"

"You just gave me an idea..." Miguel waves his arnis stick. "Avada-..."

Luz grabs Miguel's wrist.

Miguel turns to Luz.

"You're really going to trigger Bizarrmaggeddon right now because they kidnapped your daughter...?" asked Luz.

"They have my daughter..." Miguel said, menacingly.

"Yeah... So you're just going to do it...?" asked Luz. "Miguel... We could get your daughter back..."

"How...?" asked Miguel. "Just crawl down there and take her while thousands of soldiers keep her safe...? Luz... I've been in Hell."

"So have I..." said Luz. "And trust us... We could help you out with this... We promise..."

Miguel looks at the Reporters, Luz, Amity, Anne, and Gabby. He sighs. "Then, wonderful weather we're having... The weather is Blizzard. My... daughter was kidnapped by the fucking Devil."

Luz smiles and nods. "As a Weather Reporter, I will take the case, sir."

Belos chuckles. "You fools really are hopeless... You can't just waltz into Hell and-..."

Miguel punches him in the face, knocking him out. "Silence, bitch."

A portal opens and closes as the four women land on top of the roof of the Pines-Northwest Mansion with the others looking up.

"Hey... We managed to celebrate July the 4th..." smiled Dipper. "You guys okay...? Where're Ibarra and Gabby?"

"First of all, they're Filipinos. Second, they're trying to think of a plan to get Rafaella out of Hell..." said Luz.

"WHAT!?!?" asked everyone.

"They have Rafaella!?" asked Pacifica.

"Oh no!" yelled Soos. "July the 4th is ruined! We lost our Messiah!" Soos begins to cry hysterically while grabbing his face.

"I told you America was a lie!" Stanley told Ford, whose arms are crossed in annoyance.

"Stanley, for the last time... I really don't think this has anything to do with any prophecies in the past..."

"The future Messiah was just KIDNAPPED by the Devil on America's birthday!" yelled Stanley. "If that isn't deep, I don't know what is!"

"Are you guys okay...?" asked Mabel.

"I think we'll be fine," said Luz. "Hope for the best, I guess..."

Fireworks shoot into the sky and blow up in various colors.

"Oh. By the way. We time traveled today..." said Luz.

Everyone is amazed, yelling phrases along the lines of, "What!?", "No way!", "Cool!", "You time traveled!? Ugh! I remember when Measuring Tape was the main mode for it!", and "I once got an immortal pizza in a time travel story."

Dov dhz aol Vds Kltvu?


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