
15. Wham Part I

"My father died from an explosion in some sort of terrorist attack in Metro San Diego. My mother died in a car crash which exploded for some reason. The cops say that it was a car bomb."

"You're a fucking coward!" shouted a teenage girl who talks to Arthur. Arthur is a kid at this point. He's an average kid who just ran away from a bunch of bullies. "You could've handled all of them, and instead you ran away back to your room and let them beat up my older brother!"

Arthur stared at her, unfeeling for what he had done.

"I didn't do anything wrong," he replied. "I was scared, so I ran. I only wanted what was best for my survival."

"You don't care about others, do you, Artie! No one except yourself!" shouted the girl, wiping her tears, and crying. "This is why I rejected you! You're a coward!"

"It was him!" shouted Arthur, pointing to another boy.

"What?! No! It was your idea!" shouted back his friend.

"Because neither of you would take the blame, I will have you both suspended for drawing nipples on the statue of Saint Lorenzo Ruiz!" shouted the Principal, as both kids bowed their heads.

"Please! Help me!" shouted a woman, who is being mugged. "You, there! Please! Help me!"

Arthur sees the woman and immediately turns around.

"Help me!" she shouted.


Arthur gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and ran back to the scene to find her...


"Coward... The worst part? You run back to no one... because you never had anyone to run back to... a m  I  r i g h t ?"

"Geez, why can't you be like your Kuya, Ventura?" asked his father. The Zeppeli family are eating by the table, as Levi Zeppeli simply gave his younger brother, Ventura, a condescending look.

"Geez, kiddo!" laughed his father. "Keep up your game!"

His Mother passively watched his Father laugh at Ventura.

"Ventura, NO!!!" shouted his mother, as he grabbed a fork and stabbed his father in the eye.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" shouted his Father. His Mother pulled Ventura away as Levi merely sadistically stared at Ventura. Ventura, enraged, stared back.

He was cast out of the family.

"Hey!" smiled a girl, as Ventura looked at her. He was sitting on the bench in the city, eating some scraps from the garbage.

Ventura smiled at her. He ended up living with her for a while. She gave him food, water, shelter, and love... The two became inseparable... until...

*slam slam slam*

Ventura wakes up to see that the woman had left him.

"WHERE ARE THE DROGA?!!" asked the man outside the room, slamming the door. "WHERE IS IT?!!"

"Lisa?" asked Ventura, looking around. The door slams open as the men try to grab him. Ventura, out of fear, jumped out of the window.

"And I never trusted anyone... a g a i n ..."

"Wham..." said Funny, staring out in the window. "I want you to kill the second Matanglawin... the plan is to kill the senate, and he's on to me... That Grimm needs to die, Wham... Do you understand?"

"Yes," said Wham, genuflecting behind him. "I will do so, my Master."

"Go forth, Wham!" shouted Funny, as Wham disappeared into the shadows.

Arthur plays with noodles using his Hamon and catapults some noodles into Ventura's nose.

Ventura ends up sneezing out of disgust.

"What the hell, JoJo?!" asked Ventura out of rage.

"What?" asked Arthur, leaning his head on his palm.

"You lodged a noodle into my nose!!!" shouted Ventura, grabbing his nose and tearing up while slamming the table repeatedly.

Arthur laughs maniacally. "That's two noodles. Come on! It ain't that bad!"

"You're a damned psychopath, JoJo!" shouted Ventura.



"GET DOWN!!!" shouted Ricardo, slamming the door open and throwing himself down.


The entire dining room exploded into pieces.

People outside could be heard screaming and preparing weapons.

"What the hell is happening?!" asked Ventura.

"Ambush!" shouted Ricardo, as Emperor emerges from his hand. "It's an old enemy of mine!"



"EDGAR JOJO!!!" shouted the voice.

"Tch-!" shouted Ricardo.

"Wait... 'Edgar JoJo'?" Ventura asked himself.

Ventura touches the locket in his pocket.

Haha. I'm realizing now that that rhymes.

"Who?" asked Arthur.

"Both of you lay low and follow me..." said Ricardo.

The two of them run with Ricardo and follow Ricardo as Ricardo shoots in the distance.


"JoJo!" shouted Ventura. "I think I figured something out!!!"

"What?!" asked Arthur. 

"Both of you shut up and stay here!" shouted Ricardo, as the two are led into a dungeon of some sort underneath the temple. Ricardo summons Emperor.

"I'm going to go kill someone today; someone that I need to kill for a long time," said Ricardo, as he cocks Emperor.

Several of the men and women warriors are killed through explosions as they shot Hamon-imbued arrows at a possible focal point, which is north.

"That's not where he is!" shouted Ricardo, but the soldiers did not listen. Ricardo sighed and jumped into the forest, running into the danger that's to come.

"What an asshole," thought Arthur.

"JoJo!" shouted Ventura. "He's sacrificing his life for you, you dumbass!"

"Psh... Yeah, right," said Arthur. "The man's been an asshole to me my entire life! He just treats me like I'm not good enough... telling me that I'm weak... that I'm not enough... He's the reason why I'm such a fucking coward, Ventura!"

"He's the reason why you're still alive right now! If you were never adopted by him, you'd never become the man you are now!"

"You think this is a man?!" Arthur pointed to himself.

"Look, Arthur... This locket!" shouted Ventura, flashing the locket in his eyes. "It holds something that gives sense to everything! It explains why you're so important to him, and vice versa!"

"That damned locket! Probably his dead slut!" shouted Arthur.

"You dare talk about your adoptive Father that way?!" asked Ventura.

"Ricardo is not my Father!" shouted Arthur.

"HE ISN'T RICARDO!!!" shouted Ventura. "Ricardo... is dead... His name... is Edgar JoJo."

Arthur's anger fades into confusion.

Edgar JoJo, as Ventura called him, brought out his Stand, Emperor, and faced against Wham.

"You killed my brother... and my sister-in-law..." he spoke.

Wham laughed.

"Ah, a fine warrior to battle me! My old rival-!!!" shouted Wham.

"What the honest fuck are you talking about with your idiotic shitheaded ideology! I am not your rival! You murdered the only family I had left for your ruler, Damaso!" shouted Wham. "Where is Damaso!?"

"You brother fought with honor!" he shouted. "Therefore, I killed him with honor!"


"You Grimms are merely a race of monsters we grew to fear. It is only right that your ward had become parentless."

"Well..." said Edgar. "He has me..."

Edgar summoned his gun at point-blank and shot at the man.

Wham simply breathed in... and spat a bullet of flames.



The blast exploded the bullet, as the tips of Edgar's fingers and toes exploded as well.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!!!" he shouted as he limped away.

"This is why your Stand is ultimately flawed, Edgar JoJo," smiled Wham. "It's bullets are extensions of your soul as well, thus, your body. You'd die in an instant in my next attack."



"RAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!!!" shouted Wham, getting shot in the shoulder. "Fuckity wampity wampers... Wham is unwhappy... But, WHAM WILL NOT BE DEFEATED!!!"

Wham breathes in.

Edgar JoJo shot six bullets, each around Wham.

Wham is then shot all around his body, but... Wham did not give fuck, I kid you not.

"WHAM WILL WIIIIIIIIIIIN!!!" shouted Wham, as he shook his hips.

Wham takes a deep breath.


As the bullet was shot right towards his face, Edgar shot upwards as the branch fell before him as jumped away.

Despite dodging the attack, he was injured by the exploded bark which sank into his flesh. Blood splattered out of his body as he fell to the ground. Edgar shook in pain as Wham takes his last breath.

"No," said Wham. "After what you did... running away when your brother needed you the most... You need to feel the pain of a much worse and more gruesome death."

"Which is?" asked Edgar.

Edgar takes out a dagger and breathes into it. The dagger heated up because of his breath.

Edgar then stabs his stomach and carves something on his torso as Edgar simply screamed in pain.

"Edgar JoJo is your Uncle!" explained Ventura. "Remember! Your parents just randomly died in different situations! One in an explosion, the other in an explosion regarding a car accident! This must be the work of an enemy Stand-User!"

"So?" asked Arthur.

"He must've taken you in a while ago, JoJo!" explained Ventura. "Out of the honor of your parents!"

Arthur thought for a second.

"Wait... They died from explosions, right?" asked Arthur. "Ricardo!"

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