
96. Chapter 96

Humming quietly under her breath, Nicole breathed in the steam from the mug warming her hands as she looked out across the land that lay between her kitchen and the woods they love to run through. It was supposed to be spring but Nicole was seriously starting to wonder if winter ever really released its hold on Purgatory. Waverly assured her it did but Nicole thought her love had just trying to make her feel better about the rolling fog carpeting the land that had greeted her eyes when she had opened the curtains.

Just the sight of it had made her shiver and want to dive back under the covers. A feeling that was encouraged by Waverly briefly lifting the covers to give her a flash of toned, warm, well-defined body before she’d giggled and snuggled back down amongst the mountain of covers and offered to warm her up.

As the fog dampened her uniform and her spirits, Nicole was tempted to throw her adult card away and head back upstairs but she’d already been threatened by a hormone-fuelled, paintbrush wielding, whirlwind. It had been less than a week since they had found out it was twins, ‘oh my god, twins!’ and Nicole wasn’t sure if that made a difference, but Waverly had been in full on nesting mode since then. The spare bedroom, soon to be nursery had been cleaned to within an inch of its life and standing still for too long could lead to a variety of threatening growls, being flicked at with a duster and threatened with a lick of paint.

At least she hadn’t had a wet cloth thrown in her face and been threatened with a whole pot of paint like Wynonna had for suggesting that Waverly would have had the nursery finished if she didn’t keep jumping Nicole every time she put on what Wynonna had dubbed her gayest gay outfit on. Nicole wasn’t sure what Wynonna saw in wearing a blue flannel shirt, black jeans and suspenders and a tool belt that was supposedly ‘gay’. But as Waverly seemed to like playing with the suspenders and getting her out of them as quickly as possible, Nicole vowed to find as many reasons to wear it all as she could.

Hearing the sounds of a Whirlwind Waverly leaving the nursery, Nicole headed back inside and put the kettle and stove on. “Hey, cutie… Erm, not armed are you?” smiling softly, Nicole held up her hands in surrender under the weight of Waverly’s playful glower.

Wiping a splash of paint off of Waverly’s nose, she kissed the tip of it and steered her down into a seat at the table. “Pancakes sound okay?”

“Pancakes sound almost as perfect as you.” Flopping forwards, Waverly propped her chin up on her folded arms and watched Nicole prepare breakfast. She was all elegant moves, a calm presence even as she flipped pancakes and tucked a strand of hair back behind her ear at the same time. “Sorry I was such an ass.”

“If you had been I would have called you on it… and then ran for my life,” Nicole teasingly muttered under her breath just loud enough for Waverly to hear her. “And I was just kidding then,” she assured her gently before her face could fall any more than it already had. Placing a drink of tea and a plate of fluffy pancakes in front of Waverly, Nicole stole a kiss and turned Waverly’s chair to face her as she crouched down.

“It’s all these crazy hormones,” Waverly huffed as she finally, reluctantly, met Nicole’s eyes and saw nothing but understanding. “Not even showing yet and they’re just racing out of control and you don’t deserve it.”

“Hey,” Nicole brushed aside the tear that spilt down Waverly’s cheek. “I’m here for you every single step of the way. If you need to vent about anything or need me to hold down Wynonna so you can tip paint on her… or if you need you back, feet or anything rubbing or just want me to hold you… whatever you need, for as long as you want me, I’ll be by your side.”

Waverly launched herself from her seat, knocking Nicole off balance and sent her tumbling back onto the floor where she caught her, her dimples flashing as her eagerness as Waverly straddled her waist. “What about breakfast?”

“I’m sure the pancakes are as wonderful as always. And I’m also sure they will be just as good reheated…”

“Sacrilege!” Nicole mock gasped in horror even as her fingers got to work teasing Waverly’s top out of her leggings.

“I need you more,” and she was beyond pleased that Nicole wasn’t giving her the ‘quickie’ time limit lecture and was already easing her top off. Waverly lifted her arms as Nicole sat up and pulled it off and tossed it aside and removed her bra just as quickly. Waverly sighed as her breasts spilt into the waiting warmth of Nicole’s hands and mouth. Rendered helpless by Nicole’s knowledgeable touch and the soft murmurs of pleasure and sucking, Waverly clutched at Nicole’s shoulders and drowned into the pools of her warm brown eyes and the sight of her plump lips suckling upon her nipple.

Urged on by the sucking and the warm hand roaming over her hip and ass, guiding and fuelling her desire, Waverly’s hips started to move. Rocking and grinding into the firm muscles of Nicole’s abdomen. Fingers pressed against her, burning through her leggings as they searched for and found the right places to make her head drop back and set her hips moving faster. Teeth dragged at the edges of her swollen nipple, holding it captive, pulling it back into the suctioning heat of her mouth as Nicole switched back and forth, devouring and worshipping her breasts. Threading her fingers through her hair, Waverly held her closer and cried out as her hips bucked in rhythm with her deep sucking.

A thumb pressed against her clit, rubbing back and forth, back and forth, wrenching a sudden scream from Waverly’s throat, her body drawing as tight as a bow as she came hard.

Waverly wasn’t even aware of moving but the next thing she knew they were on the couch in the living room. Lifting her head off Nicole’s shoulder, Waverly pushed her hair back off her face and blinked down at the far too smug expression on Nicole’s face.

“You’re wearing too much,” Waverly grumbled softly.

Gently capturing Waverly’s hands before they could strip her of her clothes and good sense, Nicole kissed her fingers. “I would love nothing more than to let you keep going but I’ve got to go do the ‘adult’ thing,” she sighed. “Davidson’s got the day off so we’re a man down… it’s all hands on deck.”

“You need to get some more hands so you’re can stay right here on me.” Proving a point and eliciting a gasp from Nicole, Waverly put her Alpha’s warm hands back on her and delighted in the dazed look in Nicole’s eyes that said she was struggling to remember how to think. A state that Waverly too shameless advantage of.

“You are so naughty,” Nicole chuckled as she stilled Waverly’s hands again and pulled the zip back into its preferred position… and then lowered it again back more in line with Waverly’s idea of where it should be. “Behave,” she kissed away Waverly’s pout. “I’m going to check in at the station and then I’m doing a patrol of the outer areas, check in on some of the more remote properties and make sure everyone is okay. And I’m thinking I might just check in with the Blacksmith about our little friend.” Nicole gestured towards the closet where the new, and very well hidden, floor safe now housed the box with the ring in it. There was just no way they wanted that thing in the nursery.

“Do you want me to come?”

“Not this time,” she smiled. “It’s just a flying visit to see if she will agree to look at it here or if she needs it there. I don’t feel safe with it here but when I think about it being out there… I feel even less safe.”

“I’ll be glad when it’s gone for good,” Waverly growled.

“Me too, Baby.” Shifting her hands along the warm curve of Waverly’s spine, Nicole nimbly flipped her over and settled Waverly back amongst the cushion. “Okay, gorgeous… I’ve really got to get moving,” though, moving was ridiculously hard with those hazel eyes fixed on her with that look of soft seduction. “I’ll check in with Wynonna and the boys, see if they’re joining us for our run again.”

Waverly smiled at the thought. It had kind of become their nightly ritual for them to run each night before she got too where she couldn’t enjoy them. It was always Nicole, Wynonna and herself, with Xavier and Doc joining them when they could. Even Gus and Curtis had a standing invitation to run with them any time they wanted but they were out of town for a couple of days on some highly secret tomato plant buying mission.

They had all been equal parts delighted and shocked when they had heard the news that they were expecting twins. Doc had been adorable though, his blue eyes rendered even more stunning by his tears of joy as he had given them an impassioned speech about wanting to be a part of everything as much or as little as they wanted as he had laid a gentle hand upon her abdomen. All that old world gentleman charm vanished with a sudden and very loud WHOOP as he had swept Nicole into a tight hug that had nearly made Nicole’s eyes shoot out of her head until she realised it was one of celebration and not threatening death or maiming.

Sitting up, Waverly watched Nicole as she straightened her clothing and got ready to leave. The only thing stopping her from feeling too upset was that she could see it writ in every line of Nicole’s body that she didn’t want to leave any more than she wanted to see her go. In the end, she decided to be a responsible adult about it all and got up off the couch to see her off. The sudden bobbing of Nicole’s throat and the heated look in her eyes reminded her that she was topless but she didn’t let that put her off as she straightened the front of Nicole’s shirt and pulled her down for a soft kiss.

“Be careful out there, ‘kay?”

“Always. Now, go eat something… and I’ll be in Shorty’s later once I get some paperwork done. Call me if you need anything… apart from sexy time,” she corrected as an impish expression crossed Waverly’s eyes.


“Just want you all achy and needy for later… anticipating what I’ll do to you for making me break my quickie rules,” grinning, she pressed a swift kiss to Waverly’s mouth and stepped back. "I love you so much, Waves.”

“Love you more, Nic.” Grabbing a jacket from the stand, Waverly watched from the porch, the spring sun broke through the fog, lighting Nicole’s hair as she climbed into the car and drove away with a flash of dimples that made the suns efforts look pitiful.

“Well, looks like it’s just you and me for a while, Calamity. Want some pancakes with me before I go finish painting that wall?” A fluffy tail curled around her leg, twitched and then vanished as their cat trotted off towards the kitchen with a soft meow for her to hurry. “Yeah, yeah! I know, momma makes good pancakes. She’s also good at using them,” Waverly giggled at the memory.

Parking up outside the Municipal Building, Nicole looked around as she climbed out. The streets of Purgatory were quiet, all the early risers were already in opening shops or out tending their livestock. As soon as the café, coffee shop and especially once Shorty’s opened, foot traffic would pick up but until then, there was just that small town sleepy air of waiting.

The only thing remotely out of place was the sight of Carl, or Stupid Carl as Wynonna and just about everyone called him watching her from down the street. She had seen him around bit hadn’t had anything to do with him. Just the fact that he had been in Del Rey’s pack set her teeth on edge. He certainly looked like he was trying to straighten his life around though. Since he had come back into town he’d gone from looking like someone a pile of rotting garbage would reject, to wearing fairly decent clothing and walking with an air of confidence.

The changes didn’t mean that Nicole liked the way he was looking at her though. Before she could decide if he was worth questioning, he turned and walked away and Nicole decided to let it drop and talk to Wynonna about him.

Jeremy nearly bounced off her as she rounded the corner that led to the PSD reception counter. “Watch it there, Jer!”

“Sorry! Didn’t mean…”

“You okay?” Nicole watched in bemusement as he spun in a circle, waved a hand and detoured off towards the break room. She leaned against the counter and winced as he crashed off the side of the door and vanished inside. “What the hell was that?” she asked of the obviously amused J.D. who was manning the desk.

“Apparently, Perry called him his boyfriend in front of everyone in Shorty’s last night. If that wasn’t enough since he got in a couple of hours ago he’s had at least two pots of coffee all to himself to help him stay awake.

“No one told him we swapped over to decaf. last week, huh?”

“Good God! Don’t tell him that, he’ll crash if he finds out,” J.D. laughed as Jeremy bounced out of the break room with a full mug in hand and vanished back into the Black Badge offices… only to open the door a second later to release the end of his lab coat from where it had got trapped in the door. “That’s the third time he’s done that,” he whispered. “He’s a menace today… luckily for him though, no one else is in there yet,” he raked a hand through his sandy hair nervously. “Hey, Officer Haught?”

“Hmm,” Nicole looked up from checking the list of calls that had come in since her last shift, “hey, come on, no one else is here, you can call me Nicole.”

“I just wanted to thank you again for giving me, well both of us, a chance here. Always wanted to work closer to home but there just wasn’t the chance before. Sheriff Nedley kept in touch with us but it always seemed like he had something else or someone else on his mind. Kind of hoping we get to prove ourselves to you and him before he gets back on his feet.”

“Well you’re doing fine so far,” she smiled. “Hey, how’s your mom doing anyway?”

“Pretty good now,” he grinned. “It’s been good, being able to help her out around the house and fixing stuff for her. Tim is loving all the running around and Stacy is finally settling in. Thought all the country living would get to her but she’d thriving and even plotting for the future. I think she wants enough kids to start a softball team,” he whispered.

Nicole chuckled at his enthusiasm. In the end, the decision would be Nedley’s as to if they stayed but, when she had seen him last, he’d been happy and impressed that they had stepped up to help when things had been at their worst and she’d told them so.

He’d also finally gotten round to explaining his reasoning behind hiding the ring in her house. Which, given that he didn’t really know her, trusting that it was in the safest place with her, had only turned out to be a good thing more by luck than judgement. Though he claimed that he’d known she was one of the good ones the moment he’d laid eyes on her at the academy.

“Looks like it was a pretty quiet night so think I’ll head out, follow up on the reports of lights at the old church on the way around.”

“Mom said she was looking forward to your next visit.”

“Then I’ll be sure to check in on her.”

Before she left, Nicole diverted into Black Badge and found Jeremy jittering away like crazy in front of the kind of lab set up that looked more at home in an old horror movie. “Igor's day off?”

“What? Oh,” looking around at the bubbling and smoking flasks he chuckled at the reference and took off his safety goggles. “I’d rather think of myself more as a wizard than a mad scientist. Just taking another look at the solution to help Eliza… think I’ve nearly got it broken down so I can engineer some more. I’m having trouble working out how to get around the werewolf blood though.”

“The what?!”

“Oh…” Jeremy backed away at the anger in Nicole’s voice. “Apparently whoever made it in the first place found out that it reacts and helps to control whatever they implanted in them from taking over. I just need to break down what part of it allows that to happen and then I can engineer an artificial version.”

“You look like there’s something else on your mind?”

“I erm… Well, there is but I’d really rather not ask after telling you what they made that with… it’ll wait.”

“Just ask. Worst I can do I rip your limbs off.”

“Kind of what I’m afraid of! Okay,” he held up his hands at the look on her face. “I was kind of looking at your official records and it’s got your blood results… just in case of any emergency it might be best if we had a copy of your actual blood for typing and stuff like that.”

“That is my blood.”

“But… it says its normal human blood?”

Nicole studied him intently and took a steadying breath. “My blood changes depending on which form I’m in. If you took it right now it would give you the same results as those in my files. And no, I’m not giving you any to poke at,” she glared at him in warning.

“I won’t deny that I’m not intrigued but you have my word, Nicole. I would never do that. And if anyone asks me to I’ll let you know.”

“Okay… Now, how’s the erm, computer thing looking?”

“Slower than I expected,” he sighed. “Really thought it would only take a couple of days but there’s just so much data to go through. Wish it worked as quickly as it did on TV or in the movies but…”

“Yeah, that would make catching criminals so much easier. Well, I’ll leave you alone to your wizarding. And, Jer… try to lay off the coffee, ‘kay?” She just didn’t have the heart to tell him it was decaf. in case he decided to get some of the hard stuff and got in trouble.

Before she started her cruiser, Nicole sent a quick text to Waverly, letting her know where she was going so she wouldn’t worry too much. A photo came back almost instantly. Biting her lip, Nicole opened it and sighed in relief when she found it was a pastel coloured heart painted on the wall. Lulled into a false sense of security she spluttered and quickly covered the screen when the next photo came in and it was most definitely a not safe for work topless shot.

Nicole sent a “Waverly! Behave, I’m in uniform!” back. The sight of the ellipsis blinking away as Waverly composed her reply had Nicole uttering a quiet, “oh boy.”

“Yeah? Well, I believe you were in that uniform while you were making me come until I passed out too.”

“Ya got me there ;-) want me to wear it later too or my flannel shirt and tool belt?”

“OMG! Don’t tease like that when I can’t get my hands on you!”

“Just giving you something to think about.”

“Know what I would like to see you in one day?”

“Tell me.”

“A sexy LBD… Ooo, or a suit! OMG, you would look soooo good in a suit, Nic!”

“We’ll have to see what we can do one day… maybe head to the City, make a night of it. Candlelit dinner, dancing or see a show, a nice hotel… the kind that won’t like Wynonna hide in the room… anything you want <3”

“Sounds perfect <3”

“Just like every moment with you. Hate to do this but… better get on the road… I’ll msg when I can <3”

“Can’t wait <3 love you.”

“Love you too, Baby.”

Nicole put her phone away and started her car. She could see her huge Waverly induced smile as she looked in her rear-view mirror and she didn’t care who saw it. Not even the sight of Stupid Carl standing by the rail tracks, watching as she drove over them, was enough to dim her happiness.
