
Ruby's Health Getting Worse

"Ruby, are you awake?" Ruby turned her head toward the cabin door, catching Matthew's figure peeking out from behind the door. He was reluctant to go inside because he didn't want to disturb the people who were still sleeping.

Matthew immediately smiled after ensuring his wife was awake and signaled Ruby to leave the room. Ruby then carefully placed Liviana's head onto the pillow before she exited the cabin.

"Are you hurt somewhere?" asked Ruby as she circled Matthew's body.

Matthew held his wife's hand and said, "I'm fine."


"Not even a scratch." Matthew rubbed Ruby's cheeks, which were a little dirty from the dust. "How about you? The ship shook so badly yesterday that I worried your condition was worsening."

Ruby was about to reply that she was fine but decided to tell the truth. "My body felt uncomfortable yesterday, but Livi cast her magic on me so I didn't have to suffer all night."

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