
Do You Want To Go With Me?

After reuniting Edda with Norvella, Ruby asked Mrs. Ruiz to take her out of the morgue for a while as she wanted to listen to Mr. Ruiz's autopsy explanation.

When Edda was at the doorway, she waved to Norvella as a last goodbye to her and told her mother that she had let Norvella go to a better place.

"Poor girl," Mr. Ruiz said once he saw Edda had moved away from the morgue. "She'll probably have to live in an orphanage after this."

Ruby sighed as she heard Mr. Ruiz's words. He was not wrong. Edda should be placed in an orphanage since she had no family anymore. However, for some reason, Ruby found it hard to let Edda live in an orphanage.

"Are you tired?" Matthew put his arm around Ruby's shoulders when he saw that his wife had become more gloomy than usual.

Although Ruby hadn't answered, Matthew had already pulled a chair for her and asked her to sit down.

After making sure she was comfortable, Matthew immediately asked Mr. Ruiz, "What did you find on Mrs. Norvella's body?"

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