
Chased By The Demon Beast

Ruby held her breath for a few seconds. Her feet stepped back slowly, and her grip on the food basket loosened, causing the basket to fall to the ground.

A demon beast appeared from behind the bushes. Its figure resembles a tiger, but it has black fur and is three times the size of a normal tiger.

Its pointy claws pierced the ground every time the demon beast took a step. Its shining red eyes met Ruby's as if it wanted to target her instead of Xylon.

"Your majesty!" Xylon's scream managed to awaken Ruby from her shock. "You have to run! I will try to kill this demon beast."

The distance between where they were standing and the gathering place for the soldiers and maids was only a hundred meters. She should be back in the tent in minutes if she ran fast.

However, Ruby was hesitant to leave Xylon alone. Her hand tried to pull Xylon's arm, asking her knight to come with her. However, Xylon let go of Ruby's hand and said, "Go first, Your Majesty."

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