
Night Battles

Nidoran had hit the leg of one person then ran back into the long grass which made it look like it had just attacked them due to being provoked by them stepping into its territory.

It left behind five people and one of them had injured their leg while being poisoned.

It was still not enough to make them let down their guards so they had all reached towards their waists to release one of their Pokémon.

They watched on with indifference and amusement in their eyes as they had seen the injured person reaching towards their cure for low ranking poisons which was to be applied to the wound.

Some bandages were taken out too so that it could be treated further so it showed that the group were well prepared for their outing and had worked together even if they seemed to not get along that well together.

There was clear that some among them had some dislike to at least one person in the group and it had been shown by the way they had responded to their ally being harmed.

They may have been allies but they were all pitted against each other from the beginning of their trials so they had developed rivalries against those around them and most of them were aiming to get ahead in life even if it meant stepping over those around them to achieve it.

The small encounter was taken as a small careless accident that came from one of them not being vigilant enough of their surroundings but it had caused them to be a little more vigilant themselves.

The figure of Kimi had remained hidden and watched it happen but did not yet make a move.

The five of them had split up as they searched the area until three of the, had started to get slightly closer to those that Kimi had tied up and left behind.

Two had walked closer to where Kimi was located but had found nothing in the area so they turned back to catch up to the others.

Grimer moved out from the tree once they had turned around and threw the mud towards them which was followed by some toxic sludge.

A Cubone and Ratticate had been by the side of the two people and were caught by surprise along with the two people as Scizor leapt down from above and followed up with a coordinated attack. "Cubone." "Ratticate."

The claw came down hard towards the first person closest to Scizor and the efforts of Grimer had provided an opening for it to make use of as it moved towards the next one using Quick Attack. "Scizor." "Grimer."

Nidoran came running back out and ran from behind a confused Ratticate then followed up with a Poison Sting. "Nidoran."

Most trainers usually walked around with one or less Pokémon out in order to not provoke others or seem hostile while it was the case for others who did not wish to stand out too much.

The five people had believed themselves to be capable enough to travel through the route safely and did not expect to have any difficulties unless they found the person they were looking for.

If they suddenly appeared with a large group of Pokémon and ran towards someone then it would attract too much attention and their intentions would be seen through by any person that had seen them coming.

They may have fixed their lack of protection by taking out one of those they had available but they did not take any extra measures which had caused them to be on the losing side right away.

The two people were quickly dealt with and their Pokémon had fainted after a couple of attacks from Nidoran who was later being aided by Scizor and Grimer.

Kimi had sensed something and reached into her pocket then took out a small collar with something hanging on it, Nidoran ran over and it was hurriedly put on her. "Phew.."

Seeing that she had acted in time, Kimi dragged the two bodies closer to the tree and quickly tied them up before there came a shout from further away. "Hey! Where are you guys? We found some of our own tied up! Get here now!"

Kimi heard it and finished up taking what she could from the bodies of those she had defeated.

She ran away and stashed away a bag of the loot nearby then went into hiding again after finding a more advantageous position.

It did not take long before hurried footsteps had started to get closer to the location that she had tied up the two people.

Their presences were sensed to be getting much closer and Kimi could hear their hurried breaths as they ran and seemed a little panicked or concerned about the current situation they were in.

2 advanced chapters can be found on my Kofi page for Reader tier members! Link is in the synopsis. :)

dancematdancreators' thoughts
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