

Officer Jenny finished interviewing the victim and returned to the room with several photos and a statement which she let Kimi see. "Do you wish to stick to your statement or do you wish to confess?"

The fact that there was evidence meant that things were not looking good and it was better if it was settled quickly and quietly before it became a big thing.

Since they were both underage then it was not all that serious and they could not be punished completely for whatever they had been accused of and proven to have taken a part in unless it was an even more serious case.

The worst case scenario was that the Fire Stone, Eevee and a payment would be given to the youth to pay for the emotional and physical damages Kimi caused and for 'stealing' the Fire Stone after cheating in the battle as it had been reported.

Kimi read the report and frowned. 'It seems like a solid story but it is not without holes.'

She then looked at the photos of the bruises on the youths body and smirked. "I can prove that I am not the one behind this."

Officer Jenny asked. "How?"

Kimi held out her hands and showed the back of her hands which were without any flaws. "The first reason would be that to cause such bruises myself, I would still have markings on my hands from the day before. From the bruising pattern on his body, the knuckles had been a little more defined and it had been done on the side of the face which would be difficult to make those markings unless it was done with the back of the hand in an outward swing.

Most likely it was done by one or more backhanded slaps, the angle of bruises shows that it was done by someone taller so I do not match that description."

The police force may have some ways to identify more obvious Pokémon markings and details to catch troublesome Pokémon which cause problems but their investigation methods were not widely developed towards identifying things like blood splatters, bruising and other crime scene investigation methods.

Kimi was at a disadvantage because she had often worked with the criminal investigation units in her first life and had picked up some knowledge on how to identify certain clues which could affect an investigation.

The bruising patterns which were newly made had mainly stood out where the knuckles had struck the side of the youths face one or more times and the angle it was made was like someone had hit him from above.

The force required to hurt the youth that seriously would have to leave behind a scrape on the back of her hand or on her knuckles so it could not be her.

Kimi then went on to say. "If you want proof then find a way to reproduce the effects on a dummy then you can confirm it."

Officer Jenny's eyes lit up. "Then if you are correct then who do you suspect is behind this?"

Kimi answered calmly. "An adult, their knuckles may be a little scraped or cracked, right handed and most likely is a family member or someone with authority over the victim."

A well off or influential family would be strict and wish for the youth to regain their dignity and what they had lost so Kimi suspected their involvement.

She went on to explain. "My guess is this.. he lost and was disgraced a second time but also lost the Fire Stone which the family had invested in for his future and the families future too. After he lost it, he had to go home and was punished.

His injuries are now being used against me so that they can take back what they lost while also dragging my name through the mud while making them look like the victims. Once this blows over, the victim will join as an apprentice and have many looking out for him due to this case."

The youth would be painted as the victim who bravely stepped forward to punish the villain and then went on to make great achievements as a police officer with a bright career.

It would no longer matter how he had been able to get his apprenticeship and the favours his family had called in just to let him enter because everyone's previous thoughts about him would be changed.

The family backing him had turned his previous disadvantageous situation into a positive one.

However Kimi had spotted their flaws so she could avoid being punished and could turn it all back on them.

The case was one of two underaged youths but it had been discovered that not only the youth had lied as they made a report but also the family which came with them.

Their involvement and the evidence to identify the attacker was quickly found with the help of Kimi who set up a human head mould at a certain height and dipped her hand in some coloured liquid.

After backhand slapping the mould, it left behind the imprint which showed the positioning if her hand on the side of the face which proved her innocence.

Officer Jenny was quick to spot the marks on the back of the hands of the father of the 'victim' and made him do the same as Kimi which resulted in her identifying who was behind the bruises.

Officer Jenny came back into the room and removed the cuffs from Kimi. "You are free to go and you can collect your things. How do you want this to be handled?"

Kimi frowned. "If possible I want them to be punished for wrongly accusing me and abusing their power but I am sure that you will be busy dealing with them for making a false report and lying. I just want my things back and if possible I would like to be compensated for this by them. If they wish to keep this matter private and sweep it away then I do not mind so long as I can be compensated properly and be allowed to leave Veridian City as planned."

Noble families had ways to use their influence or wealth to keep things from going any further so they would only suffer a little and have to pay for the damages done so Kimi could not force the situation to go any further unless she had her own power or backing behind her to match theirs.

It was better to end things quickly and gain a couple of benefits from it before she left Veridian City.

Officer Jenny looked over seriously and asked. "Do you not wish to apprentice here? We could really use someone like you, I believe that you could go far in this environment."

She was impressed with how Kimi had proven herself innocent and found the true culprit from within the interrogation room with very small amounts of evidence to look over.

The main problem was Kimi's lack of support but Officer Jenny believed that she could give Kimi enough of a backing to let her shine as an officer.

Kimi shook her head calmly and replied. "I have already made up my mind. I plan to use my provisional license to do more freelance work whether it be capturing bounties or taking other tasks. I do not want to be stuck in one place and want to see more of the world."

Officer Jenny sighed regretfully. "Fine then.. but be careful out there. Is there anything that the Jenny family can do to change your mind?"

She hoped that bringing up the Jenny family would make Kimi consider her decision since Kimi had potential and would make an excellent officer.

The Jenny family had many resources and connections which could be used if someone had a decent position in the family.

There were other areas which could be used like the group forums to keep the Jennys from other places in contact with each other while they trade information and other things.

Unfortunately Kimi did not qualify for such things in her previous life and had to do everything on her own.

Kimi placed her hand on her chin while in thought. "I will give you my forum ID and number so we can stay in touch. Since I am working as a free agent, I will need information on criminals that have escaped capture in certain areas. This is beneficial for both me and the Jenny family in a way."

Officer Jenny agreed right away. "Of course, I will add you but remember to stay safe out there. Working on your own is far more dangerous and you are still young."

Kimi smiled gratefully. "I know, thank you."

After she left, the arrangements were made for the belongings of Kimi and her father to be moved.

The house had been emptied and sold so they began their journey on foot as they exited Veridian City.

The compensation gained from the family which had wronged Kimi was more than enough for her to put aside for several expensive items so she was very satisfied.

The family in question were able to keep the incident from spreading out and bringing shame to them but they still had to pay several fines for their false statements while the son of the family lost his spot as an apprentice.

The youths future path was destroyed and his name would be noted down as a problematic person which is not fit for the role as an officer.

There was the abuse which was done to the youth by his father which was brought up by Officer Jenny but the youth chose to not pursue the matter anymore so it was dropped along with the other cases.

Birthday bonus chapter

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