


An agonizingly hysterical scream sounded throughout the medium sized room that looked to be a training room for the royal guards and troops.

Master lied on the ground. The life had already left his body as he lay motionless below the balcony that I stayed hidden and currently crouched on.

My dear friend...

My dear old friend is dead. I allowed myself to quietly shed some tears for him. He was my closest friend and confidant. I confided in him with everything, and he did the same. I had the pleasure of meeting the love of his life that he kept close to his heart and now everyone is dead. Everyone except the bastard that's in the middle of everything.

A brutal painful agonizing death is befitting of scum like him, and I'll see to it he receives the death awaiting him by my own hand. I pulled an arrow from my quiver and the poison from my hood's front pocket.

I looked up checking to make sure I won't be spotted in my hiding spot. The bastard is clutching onto my friend's dead lover sobbing over her. His face was now flushed with the color cherry red from the incessant crying and screaming.

The unmitigated gall he has to lay a finger on let alone gaze upon someone else's lover who doesn't belong to you and doesn't love you disgusts me to the core. I uncapped the bottle of poison and placed the arrow into the small brown glass bottle making sure to turn the arrow slowly.

"Please...d-don't leave me." The tone was marginally lower. It was just above a whisper.

I lifted my head to check my surroundings while I allowed the tip of my arrow to soak in the poison.

He kissed her then pulled away to look at her placing his hand on her cheek caressing it. He kissed her again then pulled away this time caressing her arm then the back of her head moving her hair so it didn't get caught as he supports her back with his left arm and then back to caressing her cheek.

"P-Please wake up...I-I can't be without you. D-Don't go...not like this."

He kissed her again this time allowing his lips to linger on hers. His lips now quiver as they interlocked with her unmoving lips. He pulled his lips away to pull her small frame into his chest with his left hand and held the back of her head steady with his right hand as he rocked his body back and forth with his tears intensifying.

I pulled the arrow from the jar of poison, set the arrow on my bow, and began to steady my aim.

Master....My best friend, gave me one direct order in case of an emergency.

"If in the event that anything happens to me, if anything happens to my love, or the both of us." He paused for a moment then continued.

"I want you to kill the bastard responsible if I can't kill him by my own hands if it's deemed necessary."

"This is for you my friend." I whispered into the air as I fired the poisonous arrow that was set on my bow.

I watched as it cut through the air travelling to its intended target and hitting him in his right shoulder. There's no reason for me to linger here. He'll be dead soon and I'd rather not run the risk of getting caught in here.

* * * *

Why did it have to be her? I felt a sharp pain shoulder. It was almost like my shoulder made clear impact with a small sized ball thrown at full speed. I looked over towards the source of the pain noticing an arrow sticking out of my shoulder.

I lifted my head up and looked around. I saw a shadowy figure exiting the balcony of the Royal Guard Chambers. I tried to see if it was possible for me to make out who it was, but it feels like my head is spinning.

I turned back to face the love of my life who laid lifeless in my arms. When I look at her nothing in the world matters to me. Not this arrow in my shoulder, neither him who lies lifeless on the ground, and not even this entire country.


Nothing else matters more to me than being with you both in this life and the next if there is another life.

"Promise me something, sweetheart." I uttered only for her ears to hear if she allowed me to entertain her ears once more and hear my voice one last time wherever she may be.

My body felt increasingly weak and my eyelids heavy. I can't leave her here. I can't be without her. I slowly and shakily tried getting to my feet as I attempted to lift her up bridal style but mid-stance, any and all energy I had left was zapped from my body. I fell over causing the arrow to break off in my shoulder as my body tumbled farther from my love according to a will not of my own.

I opened my tear-filled eyes looking at the face of the girl who brightened my world from across the room as I lay on the ground with the pressure on my bad shoulder. I couldn't get up. My body ignored every one of my commands to get to my feet. I slowly reached my right arm over in her direction. So close and yet still so far. I wished to hold her in my arms, but I knew deep down I didn't have long left as I lay here.

I tried my hardest to muster up the biggest smile I could for her in hopes that if she turned her gaze in my direction it could reach her no matter where she is whether it's this planet or the next universe over. No matter how much I tried holding my tears in to show her how strong I am I'm truly a wreck without her in my life.

"Let's meet again in another life...one where I can make you happy forever. It's a promise, okay?"

My eyes rebelled against me and shut as my heartbeat continued to slow down

And down...

And down...

Next chapter