
The Bat-Signal

In the video, Ra's al Ghul ultimately couldn't defeat his accomplished disciple, Batman.

Even when facing imminent death, he remained remarkably composed, even taking the opportunity to provoke Bruce Wayne: "You've finally learned to do what you must."

When Bruce Wayne was part of the League of Shadows, he quickly graduated from the ninja master's tutelage. Ra's al Ghul indeed valued this talented disciple, hoping to groom him as his right-hand man.

But it all came to a head when Bruce Wayne released a criminal he should have killed himself, leading to a falling out between Bruce Wayne and the League of Shadows.

So Ra's al Ghul's aim in provoking Batman at this moment was to make him break the "no killing" rule.

Peter Parker shook his head at this point, "He's not panicking at all. This guy is either truly insane or he has an ace up his sleeve."

Bruce Wayne said in a low voice, "Ra's is indeed very cunning."

In the video, Batman, however, still didn't strike, saying, "I won't kill you."

He threw a Batarang, shattering the car windows around him and separating the train car from the rest of the train. He then added casually, "But I won't save you either."

Leaving behind these words, he spread his arms, and his cape extended, resembling bat wings. He flew directly out of the car. At the same time, the runaway car dropped from mid-air and crashed into an evacuated parking lot, causing a series of chain explosions. It seemed that the ninja master had no way to survive.

The video ended, and the players fell into a brief silence.

Finally, Arthur clapped his hands and smiled shyly, "Brilliant, Batman, you're a hero, you saved Gotham."

Peter Parker also smiled, "Mr. Wayne has always been the embodiment of justice in Gotham."

Commissioner Gordon shrugged, "Well, perhaps Gotham does need a vigilante, but I think it will be difficult to change Gotham with just this."

As an insider, Jim Gordon naturally understood how corrupt and rotten Gotham was from top to bottom.

Gotham needed a saviour, but Bruce Wayne alone might not be enough to save this corrupt city.

Bruce Wayne said in a deep voice, "I can only do my best to change Gotham. If I don't act, this city will never change."

Arthur gazed at him, his tone laced with a mix of admiration and envy, saying, "Wouldn't it be amazing if there was a Batman in Gotham, like where I come from..."

"Mr. Arthur, since you're also from Gotham, you must belong to a different parallel universe. Is there anything related to Mr. Wayne in your world?" Peter Parker inquired with curiosity.

Arthur nodded, "Yes, there is the Wayne Group and the wealthiest individual in Gotham is part of the Wayne family, but I've never heard of Batman." After a moment's contemplation, he continued, "In my Gotham, the richest man is Thomas Wayne, and he's still alive."

This revelation drew Bruce Wayne's attention. He raised an eyebrow and remarked, "In that case, your world must be at an earlier point in time."

Arthur shrugged, saying, "Who knows? I don't really care about the fate of Gotham. I just hope that my life and my mother's life can improve..."

After saying that, Arthur looked at him with envy in his tone, "I often think, what if there were a hero to save me? That would be wonderful. Of course, occasionally I dream, what if I were that hero... Well, that's impossible. A person like me, what qualifications do I have to be a hero?"

Peter Parker encouraged him, "Don't think like that, Mr. Arthur. Believe in yourself. As long as you're willing to try, you can definitely do it. And, since you've been chosen as a player in this Quiz game, it's a great opportunity to change yourself!"

Commissioner Gordon frowned, "I'm more concerned now about how Ra's al Ghul and the League of Shadows will react if they see this live video. What will be their response?"

Bruce Wayne shook his head, "I don't know. What I can be sure of is that when we were transported here, the microwave emitter was probably not stolen yet."

From the exposed future video, it's easy to see that the ninja master's plan, though cunning, relied on a critical item: the microwave emitter developed and produced by Wayne Enterprises.

If they didn't have this, it would be challenging to achieve the results Ra's al Ghul wanted. There might be alternative items, but it would clearly require extra time and effort.

Commissioner Gordon looked at Bruce Wayne, "You can't contact the outside world now. Can Wayne Enterprises learn from their mistakes and secure the microwave emitter?"

Bruce Wayne said, "If they can't secure it, they'll destroy it. Don't worry, there are fools, but there are also smart people among them. They know what to do."

While they were talking, the Quiz game provided a new question:

[This round's answer-before-question mode is about to begin. We will now play a video. After the video ends, a corresponding question will be given. Please pay close attention.]

In this new round of questions, the players were all fully focused, knowing that these videos typically revealed information about the future, and every detail was important.

Soon, the screen began to play. The footage showed Gotham City shrouded in darkness, and in the overcast sky, a bat symbol could be seen.

The camera then moved to the rooftop of a high-rise building, where Batman extended his hand to knock on a spotlight with a small bat symbol on it. He nodded and said, "Well done."

Facing him was Commissioner Gordon, who appeared in good spirits. He told Batman that he couldn't catch the crime boss but had good news. Thanks to Batman's presence, not only the criminals were afraid, but even corrupt police officers within the system had become more cautious.

Though Gotham City remained in darkness, some light was finally visible, like the Bat Signal in the sky.

Commissioner Gordon also got promoted to a full-fledged commissioner.
