
Chapter 11 Hybrid

The essence of their very existence mixed. Black and white nestled into their spaces and created a new color for the world- " Grey".

A dull color that negates every existence, it can be both white and black. It can illuminate the world at the same it also darkens it. Grey nullifies all, Grey pushes all, Grey converts all, and Grey mixes all.

Grey looked around him despite knowing he was in front of the temple, he searched for the meaning of its birth. Why he was born was the biggest question for him. He knew he wasn't Lao or Darkness. He was a mixture of them and a son of their feelings, so he wasn't eager to destroy or protect what was dear to them. He simply felt hungry.


His stomach cried out demanding food from its owner. Grey scratched his head as he walked towards the fragrance of food was coming from. The smell was tickling his nose and guiding towards him the town where Lao was looked up to. Unlike Darkness, his steps didn't leave any trails on the stairs or create a distinguishable stench.

He didn't smell like anything, he didn't make any sound and his presence wasn't available to the naked eye.


The burning town was just in front of his eyes. Grey held his chest with a slight pain since he was part of Lao and Lao loved this town. Burning houses filled with corpses on the street showed the results of the witch's work.

Grey despised the look of this unsightly look. He wasn't like his father Darkness who lusted for material existence. Grey pushed away the pebble that was getting in his way. His slightly long hair blocked his eyes along with his thoughts about the situation.

Grey simply raised his hand and gestured fire to die down.


The fire which was burning strongly a moment ago was nowhere to be seen except for the smoke and waste of the town. Rubbles, corpses, garbage, burned wood, and other stuff dyed the town with black color. Ashes flew around his vision to remind of him what Lao lost in this area.

Grey slightly bent down and took out the portrait of the family. They looked happy in the portrait, but all that was left now was the fragment of memories of their existences that would be forgotten soon.


He gently placed it down on the rubble to show his respect for the deceased. The smoke filled the nostrils and told him to stay away from this place since it is poisonous to breathe, but Grey is a spirit.

He headed toward the direction where his instincts were telling him to go. The miasma of hatred and regret danced around him to indicate what was hiding in that direction. The heavy smell of blood and flesh instantly mixed with the smell of smoke and hindered his sense.

" Come out."

Grey opened his mouth calmly, gripping the blade that was once a sword that could be called an artifact. Thorns, bars, and chains were around the blade, showing it wasn't a weapon of protection. It was the weapon only suited for killing.


Hunger was playing with his mind despite Grey was trying to resist it. He cut down the miasma that was surrounding him. His eagle eyes were fixated on the figure that was standing alone in the middle of the destruction.

A man whose hair was grey enough to tell his age. Even though he was dead, he was still holding a sword and looking for his opponent.


Grey looked at the blood around him and guessed what happened to him. Perhaps, he met the same opponent as Lao who was murdered cruelly in the cold blooded method. Therefore, his wish started to manifest the miasma around him and created a dark spirit just like him.

However, he was different. He was more high leveled and rational compared to these low spirits that were born from the fragment of the past.

" I don't know who you are, but you will find your peace today."

Grey said, brandishing his blade. With a single slash of his blade, he cut down the spirit, right in the middle.

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