

"Are you willing to take on the duty as the officer of the IFM? If you reject, we will erase your memories and the ring will once again find another officer. So, what would your decision be?" Alex or Faqr questioned Anna of her decision.

"I..I…Accept," Anna replied back stutteringly and full of happiness about being selected as a Dimensional ring officer.

"That is a good decision you have taken, now if you would sign this contract. We are all set." Faqr waved his hand and a Virtual contract flew Infront of Anna, and she nervously looked at the contract wondering what kind of conditions were present in them only to find in shock that only two clauses were present.

1) All profits officer Q makes from the time of signing will be divided 60:40 for eternity. They have to make an organization named 'ORIGIN' each and every subsidiary will have to under the ORIGIN. The profits dividend= 60 being IFM, 40 for Officer A.

2) Officer A is bound to IFM and cannot betray or perform any actions untoward or un-subordination will be dealt with termination of contract and forceful seizure and removal of Dimensional ring.

"Are these the only clauses and nothing more?" Anna asked quizzically, bewildered by the freedom, she thought they would bind her to themselves and put strict conditions on her, but it was the opposite.

"You are surprised by the freedom of the contract right!.. Let me tell you why…it's because we are the makers of the power you will be having, so why would we fear anyone going rogue." Faqr smirked as he looked at Anna, who seemed to just remember the power the being Infront of her held and her face tensed.

"So, no one would think of going against IFM, any that did have become dust with the galaxy they reside and I think you would not want to see this galaxy getting dusted. Right?"

"Yes. OfCourse not." Anna chuckled nervously as she felt cold sweat sliding down her back, even though its just a virtual.

"Good now that the signing is done, I would leave as the energy is getting depleted, there is an A.I present that will help you. Let's meet in the future when you can get out of this galaxy."

After saying that a bright light flashed and Faqr disappeared from his place, leaving Anna in a daze, when a stream of information was pushed into her head and then her avatar also left the space.

Anna, who just came out of Virtual space jolted awake and noticed that she was still in her bed. She swiped on her forehead feeling cold sweat flowing and muttered, "That was such a weird dream….." Then her words stuck in her mouth and her breathing quickened as she noticed a ring coiling around her right-hand middle finger, it was a plain silver looking, but she saw a pattern on it, which made her shiver some part excitement and some part nervous as she remembered the information, she just received in that Virtual space.

"So, it was all real. I really became an officer of IFM and this ring is the Dimensional ring, such a fascinating piece of technology with this I only need to tread carefully, and I can make great changes to earth. This is something very important. Should I inform dad about IFM? Maybe I should do it as this is not something that cannot be hidden away from my father. I will speak to dad the first thing in the morning" Anna thought to herself, and with excitement and nervousness, her worries of attack and trauma about coming so close to death all disappeared as she slept peacefully drifting into the dreams of the oncoming future.

Alex switched out of the Virtual space and sighed happily after his plan went smoothly. "It all depends on how well she uses this opportunity" Alex muttered to himself and decided to sleep when Animus notified him.

<<Task: Find out the true extent of the base>>

<<Task completed>>

<< Data transferring done>>

<<Whether to start devouring metals present in the targeted location>>

"Hmmm..Oh shit!!" Alex cursed aloud as he went through the data of the base. "What the heck, who are these damn people, are they really an organization supported by governments. I can't really alert the organization and according to the data, the base is huge with six levels built in a rectangle-shaped under 100 meters deep mountain range and the lowest level was built over 1500 meters deep spreading out to 10,000 meters wide in all directions…" The more Alex read through the Data, the more shocked he became. It was not something special for such bases to exist, but the place it on is impressive, as they are under ice sheets of the Icelandic continent, where ice is the only thing in abundance.

It is no ordinary feat to build such a massive structure in such a place and maintain it for such a long time, not to mention the number of people living and the research facilities, its like a secret city hidden from the rest of the world. It would be normal if an underground town is built in some unknown place, but the facilities and the weaponry they have is not something that no normal organization should have, and who knows if this is the only facility they have.

"It's still not the time to end them entirely, and even though I can end everyone easily with the amount of Nanites I had, that would be a stupid thing to do. As these researchers and the technologies, they are experimenting on would be very precious and advanced just to kill them off like that and I need a team of researchers for my use, these group of people are very much fit for my criteria." Alex thought to himself as he was confused about how to proceed forward.

Alex brows were scrunched up in confusion and thought as he was trying hard to find out any suitable solution, after a while he smiled and muttered. "Why should i care about them, as long as Nanites devours things they can replicate it and i can get the related knowledge behind it. i can then recreate anything I want and have scientists working on them."

"Animus, let Nanites devour the metal present in the base of the structure, with that much metal Nanites will be able to increase quite a lot. After increasing to 20 kilos, divide yourself into two teams and send one to the power station. Make sure not to get discovered and be swift and anonymous" Alex commanded Animus and muttered, "I am sure there must be a huge power plant somewhere hidden that's powering the entire facilities."

<<Command received>>

Next chapter