


"This place is huge. It's like an amusement park for disaster training," said Tobias, looking around the gigantic training zone.

"There's the flood zone, landslide zone, conflagration zone, etc. Every disaster and accident you can imagine. I built this facility myself. I call it the "Unforeseen Simulation Joint!" said the other teacher that Aizawa-sensei said would join the class.

"It's the Space Hero, Thirteen!" said Midoriya.

"Oh, I love Thirteen!" fangirled Uraraka.

"That's a cool costume. Simple but impactful visually." said Tobias looking at Thirteen-sensei's space suit.

"That's why they call her the Space Hero, also because of her quirk." said Kyoka.

"Oh right, Black Hole. Talk about an overpowered quirk." commented Tobias which caused his classmates around him to look at him like he was a hypocrite.

"Before we start, I have one or two points. Or three. Or four. As I'm sure many of you are aware, my quirk is called Black Hole. It can suck in and tear apart anything." she explained.

"And you've used it to save people in all sorts of disasters." chimed in Midoriay with Uraraka vigorously nodding next to him.

"Indeed. However, my power could easily kill. I've no doubt there are some among you with similar abilities." she said, causing the students to pay more attention.

"In our superpowered society, the use of quirks is heavily restricted and monitored. It may seem that the system is stable, but we must never forget that one wrong move is all it takes for people to die. During Aizawa's physical fitness test, you came to learn of your quirk's potential. Through All Might's battle training, you experienced the danger that your quirks can pose to others.

This class will show you a new perspective! You will learn how to utilize your quirks to save lives. Your powers are not meant to harm. I hope you leave here today with the understanding that you're meant to help people." she said, causing most of the students to gain some pride on their faces, along with admiration for their teacher.

"That is all! I thank you for listening." she said, bowing.

"Awesome!" said Uraraka.

"Bravo! Bravo!" said Ida clapping for her words of wisdom.

"That's good advice for teens with potentially lethal weapons." said Tobias before he saw something out of the corner of his eye.

"Sensei, I think we have a problem!" said Tobias pointing at a black swirling mass that appeared out of thin air. With his shout, both senseis and the class all turned their attention to the black mass. Pale white hands appeared grasping the mass and expanding it open before a face with a hand covering it, appeared out of the swirl.

"Huddle up and don't move!" yelled Aizawa-sensei to the class who were still confused, except for Tobias who had an inkling as to what it may be. After all, it wouldn't be a good story if something didn't go wrong.

"Thirteen! Protect the students." yelled Aizawa-sensei as he put his goggles on, and the swirling black mass expanded even more as people came out.

"Villains." said Tobias, easily able to identify them by their villainous attire.

"Villains?! What are they doing here?!" said Eijiro.

"The break-in was probably their doing. It's not a coincidence that we have a break in and then these villains show up here." said Tobias, piecing the clues together.

"You're probably right, Tobias. No one move, but be ready for anything." said Aizawa-sensei.

"Thirteen and Eraser Head, is it? According to the staff schedule I received the other day All Might is supposed to be here." said a swirling black mass with eyes.

"Of course. That whole incident was this scum's doing." said Aizawa-sensei.

"Where is he? We've come all this way. And brought so many playmates. All Might, the symbol of peace. Is he here? I wonder if some dead kids will bring him here?" said the villain with hands all over his body, in a hoarse voice.

"So edgy." said Tobias, loud enough for the villain to hear.

"Edgy? I think you'll die first kid." he said staring right at Tobias.

"Get back, Tobias."

"Wait, are they actually villains?! No way! What'd villains be dumb enough to sneak into a school for heroes!" said Mina.

"Sensei. Aren't there intruder sensors?" Momo asked Thirteen-sensei.

"Yes, of course there are!"

"That means they must have someone with a quirk that blocks them." said Todoroki.

"This place is far from the campus. And they picked a time when few people would be here. So they're not as dumb as they seem. This is a well-coordinated sneak attack." said Tobias.

"Thirteen! Begin evacuation! And try calling the school! Kaminari. Try using your quirk to signal for help. Tobias, try to create something to counter the quirk." said Aizawa-sensei.

"Got it."

"Done." said Tobias, instantly creating a card that creates a phone whose signal can't be blocked by jammers or quirks with an hour time limit before using a weaker blue card to recover the stamina lost. Tobias had created different versions of blue cards with different stamina recovery for cases like this.

"Good, use it and call for help. I'll try to stall them." said Aizaw-sensei as he got his capture cloth ready while Tobias handed the phone to Ida so he could call for help.

"Against that many, even you can't nullify all their quirks! As Eraser Head, your fighting style involved erasure and quick binding capture. Head-on battle isn't..."

"No good hero is a one-trick pony. Thirteen! Take care of them. And Tobias, you're class president so keep them in line." he said before leaping down to the ground level to engage the villains.

"Who is that?" said one of the villains.

"Who cares, take him down. Wait, I can't use my quirk!" said another before Aizawa-sensei arrived and wrapped the two of them up, and knocked them by smashing them together.

"Wow! He can hold his own even outnumbered." said Midoirya.

"This is no time to be wowed. Ida's called for backup, they should be here soon, but let's evacuate in the meantime." said Tobias before the black swirling mass of a villain appeared before them, blocking their path.

"I'm afraid I can't allow that." he said.

"Greetings. We are the League of Villains. Forgive our audacity, but, today, we've come here to U.A. High School - this bastion of heroism to end the life of All Might, the symbol of peace. We were under the impression that All Might would be here today, but it seems his schedule was revised." he said as the black swirling mass that he was became somewhat more corporeal.

"Shut up. Christ, you talk a lot. You and that edgy teen down there, what's up with you both just saying your plan out loud like a couple of movie villains?" said Tobias as the class turned to look at him.

"Hmm. Very well no more talking."

"That's better." said Tobias, before a card flipped over under the villain.


A magic circle suddenly appeared around the villain.

"What?!" he said trying to use his quirk to escape the card effect.

"Now!" yelled Tobias as he launched another card at the villain while Kyoka and Todoroki, who were the fastest ones to react, launched an attack at him.


The card that Tobias had thrown after the fact, was another chain-sealing card for added measure. As soon as he saw the swirling black mass take corporeal form before he blocked the student's path, he knew the villain was the cause of the portal. Seeing that, Tobias decided to take safety measures and laid down trap cards around the students just in case the villain attempted a sneak attack.

The card he had laid down was Quirkbinding Circle which when activated locks the person in place while simultaneously deactivating their quirk. Tobias got the inspiration for it from Aizawa-sensei's quirk as well as those magic circles from fantasy novels.

"UGAH!" said the villain as both Todoroki's and Kyoka's attacks hit. Thankfully, they staggered the attacks correctly so Todoroki's would hit second, also causing an extra freezing effect, making it even more difficult for the villain to escape.

Tobias seeing that he was knocked down, took out another card and threw it at him. As the card hit him, a demonic gate appeared behind him, opening as chains flew out to wrap up the villain and drag him into it. Unfortunately, because of the greater sealing effect of the card, the time it took for him to be dragged into it was longer than normal and increased the more the villain resisted.

"Help!" yelled the villain, flailing around and attempting to escape.

"W-what is that?" asked Denki, pointing at the gate.

"It's Tobias' quirk. How long will it take to seal him?!" asked Momo, figuring out the effect of the gate.

"3 minutes. I couldn't make it any faster." said Tobias. The card, that he called Hades Gate, was a sealing card that he created that took up 90% of his stamina because of how strong the sealing effect is. The chains had the effect of deactivating quirks, and once sealed, the gate closes and becomes nearly impregnable while simultaneously putting those inside in stasis, unable to do anything. He was only able to create the card because he added the modifier of it taking so long.

"Okay, everyone huddle up and protect the gate. If he gets sealed, the villains are stuck here. He's the one who brought them here." said Momo also putting two and two together.


"Watch out!" said Tobias as he stood in front of Momo to take the incoming punch.


"Tobias!" yelled the class seeing him take the blow while Momo was frozen in shock.

"Ooh, that was close. Momo, move!" said Tobias as the dust cleared.

Standing in front of Tobias was a huge purple monster with a beaked face, an exposed brain, skulls for kneepads, and currently wrapped in chains. In between the two was a scarecrow, but not a normal one. A scarecrow made of scrap iron that had chains coming out of it to hold the monster in place.

"Todoroki and Bakugo guard the gate. Everyone else, group up and help take down the other villains. Thirteen-sensei, go help Aizawa-sensei." said Tobias as the purple monster was about to break free.

"Tobias, you can't deal with that monster alone!" said Thirteen-sensei.

"Sensei, your body won't be able to keep up with the monster. It's clearly their trump card and meant to kill All Might. I can keep up with it. Go!" he said before taking out a card while everyone else left to follow his orders, except for one.

"If you die, I won't forgive you." said Kyoka, who looked like she was about to cry.

"Hahaha, I promise. I won't die until you tell me I can." he said, turning to look at her, who knew he had a smile on his face under the mask.

"Good. Good luck." she said before running off.

"Todoroki, Bakugo. I trust you both to hold off anyone who tries to stop the gate."

"Tch, I'll blow up any loser villain who comes my way!" said Bakugo.

"Mm. Show us why you were first place, Fukushima-kun." said Todoroki.

"Please, call me Tobias. And I will show you." he said before the card activated and he began to shine.

"Monster Equip: Summoned Skull."



I really should stockpile these but I'm in a good writing flow so why not. Another chapter tomorrow. Also, I didn't do a normal monster summon because the Nomu would be able to ignore the monster and attack MC, but he will do a solo monster summon in the future and it came to me randomly.

Let me know what you think of the cards I introduced. Little shoutout to Beyblade with Hades Gate.

Fourteenth chapter done and as always let me know what you think.

RubberPeencreators' thoughts
Next chapter