
Returning Home!

R-18 next chapter, in 2 days....


"Of course I want to go! Don't worry about my work, my job is to look pretty for the most part after all," Qiao quipped, sounding quite casual with a hint of self-deprecation.

"The Sect Master at most think of me as a sex doll when he has no one else to fuck. He won't be missing me much."

"Is that so? That makes it convenient I guess. How about we leave now? The Mystic Realm will open soon and my disciple will return as well. Let's have some fun back home before it all starts."

Chen suggested with a glint of excitement. As for the Sect Master... Well no need to care about a dead man right?

It's been a long time since he last met his mom. As for his dad... well the guy would definitely try seducing Yuxia yet again. By his words, 'a women who can be seduced by him who doesn't even have a bigger dick then me should be left to him to have sex with anyways... Considering his personality, Chen had some doubts about telling him of his present "fetish". At the very least, he decided to no longer spew the Higher being bullshit that easily. That would eventually result in women who just wants what power he can give them. While that isn't something Chen despised. He didn't think he can spend a whole immortality with that sort of wives. Even lust is a better binding then greed for power. At least he can act as a friend with similar fetish if he has any wives who get's together with him due to their Sadism/Masochism...

Qiao glanced over at Yuxia, her eyes briefly flickering to the intricate silk dress adorning her figure. In all honest, it would be more a appropriate dress for a prostitute. Not that she had much right to judge after what she did a while back...

"Perhaps Yuxia should consider changing into something a bit more... conservative for meeting the in-laws," she teased, a playful smirk gracing her lips. "Unless of course, you don't mind us showing our true colors to your parents~"

Yuxia offered a casual smile in response, not at all phased, "I will change it up once we reach Chen's home, IF he wants me to" she replied assuringly , "I was always a bit of an exhibitionist, so why not have some fun while we go out together for once?"

"I don't really plan on being too sneaky with my parents. My dad took me to a brothel when I was 12... If anything, I can blame my libido all on him." Chen spoke if a bit mockingly, "And mom always loved watching handsome men in the nude. While she is loyal, I don't doubt that she has a very kinky side. After all, she loved watching dad get it on with his mistresses. There is very little I need to hide from them if it's about our lifestyle..."

"Too much information maybe? In that case, maybe I can dress however I want. Though not that sexy. I like the sexy things exclusively when I'm horny. If we go on a date, maybe I'll dress my 'best'~"

Bai Qiao sauntered back into her room, deliberately swaying her hips as she walked. With practiced ease, she shed her previous attire, adorning one which was far less... formal!

She wore a gown that clung to her curves like moonlight on water. Crimson silk adorned with golden embroidery flowed gracefully around her, revealing her long pearl smooth legs. Her hair, adorned with jeweled pins, framed a face that could devastate a country.

In that moment, Bai Qiao looked to be a soul sucking succubus, captivating all who beheld her.

She wore minimal make up, and showed off very little. But she seemed to oozed the aura of sex, making anyone see her want to take her for themselves.

As Yuxia and Chen stared at her visage speechlessly, Qiao smiled and hurried them on, "Let's go already. Both of you look as good or even better then me, why act that shocked?"

"I definitely need some fashion advice from you! Holy hell, I don't get how the Sect Master could even look at other women when he had you?" Yuxia had already recovered somewhat. She wasn't really jealous, after all this was the result of Bai Qiao's efforts. In terms of beauty itself, she herself wasn't at all lacking.

"And what about not sexy did you understand wrong?"

"My dress up itself is decent, correct~?" Bai Qiao giggled teasingly. "While I won't show off as much as you, it would hurt my pride if men only gave their attention to you after all!"

Chen too calmed down. In truth, Bai Qiao shocked them much more with her sense of aesthetics rather then simple looks. It's as if she was begging to be fucked even while she wore something no one can really call too inappropriate. After all, most Sect Mistresses wore far less looking far worse.

"Alright alright, we need to leave already. The sooner we go, the more we can have fun. This trip has no particular goals except for bonding maybe?"

'Though with the way these two think, this bonding session may go in a lewder direction....'

Chen shrugged off those thoughts as he warped them all together at the entrance of the Silk Road Dynasty's capital, his "hometown" as he liked to call it. The place was a bit peculiar, but he had no one else to blame but himself. Back when he was mortal, he was all about speeding up the industrial revolution, thinking he'd enjoy modern amenities in his old age. Even after he learned about immortality, he didn't pump the brakes on his plans. Who knew if he had the talent for it anyway? So, he set up all sorts of backup plans.

His father was already a wealthy merchant before he meddled, but now their business sprawled across every mortal kingdom and empire. And how did that tie into the Silk Road Dynasty? Well, he pretty much jumpstarted a technological revolution. With the world being so vast, advancements mainly centered around his own empire. He might not have been a genius engineer, but in a world full of cultivators, talent wasn't exactly scarce.

He just rounded up the real brains and pointed them in the right direction. The dynasty's royalty was the real deal, too – they were all about serving the people and working together. So, the empire ended up looking like it was straight out of the Middle Ages, but with a whole lot of cool stuff going on underneath the surface.

As Chen, Yuxia, and Bai Qiao strolled through the lively streets of the bustling capital, their striking presence stirred a flurry of reactions among the passersby. Yuxia's sultry demeanor and enchanting smile seemed to cast a spell of tranquility and lust, drawing the attention of all who crossed her path. The men all looked at her with desire with little wish to turn away.

Bai Qiao, her laughter akin to silver bells, possessed a captivating charm that left onlookers enchanted. In the mischievous glint of her eyes, alive with spirit and daring, men found themselves bewitched by her magnetic energy. With each toss of her lustrous hair, she wove a spell that ensnared hearts and held them captive. She was wearing decent clothes, in contrast to the nigh naked goddess beside her. But she was nowhere near lacking in charm after all.

The people of this empire doesn't really fear the immortals, after all the citizens had the protection of a Nascent Soul Elder of a top tier Sect! No cultivator coming to this empire dared treat mortals as lesser beings then them. They still commanded respect of a person in higher position. Just not fear.

So what if they stared at a female cultivator lustfully, it's her fault if she dressed so slutty! At most, they would still be polite and respectful in ordinary interactions. You can't expect them to keep their gaze lower in fear even when a celestial beauty was set on giving them a show of a lifetime. And all the passives from the system made it that, in terms of trying vulgar things with Chen's women, everyone's fear and morality drops an all time low...

What they didn't realize though, was that they were looking at the very Elder they relied on...

Who can blame them? That Elder may have declared his protection over the Empire, but no one actually ever saw him personally. Save for the royal family...

Whispers of admiration and longing fluttered through the crowd, drawn to the effortless grace that radiated from the goddesess every step. The women complained internally and labelled them as sluts. But even they couldn't help but wish to touch their immaculate bodies. The men were far more honest. While no one dared to actually catcall or such, some of them brought out their empires newest invention. The Kamera! Which is honestly more daring then some passing comments...

As they walked, the air hummed with anticipation, scented with jasmine and sandalwood. Pedestrians paused, entranced by the sight before them. Their gazes lingered on the trio, unabashed admiration shining in their eyes, as if witnessing celestial beings among them. Many took pictures from different angles. When some realized the immortals didn't mind, they became even bolder. Little by little, they stopped giving way to them, getting closer while all simultaneously acting as if they were going by their day.

Some of them were still taking pictures while most of the men simply wanted to take a closer look. Most purely focused on the goddesses body, taking mementos of what they thought to be a once in a lifetime view.

Chen, accustomed to the attention his wives garnered, couldn't help but smile at the reactions of the horny onlookers. "Seems we've caused quite a commotion," he remarked, amusement and pride coloring his voice. "I suppose I should be used to it by now."

Yuxia's laughter danced in the air, enchanting those around her. "It's only natural," she replied, a sultry look forming in her eyes. "Who could resist such radiant beautys?"

Bai Qiao's laughter echoed Yuxia's, "Shall we give them something to remember?" she teased, her voice carrying the promise of mischief.

Chen laughed yet shook his head in denial. "Not yet, we're just a few steps away from home. We'll come out to play soon enough, however you prefer~"

Looking at his hometown, Chen's eyes alight with anticipation glanced at his wives. "It feels really good to be back," he remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "There's always something new to discover in the capital... And there is many things we can peacefully try while we stay here~"

Yuxia nodded in agreement, her gaze wandering over the bustling marketplace. "Indeed," she replied, her voice carrying a note of mischief. "I hear there's a new tea house that's been getting pretty famous. Perhaps we should pay it a visit after we greet your parents."

"Ahh~ The Phoenix Pavillion eh~" Chen smirked in understanding. The only place with tea built recently was that right.

Yuxia just smiled innocently as if not understanding his look. After all, she "definitely" didn't know that was a Qing Lou.

Bai Qiao, her expression thoughtful, surveyed the bustling thoroughfare with keen interest. "And what about that new garments merchant that opened last month?" she suggested, pointing at a shop her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "I heard they have the most unique clothing in this side of the empire. It might be worth a look~"

She too had a naughty smile ever-present on her face...

Chen was too tired to retort. This one wouldn't be as obvious if Bai Qiao wasn't smiling like that...

'The adult cosplay store I gave dad as a gift huh... Why didn't I ever particularly realize that, my family is in fact... quite perverted...'

He simply gestured forward towards the massive gates, towering with grandeur, welcoming them, adorned with intricate patterns. It was the gates of his mansion. Within it was a sprawling estate, a fusion of modern and ancient concepts seamlessly intertwined. Beyond, a vast courtyard unfolded, blending marble statues with lush gardens, a harmony of nature and architecture.

Nearby, a luxurious pool sparkled, equipped with much more modern luxuries for relaxation then should exist in that world. You could see a water slide and even an artificial waterfall.

As Yuxia took in the view a bit nostalgically, Bai Qiao exclaimed, "You're damn rich here! It's even better then the Prime Peaks main residence!"

"Haha, well mortal money is something I have in plenty. A shame Cultivators don't use it..."

Chen looked at his very own artwork with glee. It IS nice to see his decades long work being appreciated. Before they could go any close though, a vision of beauty graced their sight—a woman of allure bidding Chen's father farewell with a flirtatious smile, blowing him a kiss.

Chen's father laughed foolishly, acting like any lustful buffoon who was definitely thinking with his dick right now. He was an embarrassing sight for an old man in his 90's... Though he looked to be only middle aged.

"Until next time, my dear," he said with a longing gaze. The mistress chuckled in response, her voice carrying a melody of amusement.

"You know exactly where to find me~ Just beckon and I'll come running. Until then, keep me in your dreams, won't you~ " she purred, her voice a sultry whisper that danced on the air.

As Chen watched his dad act like a fool yet again, he simply facepalmed. Yuxia too laughed at the sight,

"That old fool never changes haha! Remember the first time you brought me here as a friend? He tried so hard to bed me that it was silly~"

Chen just rolled his eyes, while Bai Qiao asked a bit surprised, "Does he always behave like this around... um, visitors? Especially someone you could have been dating..."

Yuxia chuckled, her laughter tinkling like wind chimes. "Oh, you have no idea," she replied, a playful glint in her eyes. "He's a hopeless pervert. This old man has enough libido to take on 6 women at once. I'd know."

"You'd Know What!!! Did you fuck your father in law!!!" Bai Qiao was exasperated! Even she wouldn't have gone THAT far! Well, at least not a week ago...

"Ahahaha~ No no, he's just not shy about bringing in many women, even including the Madame in some of his games!" Yuxia's laughter bubbled forth like a chorus of silver bells, nearly reaching Chen's father's ears. Chen waved as a surge of spiritual energy covered themselves from his father and also insulate their sound.

"For now let's meet mom first. I really don't want to meet dad in this situation...."

Saying that, Chen's gaze flashed to the pool which was around 50 meters away from them.

Near the luxurious pool, a woman bathed in its sparkling waters, her form adorned in scant silken robes. She lounged by the water's edge, delicate feet dipping in the coolness, while she savored a cup of fragrant osmanthus wine.

Around her were many piles of books, as well as a water slide curved gracefully, and an artificial waterfall cascaded into the pool.

As Chen and his companions skillfully maneuvered towards the pool, attempting to avoid greeting his father right after he bid his mistress goodbye, the woman, her gaze alight with intrigue, caught sight of them with a surprised gasp.

"Chen, my dear," she exclaimed in a tone laced with affection and a hint of mischief, "what a delightful surprise! It's been a year already hasn't it!"

"And... it seems you didn't only inherit your dads looks huh~" The woman, who was Chen's beloved mother smiled slyly as she looked towards Yuxia. More specifically, her outfit.

"Eh? Ehh.... Kyaa!!! Yuxia screamed in shock. Yes she was a pervert, but who acts like one in front of their mother in law!

As much as she knew that her mother in law wouldn't care... What's embarrassing stayed embarrassing!

Bai Qiao burst into loud, raucous laughter, her voice echoing through the air with unbridled amusement. "AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!! I TOLD YOU HAHA!!! I knew you would mess up someway! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

Her laughter was wild and unrestrained, almost causing her to double over as tears of mirth streamed down her face

Even Chen couldn't supress a chuckle escaping him. He quickly took out some decent clothes as Yuxia quickly changed after hiding herself from their vision with a spell technique.

"Well it's a good thing we didn't greet dad first..."

"Mhm~ It's a good thing you and Yuxia are learning to appreciate how to have fun, but having your father join in could be awkward~"

Madame Chen teased, her voice carrying a playful lilt as she giggled. Her movements bore the traces of water's touch, the droplets clinging to her glistening skin as she swayed. With a carefree smile, she brushed a wet lock of hair away from her face.

"Sigh... For now let's get in first. It's about time for lunch right? I can introduce Bai Qiao to you both as we eat then."

"Alright~ I need to dress up back in my room as well. I don't have spells as convenient as you cultivators after all..." 

