
Ashen and Shiki's Rampage

"Is this a nightmare?..." The journalists and people watching the war broadcast in Saboady Archipelago looked at the screens in horror.

"Did we just witness the death of an Admiral?"

"H-Haha…at this rate the marines will lose even after defeating Whitebeard" Someone stated, letting out a nervous chuckle.

"That's--!!...Father and uncle Ashen!" Emma looked in surprised, it's the first time in 20 years she meets her father face to face, and it was under these conditions.

"I believe this won't be the best time for a family reunion" Kuro stated adjusting his glasses.

"I know…" Shortly after that, Gin and Desire caught up with them again and along with the rest of her crew they joined the unconscious Luffy and Jinbe in Trafalgar Law submarine, since Emma's personal ship was destroyed by Akainu's magma attacks earlier, they also made sure Luffy made it safely into the submarine.

"Borsalino, you fool…how could you let this happened" Akainu looked furious at the sudden twist of events.

"Good, I would've liked to do that myself, but I don't mind the captain as well" Calvin stated looking satisfied at Kizaru's death, he couldn't hold himself earlier when he saw him crippling his daughter by taking out her right hand.

"This little punk!" Garp narrowed his eyes while looking at Ashen in hostility.

"Ashen, you bastard!" Sengoku cursed him.

"Zehahahaha! Such an awesome turn of events, now even the marines can't stop the new age. From now on the whole world will witness the real great age of pirates!...Zehahahaha!!"

"This is a big trouble, who would've thought that something like this would happen" Aokiji as looked equally shocked as everyone else, and Shiki who he was fighting was only laughing hysterically and enjoying the current situation.

"Jihahahaha! There is no way trash like you would defeat that guy…and don't think you're safe yourself!" Shiki declared before he attacked him.

"Lion's Dominion Wave!"

"Ice Block…Pheasant Beak!!" Aokiji released a massive wave of ice in the shape of a pheasant in a single blast.

Shiki gestured with his arm as several large boulders came flying towards Aokiji at a high speed and proceeded to shatter his ice pheasant, before Shiki thrusted both his swords at Aokiji stabbing him in the stomach. Unfortunately, the attack went right through him, as Aokiji used future vision to dematerialize the area where Shiki was going to strike.

"So, you got some moves brat" Shiki said with a smirk as he proceeded to jump back and used the sword attached to his right leg to send a Haki coated sword slash.

<Ice Saber>

*CLANG* Aokiji created a large, jagged sword of hard ice, capable of clashing with actual steel swords and used to deflected Shiki's slash.

Near their battlefield, all eyes were on Ashen, some waiting for his next move in anticipation, some in fear.

"Let's see…" Ashen proceeded to pick up Kizaru's body and head and flew with him upwards before he dropped him on the ship "You'll make a good zombie…Ken, Franky, don't let anyone come near him"

"Don't worry captain!"

"Let's see now…Who's the next target?" Ashen questioned as he landed on the battlefield again.

"You bastard, what did you do with Kizaru-san body?!" One of the marine soldiers asked in anger. Ashen didn't bother to answer as Indigo flames engulfed the entire area around, incinerating anyone in it.

After that Ashen scanned the battlefield, searching for his next target before his eyes landed on Shiki and Aokiji.

"Kuzan this scar still itches every time I see your face" Ashen stated touching a scar in his stomach. He received it during the fight where he and Shanks fought against Kuzan when he was still a Vice Admiral back at Water 7.

"Time for a payback!"

"Don't tell me he's going after Kuzan!" Sengoku questioned.

"Hoi, I'm still here!" Blackbeard said as he attacked Sengoku again.


Just as Ashen tried to join Shiki, a Vice Admiral stopped his way. He was Vice Admiral Julius, his brother.

"If it isn't my stupid little brother…I suggest you get out of the way before you get hurt" Ashen said with a menacing tone of voice.

"Attila, I don't know why you came here but just know that it is my duty as a marine to protect this place…I don't want to fight you just know that I only ever joined the marines to find you when you went missing. But you had to become a pirate all of a sudden, you became the same thing that we used to hate the most…I don't know what's your goal, but I hope it is something more than mere money and power" Julius calmly responded.

"You talk too much…and you're wrong, power is everything. You said you hate pirates, I could only guess they took someone dear to you, and guess what? If you had power, you could've stopped that. You say mere money? You know how many countries could be saved from war if they could pay the heavenly tribute to the World Government? So don't go around saying mere money and power you brat…"

"Money and Power a fucking everything!!...wake up to reality, this is the true face of this world!"

Julius didn't respond to that, it seems that Ashen's world resonated with him a little bit. He only narrowed his eyes before he created several crystal spears and tried to send at Ashen.

<Severe Shockwave>

*CRACK* Ashen cracked the air in front of him by punching it, resulting in massive shockwave and causing Julius's spears and Julius himself to shatter to small Crystal pieces, before he returned to his human form a few seconds later.

"You got yourself a Logia, huh? But don't think a powerful devil fruit is enough to be the strongest" Ashen stated before he used Inferno Jet Steps to close the distance between them and then slashed Julius at the chest.

Julius barely was able to stop the attack with his two swords, before he himself channeled Haki into his swords and struck back. However Ashen easily parried his attack.

"So, you can use Advanced Haki…" Ashen noted, quite surprised but he quickly cracked a smile "I expect no less from someone who carries the same blood as me, however…"

Ashen used his future vision while dealing a series of powerful strikes, overwhelming Julius before he finally channeled flames into his left hand and grabbed him by the head and smashed him into the ground.

"I'm not going down easily!" Julius tried to fight back but it was useless.

"Let this be a reminder of how weak you are brother, if you truly want to defeat me then get stronger and surpass the so-called Admirals…train your Haki to the limits…Master your devil fruit…and one last thing, don't let the celestial dogs tell you what to do" Ashen said with a serious face before he clenched his sword tightly and stabbed him in the stomach.

"*SPLASH*--ARRGHHH!!!" Julius threw a mouthful of blood while holding his stomach in pain.

"Next time, my sword will pierce your heart. So, think twice about getting in my way…" Ashen said as he turned back and walked away.

"A-Attila…damn it!"

"See you later little brother!"

After that Ashen immediately join Shiki against Aokiji.

"Arara! It seems that I'm in trouble" Aokiji calmly said, before he clashed with Ashen and Shiki.

Even for someone as strong as him, it was too much to fight a Yonko and a someone close to a Yonko level.

"Shiki, you should already do that thing!" Ashen said to Shiki.

"Yeah, it's probably the perfect time now that everyone's hands are full"

"Do that thing?" Aokiji looked intrigue.

"Jihahaha! It's time to show you hell, you marine dogs get ready!" Shiki declared with wicked grin before he gestured with his hand and the fifty of marine warships that were stationed around the island floated in the air and above Marineford.

"…That's--!!" All the marines looked at the sky in horror.

"It's the warships that were stationed around the island!!" Someone exclaimed.

"If they fall on the island, we're going to suffer massive casualties!!"

"That's Shiki's ability Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, it allows him to control any object he makes contact with…there isn't any worst thing we can see than these two bastards working together" Sengoku stated his facial expressions darkened at the sight of fifty marine ships floating above Marineford.

"This is a small gift for you…you always keep boasting about Marineford being an impenetrable fortress, you still think so right now? Sengoku, Garp!" Shiki asked them.

"You should have stayed quiet and remained a legend. Did you come back after all these years to get your revenge against the world, Shiki?" Garp questioned.

"You'll find out soon…" Shiki responded with a smile before he gestured with his hand all the fifty ships came crashing down at Marineford.

*BOOOM*-*BOOOOM*-*BOOOM* The ships exploded at the impact. The damage and causalities that were caused by that were unimaginable. Thousands of soldiers lost their lives in an instant, the Warlords and the Vice Admirals tried to minimize the damage by stopping some of the ships but there was too many.

"Jihahaha! Nothings beats destroying Marineford!"

After that, Shiki and Ashen continued fighting Aokiji.

A little while after that, a strong figure finally decided to get serious and go all out.

It's none other than Garp…

"You damn pirates, I'm not going to stand idle and let you rampage in Marineford anymore!" Garp declared as he jumped towards Shiki and Ashen, before Ashen's crew stopped his way.

Ashen already warned everyone about Garp and Sengoku, specially Garp so everyone except Calvin and Enel who were holding Akainu stood in the way of Garp, preventing him from joining the fight along with his disciple Aokiji.

"Kishishi! Garp the hero, I believe our captain is busy right now, how about you stand back until he finishes with Aokiji first?" Moria said, laughing manically with his sword drawn.

"Out of the way pirate turds" Garp was extremely furious at Shiki and Ashen's actions, he was going to hold back but now that Kizaru was brutally killed in front of millions and thousands were killed by Shiki, and on top of that they are trying to kill Aokiji as well, he's previous disciple he was going all out.

"Don't think you can barge into the Marine Headquarters and do whatever you please!" Garp declared as leaped into the air, infusing his fist with Armament and Conqueror's Haki and then delivered a massively powerful punch with shockwaves that encompassed a large radius, but he made sure not to accidently hit his allies, as for Marineford it was already destroyed so there was no reason holding back.

"Galaxy Impact!!!"

"--Garp-san is going all out!"

"--Out of the way if you don't want to get hurt!"

"Garp" Sengoku looked surprised seeing Garp going all out.

"--Hoi, hoi, Ashen wasn't joking about this old man--!!!" Urouge exclaimed.

*KA-BOOOM* Black lightning surged from the impact location. The attack managed to blow away almost the entire crew, except Moria and Yamato who managed to withstand the attack and quickly got on their feet again.

"--This old man is no joke" Yamato said wiping the blood from her mouth as she picked up her Kanabō from the ground.

"He has this much strength even at such an on old age" Moria remarked.

"WRAAAHH!!--*CRASH*--" Garp wasn't done yet, and he proceeded to land near Moria. And after hardening his hands with Armament Haki and infusing it with Conqueror's Haki, Garp grabbed him by the face and slammed him downwards, creating a massively deep hole in the ground as he fell.

"Blue Hole!!"

When Yamato saw that, she quickly grasped her Kanabō with both hands before she coated it with Advanced Armament Haki (Emission) and infused it with Conqueror's Haki, and then swung her weapon vertically at Garp, leaving a trail of dark lightning in her wake.

"Raimei Hakke!!"

*BAAAAM* Garp easily blocked her attack with his fist before he punched her, sending her flying a few meters back. Immediately after that, Yamato entered her Hybrid form before she proceeded to dash at Garp again swinging her club horizontally with two hands to strike a powerful blow.

<Devine Swiftness>

"You're so persistent kid!" Garp used his fist to block her attack before he punched her in the face, sending her flying back. Yamato didn't fall down and attacked him yet again.

This time she leaped in the air as she activated the flame dial in her weapon, before her Kanabō 'Takeru' was wrapped in hot purple flames. The flames in the dial were imbued by Ashen's personal flames. Immediately after that she sent a massively powerful projectile, Haki-Coated flame slash towards Garp.

"Celestial Cleave!!" Just like Oden who had an effect on Yamato's life and personality, Ashen as well did, as her mentor and someone who was like fatherly figure to her in the absence of her real father. Yamato grown to respect Ashen so much that she replicated his strongest sword attack.

Garp deflected the attack before Moria showed up again and using his shadow power, he created several black spears and hurled them at Garp. The spears weren't strong enough to pierce through Garp's Haki and Moria had to attack him again using his sword.

"Go to hell you old fart!" Moria used Emission to let his Haki flow into his sword and along with Yamato they launched a combination attack. Urouge and the rest also joined in after that. It was a battle to hold back the old monster until Ashen finish fighting rather than defeating him.
