
Chapter 57: Hello, Is It Me You're Scouting For!?

Roughly two thousand metres south of Adelvania's vast wall. A group of humans strolled through the forest south of the gate. The group comprised ten people fitted with light leather armour and swords.

"Are you sure this will help break that damn wall?" asked a short, brown-haired woman.

"Of course! Why else would the church call him a hero if he didn't know something like that?" said a black-haired male.

"We should stay quiet. Remember, this place is not our home." muttered a gorgeous blonde-haired woman as she cut down a branch.

These three people were the advanced scouts of the team. Bella, the short brown-haired girl; Gabriel, the black-haired male and Stella, the attractive blonde woman. Lucifer followed these three for a while now. He found that these knights all spoke too much during missions.

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