
Interjection (2)

A thick, heavy snort broke the silence.

"You may think you hold some power in this world, but it is only through the support of those around you. And even they can be easily killed by a newly ascended ascendant who is still struggling to control their magical abilities" The assassin pointed out "Yet, instead of protecting them, you would rather stand idly by and watch as they are killed before your eyes, all for the sake of some nebulous goal, blindly waiting for a better tomorrow despite having no understanding of how the power structure and its dynamics truly operate".

Segal retorted "I kn….".

"Segal" The assassin interrupted "Don't you understand?… You are a man who doesn't want to die yet because he foolishly believes that he has something worth living for".

Segal's mouth clamped shut. The words echoed in his mind as he froze in place.
