
Until Death Do Us Apart R18

  For the whole night until dawn, Gray makes love to his wife. After the alcohol wears off, he wakes up with a massive headache. His wife was sitting beside her with a damp towel over his forehead and a tea that she prepared. He frowned when he noticed a red spot on her nose. He quickly sat up and grabbed her wrist. 

"What were you doing?" He grumbled angrily. "Are you spying on us again?" 

  She shuddered but she calmed down. 

"No. Gray~~" she said softly. "I prepared you tea for your hangover." 

  He pushed her wrist away. 

"Please drink this." She was calm and Gray picked it up and reached her hand as he let her hold it. 

"Drink it first." 

  She sipped on it and gave it to him. 

"It's warm." She said. 

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