

After a private dinner with Eris, he took her back to the main house as he introduced them one by one. Not to mention that Johanna and Keira become too manipulative as they insisted on Eris to stay. Since it was already late, Eris couldn't say no. Even the kids loved her being with them. They had a lot of questions about her disability but she understood that the kids are curious. It was only for one hour that Gray let them interview Eris.

"I'm sorry about that." Gray chuckled. "But if everyone were there, they would be louder. I will take you out on a date tomorrow again. Not in the Estate somewhere else."

"I~~I don't have clothes or a hygiene kit. Can you please take me to my hotel room?"

"Okay, sure. Can I stay there?" he asked and then he laughed. "I was kidding. But are you sure? It's late. Don't worry about hygiene kits, we have everything you need and there are a lot of unused new clothes that could fit you."

"I~~I don't want to be a burden." Then, she remembered the voice that whispered in her ear back in the hotel. They will surely threaten her further if she comes back to the hotel.

"Hey, don't worry. You are not a burden. I will have it in the spare room in my house. That also includes skin care." Gray said as he saw the maids with newly washed clothes and new skincare products. "This product is gentle on the skin. Keira chose this for you." He took the facial wash and gave it to her. She reached for the cap and opened it as she smelled it.

"Sleeping clothes." He reached for the white silk dress and made her touch it. "Everything is here. You don't have to stay in the hotel."

"O-okay." She nodded her head.

"Hi, Eris!" Keira, the 28 years old niece of Gray entered with a big smile. "It's Keira. I am so sorry that we pressure you to stay, but it is indeed dangerous to drive outside. We are just worried about you and Gray."

"Thank you, Keira." Eris felt odd about hearing her voice. But it was beautiful.

"I am here to help you, is that alright?"

"I~~" She looked worried and still anxious around her with the strange people.

"You must be tired. I will help you." Keira decided as the woman held both of her hands.

Eris froze as her eyes dilated. She could see everything about Keira. The things that happened to her are rough and before she could see everything, Keira led her to the room that interrupted her visions. She hoped that no one noticed that. But she needs to keep it a secret. This is the reason why she's in the enemy's lair, to find the gems. Soon, she'll also meet the killing machines under Gray's care.

"Are you alright?" Keira asked. "You look pale."

"Y-yes, I am fine. I am just new to everything here."

"Just feel at home. You will be staying here more and more. Summer is coming and the kids usually stay here on the estate to play with the animals and their grandparents." Keira said and she continued chatting.


Gray took a quick bath and put his clothes on. He went to Eris's room where Keira was helping her around so she would check everything. The stools are against the wall so she won't trip. They made sure that the bathroom was carpeted so she wouldn't slip. He's surprised that they already liked her although she had a disability. Eris might think that they only like her because she can't see but that's not at all. They knew from the start that Eris is kind. She looks and acts like an angel.

"So, are you familiar around?" Gray asked.

"Not quite." Eris smiled. "Thank you, Keira."

"Sure thing. I have to go back to my babies." Keira gently squeezed her hand. "It's nice meeting you." Then, Keira approached Gray with a grin and patted him.

He rolled his eyes at Keira but he grinned anyway. Then, he walked inside Eris's room and sat at the edge of the bed, a few spaces away from her. He pressed his hand over the bed and stared at the ceiling where there were luminous stars.

"I don't remember being taken care of like that," Gray said. "They spoiled you more than me."

She giggled and turned to him.



"It felt like we've known each other for so long. I feel comfortable around you."

Gray moved closer to her.

"I feel the same." He was relieved that he was not the only one who felt the same. Maybe it was fate that brought them together.

"Can you sleep here?" She asked as she used her hand to find the pillow. "Let's put a big pillow between us. Your house and this place are so big like the universe. I am afraid that I might get lost."

"It's fine with me." He moved closer to her and reached her hand as he kissed it. It smelled like lavender under the sun. "Don't worry. I won't do anything stupid."

She flushed as she pressed her lips.

"Oh, right. Let's sleep." He released her hand as he walked to the door. "Would you rather have it open?"

"Close. So, the room would feel smaller." She stood as she used her hands to carefully peel the sheet and place the pillow in the middle.

"Darling, the bed is too wide." Gray pulled the pillow to the very center. "You have enough room to roll too." He grinned as she giggled. Then, she sat down and reached her walking stick beside the bed. She caressed it and she lay down, making sure that her braided long hair won't get on the other side of the barrier that she put.

Gray turned off the lights leaving the lamps on each side table. Then, he slipped off to the sheet and turned to her sideways.

She lay flat down with the sheet over her waist. She closed her eyes and fell asleep. Gray turned off the lights beside him as he hugged the pillow barrier between them. He watched her while he thought that she was asleep. She raised her hand to reach the pillow which landed on his face.

"Stop staring at me."

He chuckled when her soft hand which smelled like mint covered his eyes.

"I just love watching you. It won't be bad when we become a real couple."

"I don't think that I am not ready for that, but let's start with just friends and dating?" She suggested. "I have never been in a relationship before."

Gray stared at her, agreeing by bouncing his head.

"We can do that. I think it'll be fun. I mean, you know. Break up from dating and just accompanying each other? What do you think, Eris?" Gray's eyes flashed with an unknown color which he didn't realize. But somehow he just saw a little vision with her. She's standing in the middle of the green land with closed eyes and feeling the breeze. There's nothing after that. No disaster coming to her or their family.

"I think that will be perfect." She smiled beautifully and he knew that she didn't realize it. Based on the short vision that he had, she looked like a person that finally felt freedom.

"Since you aren't sleepy, we can talk about things~~," He said. "What kind of place you thought of going to?"

"On top of a mountain with grasses, dandelions~~I want to feel the cold fresh air… the smell of grass and trees. Maybe camp there a little bit."

"Yeah, we can do that."

She stopped and reached her face.

"Are you serious?"

"Why not? I think it is relaxing. But for now, we need to stay close to the city. What do you think?"

"I am fine with anything."

They chatted for a long time until both of them fell asleep. She somehow woke up from the vibration of her phone. She reached it on the side table as she carefully slipped off from the bed and answered it. She pressed it to her ear.

"You seemed to be doing fine." The man's familiar voice said. "You didn't come home. So, he's with you now?"

"Hmm," She hummed.

"Alright, you should have fun. I mean, you are a virgin and you know~~just enjoy the thing with him. Just act naturally." The man sighed. "I am quite worried, how are you?"

"I'm doing fine." She mumbled as she felt a little rustling sound. Gray might have been woken up by the vibration. "I'll be home soon."

"Oh, honey. I would like you to stay there further and have fun. I mean, it's the only way to save your little friend's neck. Look, it is the only way, okay?"

"Okay." She mumbled as she hung up.

"Your friend?" He asked.

"Yes, she's just checking on me."

"At this hour?" Gray looked at the clock, three o'clock in the morning?

"Yeah," She searched for the table and when she bumped on it lightly, she placed her phone over it with the screen facing under. Then, she reached the bed to go back to sleep.

Suddenly, the door opened as Gray shot an eye at the little creature that entered the room.

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