
Investigate the Emperor

" What do you mean by this, your majesty?" Ji Yang was truly surprised when he heard Zhai Tianyu say that he has already looked for someone to investigate the case of Liu Fei Fei's death as far as he knew the investigation of such cases fell under the hands of Ji Mo and the rest of the crime investigation department. " This the responsibility of the investigation department then why——"

" Because I realised that even the worthy and capable investigation department can make a mistake, everyone knows what happened with my aunt and even though I want to leave the matter in the hands of the investigation department I do not wish to do so," Zhai Tianyu knew that this was going to bring him a lot of trouble, he was supposed to be the puppet king. If he started to act now then the two families will truly try to get their hands on him, they might even start investigating him, which might not be beneficial for him but——

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