
Vamp of the show

Liu Hui Ying smiled at Zhai Chenguang's oblivious expression and kicked her legs before she lowered her upper body such that her face was at eye level with the kneeling woman, though she was smiling, her eyes were colder than ice causing Zhai Chenguang to shiver. " You want to know a secret?" 

" Secret?" mused Zhai Chenguang as she stared at Liu Hui Ying blankly, what kind of secret was more important than her moving on? But she still nodded her head causing Liu Hui Ying's lips to hitch up higher. 

" This woman is dead," said Liu Hui Ying as she sat up straight and crossed one of her legs such that she was resting it on the knee of the other one. " She died yesterday after drinking a glass of poisoned wine that was sent to her." She threw her arm around the back of her chair and raised a brow. " And do you want to know who delivered that poisoned wine to her?" 

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