
chapter 38

___ 38

 Just a bit away from the kingdom wall, two young lovers stood on opposite sides facing each other, eyes locked together and each rooted to the floor with wondering thoughts.

 Hunter thought inwardly *safia is the princess alright but....does she hates me now, is that why she's keeping distance...*

 Safia stares at hunter who's clad in just a simple gray jeans with black long sleeve button shirt, she thought *his feet are dusty, did he ran here? But he doesn't seem out of breath..he's not with crunches, no bandage in sight, which means...he is not hunter march the leader of the werewolfs!*

 Like a lightening bolt safia dash towards hunter engulfing him in a big hug, hunter let out the breath his been holding and hug her back, relief they are still on hugging terms, tho quickly safia let go of the hug and without a word she rapidly start to unbuttoned hunter's shirt

 Blushing hunter whispers *what are you doing someone might see us here...* ignoring him safia remove the shirt then finally let out a sigh of relief *oh thank heavens your not hunter march...*

 Immediately hunter stop blushing, taking his shirt he wore it back, clears his throat and decided to say the truth for good. He started *I'm sorry safia but i...* safia quickly interrupts *don't say sorry its non of your fault, i hid the truth and lied to you i..* 

 He blurts it *i am hunter march leader of the werewolfs...* safia stood still and silent, after taking a few deep breaths she whispers *what are you doing here then....* before hunter could reply she added *you're hunter march, and i trust you so let's go, we're too close to the kingdom its not safe for you, after what happened security is tighter now, what if ...*

 *shhhhhh...* hunter shushes her then softly spoke *i need to tell you the truth, please...listen to me* safia nodded so he lead them to sit under a tree, he spoke

 * when i met you for the first time at the lake i didn't reveal who i truly was because...i needed your help to find the princess, to find you apparently, but as time went on I lost track of my goal and fell deeply in love with you.

 And i should have told you the truth then, i wanted to tell you but i couldn't, i feared you might hate me....but I've never truly outright lied to you, yes i twist the truth and add it with lies but safia my feelings, the history, cherry and our time together was all the truth...i understand if you hate me now and won't forgive me, but please i need your help, my people need your help, we are not the bad guys safia, we don't want this war..*


 Taking in another deep breath safia let out *i understand, you are the leader of the werewolfs, the one my father wants to get rid of....but to me, you are my lover, hunter....i still don't know who's version of the history i should believe, but i know one thing, war is not the answer, my father will never listen to you so i will, i will talk with the werewolfs and then talk to my father, i promise i will try my absolute best to convince him, to end the war and promote peace between our kind* 

 Hearing safia's words hunter felt at ease and could finally breath out the stress he's been carrying for days, he reached out and held her hand as she ask *i saw you got shot with that gun, you were bleeding...but now you look fine?* 

 hunter smiles and reply *it was brave of you to ran out there like that, it was so beautiful...."she blushes" and you're right, i got shot and it was very painful, but werewolfs heal faster than humans, the moment the metal thingy was removed, the bullet right, the wound closed up and healed*

 Safia spoke *good thing then...i literally freaked out when i saw you, you were so big and..werewolf, then the argument, the shot, the engagement, it was chaos....and about jasper, I'm really so sorry i..*

 Hunter cut safia short *don't worry about it, what happened to jasper was not your fault, its actually destiny but i prefer to blame that Antonio guy, what is his problem engaging you like that...*

Nodding safia reply *Anthony...I'll break that engagement, it should be easy since he's not a royal, but there's one issue, dad now thinks of him as some hero....but, as long as we're together it'll all be okay, right* hunter agree *yes my love, we've got eachother and we'll make everything right, I'll make sure of it*

 Reaching into his pocket hunter take out the small heart shape box he's been carrying around for awhile now, he spoke *i was in such a hurry i almost forgot to bring this, but I'm glad i did*

safia ask as he hands her the box *what is it?..* opening the box safia took out a heart shape silver amulet, the shiny pendant reflecting off the night light, she breathed out softly *it so beautiful...*

 Hunter explain *its silver moon amulet, it belonged to my mother, just days before the war when her health was getting worse she gave it to me, she said to only give it to the love of my life, to my mate...so, here you go...*

 Taking the amulet hunter lovingly put it around safia's neck, he whistle *oolala look at that, you shine brighter than the moon itself..* she blushes as hunter added *....i love you safia Travis, i loved you from the first day we met, i love you now and i will always love you*

 Hunter's heartfelt confession brought tears to safia's eyes, she whispers *i love you too hunter march..* feeling over the moon with happiness hunter reply softly *thank you safi a....* then gently wipe the tears from her face as he leans in, but a yell interrupted what he was about to do.

 *hey! Who are you and why are you with the princess?!* letting go they got up quickly and the scene before them was horrifying, sir Anthony stood there with a dozen soldiers behind him, all armed. Safia curses *oh shit...* hunter held her hand and comforted *don't worry it'll be alright...*

 Anthony yelled again *i asked! Who are you and why are you with the princess!?* hunter step forward and shielded safia from their stares, he spoke *who i am is not your concern and the princess, you have no right to interfere in her personal life*

 Chuckling Anthony spoke *seriously!...this peasant boy is the reason you don't want to engage me, what a shame*

 Annoyed, hunter reply *oh i see, you're the engagement tricker, you planned it together with that "prince", if it was a real prince you slapped you wouldn't be here*

 *and what do you know about a prince, you're just a nobody, if the princess is the one that taught you that little thing then you should know, she too has no idea what the word princess even means* Anthony spoke.

 With a dry smile hunter reply *oh i know a lot about being a prince, and the princess doesn't have to know what the word means because she's acing it, but you and that fake prince, a real prince does not conspire so does a soldier, but of course you're just an undeserving weakling*

 Angry, Anthony shouted *how dare you insult me! Who do you think you are!! I'll show you who's weak!* before hunter could know what's happening he felt a hard jab to his stomach, Anthony stood directly before him following with a hard punch to his face, and hunter fell down. Safia quickly knelt next to him and worriedly ask *hunter are you okay! Will you be fine!?..* smiling, he reply *i am fine don't worry I'm fine*

 Looking at the soldiers Anthony shouted out proudly *and he dared called me weak! Look at him now!! * unbeknown to him hunter has got up and is ready for a pay back.

He grabs Anthony's shoulder hard, Anthony quickly turn around but instead receives a devastating punch right to his ribs which let out a cracking sound heard by all of them

Anthony scream and raised his hand to punch hunter away but hunter grab the hand and pulled Anthony towards him with it, picking him up completely hunter showed Anthony to the sky then hurl him away to collide with a tree, another cracking sound was heard as Anthony almost black out.

the soldiers all stood there watching a rare thing happen. Their all powerful general is beaten to a plump by some peasant stranger, Anthony yelled at them *why are all standing there! Seize him! He's no human!!*

 The soldiers start towards them and hunter got into a fighting stance but safia quickly got inbetween *stop right there! Nobody come any closer!* the soldiers stop, Anthony yell again *what are you doing! Get him! * safia shouted *don't come here its an order!*

 Anthony yell *what! Don't listen to her I'm the general here!* one of the soldiers spoke *but sir she's..the princess* Anthony spat *so what! She has no power in the kingdoms military affairs!* safia reply *i have power in all the kingdoms affairs, just because i have not been exercising it thoroughly doesn't mean i don't know*

 Anthony yell *safia just shut up!* hunter warns *don't you dare speak to her like that!* *and what are you gonna do, hurl me at another tree! You monster!* hunter reply in a low voice *i can do a lot more than hurl you at a tree..*

 Seeing things are not going In his favor Anthony look towards his two trusty minions among the soldiers and gave them a secret signal, nodding they start to silently head towards hunter.

 Seeing the soldiers are listening to her safia turns to hunter and spoke *hunter please listen to me, run away from here its not safe anymore* taking her hand he spoke *you're right, it is no longer safe, not just for me but for you too, what if the king hurt you....come with me, lets go together*

 Safia shook her head and spoke *don't worry about me, He's my father he won't hurt me, hunter...* safia was cut short as someone grab her from behind and hurl her away to the floor while another slashes at hunter's leg with a long knife.

 Immediately all the other soldiers surround hunter as his leg start to bleed, while Anthony held safia down with his one good arm preventing her from getting up, she shouted *run hunter run!* Anthony shouted *surrender yourself hunter march! Or I will not hesitate to hurt her!!*

 Hunter stood there, he look at the soldiers all holding weapons, he thought "i can try to fight them, but then that would cause more trouble for safia, and that Antonio might really hurt her...maybe i..." safia's desperate voice stop his thoughts *please hunter! Go away from here don't fight them!!* 

 Anthony chuckles out *this is so pathetic!..who could imagine the leader of the werewolfs is a hopeless romantic! Hahaha* catching him off guard safia elbowed Anthony and push him away, at the same time hunter shifts into his werewolf form and leap over the soldiers, leaving only his blur and dust behind.

 The soldiers were all shaking to their core, they are not front liners, they've never even seen a werewolf in the flesh, but today, they encounter not just any werewolf but the leader himself, they quickly huddle into a circle expecting the werewolf to leap at them any moment.

Getting up Anthony spat out blood, he grabs safia's hand and drag her towards the palace, knowing everything is messed up now safia didn't protest, instead she silently followed him. The soldiers scurry after him too. 

 Inside the palace lavish living room a very furious king Travis pace back and forth, the doors open and Anthony stepped in followed by safia, not able to keep up anymore Anthony knelt down groaning in pain as blood trickle down his mouth, the king ordered *quick get the doctor!* the servant quickly left to do that while two soldiers helped Anthony onto a couch.

With the doctor on his way to tend the kings favorite soldier, king Travis turn his attention to safia who silently stood, he shouted *what is wrong you! Why don't you ever listen to me!! Why!!*

Safia started *i'm sorry father i...i lov..* paw!, king Travis cuts safia short with a tight slap that is sure to leave a mark, angry beyond measure he shouted *you love him!! The werewolf! My enemy! You love him!!* 

 Safia knelt on the floor holding her reddening face as she sobs, while king Travis, not even noticing his daughters tears he took out a long thick black cain strap to his waist, he raised it high above his head aiming at the crying safia.

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