
Nemu's room

Only after a minute Rimuru finally decided to stop Shion and Shuna. Although he was happy to see that someone else was the target of the Duo. But Nemu just arrived in Tempest so they shouldn't exaggerate it or Nemu might be scared. He couldn't blame him.

Nemu was rather confused than scared. The feeling of someone else touching him was completely new to him. And, after he got his name, everything felt even more intense.

"Shion, Shuna. Please stop it or you might break him. You can play with him later." Rimuru giggled. "It's late and we should go home now." The sun was long gone and the moon was already high in the sky. So it really must be late. Nemu told him before that he usually sleeps at night so he is probably tired and they should take a break.

"Can I carry him?" Shuna suddenly asked.

"No! I want-...." Shion interrupted.

"You can carry me, Shion." So Rimuru turned back in his slime form. So everybody should be happy now. Rimuru was just happy that Diablo didn't want to carry them. Although he had a suspicious glimmering in his eyes.

And so, they started walking through the city. Nemu was amazed by everything. The buildings were something he hadn't seen before but there were so much more interesting things as well! On the sidewalk there were a lot of wooden structures. Nemu asked what they were for, so his pile of questions wouldn't grow more. Also that was barely avoidable in this town.

"Those are for selling things. The people in our town use them as a market, they sell food, clothes and many more things. It's late and they are all sleeping now, but tomorrow the town will be very busy again. You'll see. There are a lot of people and different races. And apparently, our newest addition is a red slime." Rimuru smiled at Nemu after he finished his explanation.

And they are all living peacefully? Nemu still couldn't really believe it. He was the goblins and wolves, even Orcs and Lizardmen and now ogres that were friendly. But how can they all live together? As far as he knew. All races live in small tribes. And they barely interact with each other. Was this all Rimurus doing?

Suddenly Nemu had an enlightment. The reason for his journey, there was so much stuff going on that he forgot about it. He wanted to find out why the Jura Forest changed. And he was always curious why all the different races acted differently towards him. But now everything made sense, the leader of the town was a slime. So the monsters changed their attitude towards them. Nemu looked at Rimuru in amazement. He really must be a special slime person.

Soon after they came to a stop in front of a large house. The largest house Nemu had ever seen. There were dozens of windows only in the front, Huge pillars all around the walls and a big wooden front door. Nemu let out a silent "wow".

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Rimuru noticed Nemu's excitement. Slimes don't show their expressions because they don't have faces. But if they are with other slimes they are able to read the mood of each other. And Rimuru could feel Nemus' mood.

And then they entered the house through the big doors. And again, Nemu was shocked. Besides the darkness outside, the house was in bright light. He had seen fires for lightening a room before, but they used something else here. There were dozens of glowing mana crystals on the walls and they gave away a natural shining. And on the top of the ceiling, there was a chandelier, decorated with the largest mana crystal Nemu has ever seen. It wasn't only shiny but gave off a lot of colors. It almost felt like he was in front of a rainbow. And again, Nemu couldn't help but let a 'wow' out. Will he ever get used to this stuff? Hopefully not!

"Welcome to my home." Rimuru said "Well, I don't have a name yet. I should think about that!" He was definitely proud of his house.

"But you must be tired, I can give you a tour tomorrow! But... that's only if I have time." He looked at Shuna. If there was someone who knew what he had to do the next day, it was Shuna and she silently shook her head. "Damn. But I promise you that I will find someone who can show you around."

"Thanks." Nemu wasn't sad. He was still looking around and trying to soak in everything he was just seeing. It was an amazing view for someone who lived in caves most of his time.

"Anyways." Rimuru noticed that Nemu was only half aware of what he just said. He must be tired. "Diablo, can you show him the guest room? He can live there for a while."

Now Nemus' attention was back. Diablo was the scary deman right? Or was it demun?


'Oh, thanks. Guide.'

"As you wish, Rimuru-sama." Diablo said politely. And then turned his attention to Nemu. "Would you please follow me red slime Nemu?"

It was then that someone loudly protested. "No! I can take him in my room, right?" It was Shion. Nemu had to admit, her begging face was almost convenient!

Nemu wasn't used to this kind of conversation. If it wasn't about Rimuru he would have been lost many times by now. Fortunately, he noticed that Nemu was overwhelmed. Nemu guessed that Shion was quite a troublesome person. But she was also kind, Nemu decided that he liked her.

"Shion... Please let him rest. You can play with him tomorrow. But... We are probably very busy tomorrow and you, as my personal assistance, are also busy. " Rimuru said.

"But maybe... I can make him breakfast!" Shion proposed.

"No!" Rimuru almost screamed. Even his face became pale for a second.

'Mmh? Did he miss something?' Nemu thought.

"Anyways... Please take him with you, Diablo."

Diablo bowed slightly and turned his face upstairs. "Please follow me."

So after a short goodbye, Nemu followed Diablo.

They arrived at a door only after a minute. It was on the second floor. Again something that Nemu hasn't seen before. Two floors for a building? But well, he has seen more surprising things today.

"That's your room. Like Rimuru-sama said, you can stay here for as long as you want." Diablo politely said.

Nemu was confused by Diablo. He seemed scary but his way of talking and attitude were the exact opposite of what he would have expected. 'Okay! It's time to not judge a book by its cover.' So Nemu decided that he liked Diablo from now on.

"Thank you, Diablo. Good night." Nemu said.

"Good night." Then he turned around and went away.

'So, my own room? He knew that goblins had little houses but he would have never imagined that he would get his own room. Does he even need it? Nemu let out a slimy sigh and opened the room.

His room was beautiful. Exactly like everything he had seen before. But it felt different. Because for now, it was his own. Nemu never owned something. Simply, because he didn't need it. But still, he didnt know what the things in his room were for.

'What's that...?' He looked at a small wooden structure. With white clothes on it.

[Answer. That's a bed. Humanoid use it for sleeping. They find it more comfortable than sleeping on the ground.]

'Ohhh, thanks Guide!' Nemu suddenly found out that Guide was really helpful. So for the next ten minutes he boinged around his room and asked Guide for the purpose of everything. There was a chair, a table and many other things he hadn't seen before.

But at the end he stood in front of something that peaked his interest. There was a wooden shelf. And in it, some, he couldn't really describe it.

[These are books. There are many kinds of different books. Some teach you something, some are exciting, informative, romantic...] He kept talking in Nemus' mind. So far, Guide held his answers short but this time, he was explained way more. 'Books, mmh?'

Nemu decided to look at it himself! With a boing he jumped up and took one of the books from the shelf.

At first, he didn't understand as he looked into the book. There were signs? Didnt Guide tell him that there can be stories in it?

'What are these signs?' He asked Guide.

[These are letters, letters make words, which can make them into a story.]

Nemu still didnt understand and was confused. And also slightly disappointed, he was very excited when Guide told him about books and that are stories in them.

[I can translate them for you.]

'Oh, Guide! You're really smart! Thank you so much!.'

[I'm limited to basic functions.] He simply said, once again reminding Nemu that he wasn't actually talking to a real person.

But before they started, Nemu suddenly became very tired. He was exhausted because he wasn't used to staying up this long. Actually, in the past months he was never awake after the sunset. So he decided to sleep first and tomorrow, he will find out everything about these books!

'Let's try this bed out' He thought.

In the end he left the bed, he wasn't used to a soft underground. Sometimes he used Moos when there was just cold stone to make it at least slightly comfortable. But a bed? His body almost sank into it. Not a good feeling.

Before he fell asleep he suddenly had a last thought. One day he will write a book about his adventures. And he will call it the 'Red Slime Adventures'!

Next chapter