
Chapter 68 - Paper butterfly bomb. 

At this time human Saint Mia, explains all of this to her teammates. But after hearing that those other Saints and those S-grade fighters also get suspicious. Because of this they also asked her if they could trust this news or not. Surprisingly human Saint Mia told him that there is no need to become this suspicious and she can guarantee that it was 100% sure. When she was giving the guarantee then nobody could question anything. At this time principal John was also present there, she was quite surprised because Mia never acted like this. She will never give a guarantee like this if she did not have full trust in that fighter.

Principal John went toward Mia and asked her about the fighter. Only then did he get to know why she was showing this much trust. It was actually Alex. Well if it was Alex then he could understand. You won't believe it but because of Alex, in these 5 months the students of the Royal Academy have already become very hard working and their strength has also increased. You have to say that because of his insult those students pushing themselves to their limit to increase their power and to defeat him.

Not only that, in these 5 months Alex already completed many missions. Because of all of this they can trust him. Even though some of them have suspicions in him, in the 5 months after watching his hard work, they also naturally begin to trust him.

"Haha… in the end it was Alex who found out about the location. Well we should not delay and we should also inform all those elf Saints about this. The monster king and his commander were also SSS-grade, so only you and those other SSS-grade fighters will be able to handle them. Also if Alex was saying through them we need to act quickly. If they really wanted to open a permanent portal that will lead them toward Earth then it was a very bad thing." Principal John said all of this to Mia.

Mia nodded and after that everybody present there began to go toward that direction. She already told those other fighters that present there to inform those other fighters to come toward this place. Not only that she also informed those elf Saints about this and quickly told them to come to this place.


Right now the teammates begin to ask him many questions about the things that he said previously. Alex did not say many things about it. He just said if they believe him then they should follow him and if they did not believe in then they should stay here. After saying that without wasting any more time he left the place. Now after thinking about the monster army he can tell that a big fight was about to happen.

'Most likely I also needed to bring out my Trump card in this fight. Well I don't care about that because at any cost we needed to stop those monsters. But still how the hell did that pillar come to this place? And do those elf also have this type of piller? Sigh, I really wanted to know all of the answers but who can answer me?' After thinking all of this he just let out a sigh. Then once again focus on going toward that monster castle.

Right now not only Alex, but Jenny, Ariya, Hina, and those other fighters, all of them got informed by the Saints that they need to go toward that direction and only then will they be able to find the monster castle. Also at the same time the Saints told him that most likely all the monsters were present in the castle and because of this all of them were to be careful. Those monsters were trying to open a permanent portal that will lead them toward Earth and at any cost everyone of them needed to stop those monsters.

At this time you can say even those elves were also going toward that place. Because after knowing all of this they can understand one thing that those monsters really attack the earth and take control over Earth, then those monsters will attack their world. They can understand why those monsters wanted to attack earth first.

Right now the earth was in its growing period and because of this even though a huge amount of spiritual energy was present in the earth, not every person was able to use it and because of this the earth was more resourceful than their world. If those monsters are able to take control over Earth then they could instantly become powerful while absorbing those spiritual energy from Earth. After becoming more powerful if they decided to attack their world then it will be over for them. Because of this, those elves also decided to help those Earth's fighters to kill those monsters.


You have to say that that place was quite far because it took Alex almost 2 hours to reach this place. But right now he is finally able to see those monsters. He still was not able to see the monster castle but most likely it was ahead of but because of the trees he was unable to see the monster castle. At this time he did not act recklessly because many powerful monsters were also present there.

Allen quickly uses stealth and the power of shadow, with these both skills combined he hides himself. Even though it was consuming his Mana quickly, it still made him completely invisible in front of everyone. Right now only those S-grade or SSS-grade monsters will be able to find him.

Now he was waiting for the other fighters to reach here. He doesn't know if the Saints already arrived or not but even if they arrive they won act recklessly. Alex right now with his super sense trying to find if there was any fighter near him. The limit of this technique was 500 m. So if any fighter stays in the 500 m then he will be able to know that. He already sensed that right now he wasn't alone because many other fighters were also hiding themselves. Everyone of them was waiting for the chance to attack. He didn't know where the saints were, they needed to do something very quickly.

Most likely even he was not able to sense those saints, but they were not easy and because of this Mia and John already went toward him. All this time they are also hiding themselves and waiting for the chance to attack those monsters. But right now in front of them they can see that every one of those monsters were on full alert. Because of this right now nobody wants to act recklessly. The king of these monsters and his commanders were SSS-grade monsters, so it will be difficult to handle them. In this fight the Saints only needed to focus on their fight, only then they could win their fight.

"Alex, what do you think we should do right now? We can feel those commanders and the king inside of the castle but to reach them we needed to kill those other monsters. But in this way those monster's commanders and the king will get the chance to attack them and it will be bad for everyone." Suddenly at this time principal John asked that to him.

At this time Alex is also thinking about what they should do right now. After thinking for some time, I finally decided what he should do right now. 2 months ago in the shop he finally saw some interesting things that wasted no time. He quickly bought those things. Those were the paper butterfly bombs. Yes you had it right, paper butterfly bomb. It was a butterfly that was made out of paper but at the same time they had two patterns in their wings. Those two patterns were the most important thing in this paper bomb. This paper bomb absorbs Mana, and when you decide to boom, the mana that the paper bomb absorbs creates an explosion.

With your Mana you can control those butterflies and not only that you can also make explosions from distance. Before anything he quickly drinks a Mana potion. After recovering his full Mana he quickly controlled those 20 butterflies. At this time Saint Mia and principal John did not say anything and just silently looked at him. They don't know why he suddenly brings out this paper butterfly but most likely he has some plan and because of this he brings out this paper butterfly. Suddenly they saw that he was also drinking something. It was completely different compared to their potions. Because of this, they didn't know anything about that.

Suddenly every fighter present in that place for that out of nowhere, 20 butterflies suddenly begin to fly. Everyone got very confused after seeing that. Because they can easily see that those weren't your real butterflies, so at this time why does someone suddenly bring out those paper butterflies and why do those butterflies go toward those monsters? This type of question right now everyone has but they don't need to wait that long to get the answer.


To be continued______________

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