
~Can I? No~

~Two Days Later~

‘Am I dead yet? No, it doesn’t seem like it,’ Huno thought.

‘But everything is dark. Oh, it’s that again. My eyes are still closed,’

‘Come on, open up. How annoying I have to wait. What’s this warm thing on my body, well I have to wait. Any minute now, come on. Why is it taking so long? There we go finally, wait everything is still dark. No way! Am I blind? You’ve got to be kidding. How am I blind? I didn't get hurt in my eyes,’

Huno stretched his left arm and tried to sit up.

‘Oh Huno, you are awake,’ Luna’s voice came into his ear.

‘Luna, is it just me or is this place dark? I think I’ve gone blind,’

‘Hehe,’ Luna laughed softly.

‘What? Is it funny that I’m blind?’ Huno asked angrily.

‘No, no, it’s not, and you aren’t blind. It's just dark in here,’ Luna replied, and immediately there was a rumbling sound.

When the sound subsided, light penetrated the space from his left-hand side and Huno found out he was in a cave. A big rock blocked the entrance. Huno saw an ice man at the entrance. It had moved the stone away.

‘I had the entrance blocked to get more heat,’ Luna explained.

‘Oh, I see,’

‘Huno, please promise you won’t leave me,’ Luna said, clenching his left arm.

He stared at her, a face flashed in his head and he couldn’t help sighing as he asked.

‘If I wanted to leave, will you let me?’

‘No, absolutely not,’ Luna replied.

Huno freed his left hand from her grip, pat her head and brush her thick black-colored hair softly.

‘I can’t promise you that,’ Huno said and immediately Luna’s face fell.

Tears filled her eyes as Huno continued. ‘Not because I don’t want to or I plan on leaving you, no way. But in this life, if you want something to stay, then you do everything in your power to make it stay. Never count on promises, it will break you,’

Luna stared at him quietly before nodding slowly.

‘But don’t worry, I don’t plan on leaving you,’ Huno added and swiped her tears.

Luna smiled and then hugged him tightly.

‘Right, we need to leave this cold place,’ Huno said, disengaging from the hug.

‘We aren’t there anymore. We left a long while ago,’ Luna said.

‘Oh, really?’

‘Yeah, I flew as fast as I could,’ Luna said.

Huno looked at her carefully and asked. ‘What happened? Did you get hurt?’.

‘No, I didn’t,’ Luna replied.

Huno held her right hand up, stared at it, and then raised her chin. There was a trace of blood flow from her nose.

‘The flying affected you. I’m sorry.’

‘I’m okay, really,’ Luna said.

Huno closed his eyes for a while and then grabbed his bag. He brought out a black napkin and cleaned her nose softly.

‘Was I suspecting her before? She could have just let me die if she was just pretending from the start, (he smiled). So what if she’s pretending? What if she’s got a bad side and plans to go on a killing spree? I have got a companion now. The world shouldn’t matter. Besides, I should have been a dead man. A supposed killing spree shouldn’t bother me,’ Huno thought to himself as he swipes her nose.

Luna smiled and stared at him as he does that but frowned after a while.

‘What? Did I do something?’ Huno asked.

Luna held her hair and replied. ‘No, you didn’t. It's just we have different hair colors,’

Huno's eyes widened as he looked at her hair. Unlike his own, they were black.

‘Oh haha, that doesn’t matter Luna,’

‘I know, but I like yours better. Mine reminds me of that place,’ Luna pouted.

‘I see, alright you know what? I’m going to help you change the color. Not now though, but I will. Is that okay?’

‘Really? Yes, it is. You’ll make it the same color as yours, right?’ Luna smiled with shining eyes.

‘Sure, why not?’ Huno said, and then frowned.


Huno didn’t reply and stared at his right arm. The pain he felt was a lot lesser than what he felt before. He tried to move it, and although it caused pain, he could move it.

‘I thought the fall had broken them completely,’ he muttered.

‘What’s wrong with your hand?’ Luna asked.

‘Um.. nothing’s wrong,’ he replied and kept continued moving it.

The more he did, the easier it became and also the more painful it was. He grabbed his bag, took out his shirt, placed his right arm across his chest, and used his shirt to wrap it.

‘Help me tie it,’ Huno said to Luna, who nodded and stretched her hand to help.

‘There you go,’

‘Thanks,’ Huno replied and smiled at her. ‘I should check out our surroundings,’

‘I’ll join you,’ Luna said, and helped him up.

Both of them walked out of the cave and passed the ice man that stood there staring outside.

Huno saw they were on a mountain. It wasn’t too far from the bottom that was covered with a forest.

‘The chilly place is that way,’ Luna said, and pointed to the right.

Huno followed her finger, and from here he could see a vast area. The ground was white. Obviously it was snow and the sky over there was dark, a big contrast to the green and blue over here.

Huno turned to look in the opposite direction, he saw just forest trees all around.

‘Pick a direction. Let’s go, we should look for something to eat,’ Huno said.

‘Let’s go to the opposite of the chilly place. It tried to kill you, so the further we are, the better,’ Luna said.

Huno couldn’t stop himself from laughing. ‘Fine, keep the iceman, and let’s go. Grab my bag too,’ Huno said.

‘Okay,’ Luna yelled and rushed to get his bag.

After which she held the iceman and Huno took her in and brought her out.

‘Let’s go,’

‘Wait,’ Luna said, turning to face the cave.

The platform she made flew out and stopped in front of them.

‘I forgot about that,’ Huno said and got on with her.

‘Now we can go,’ Luna said, and the platform moved in the direction opposite the snow region.

The platform flew for some time before Huno found a tree with fruits on it. The fruits looked strange; he has never seen them before.

‘I don’t know if these are edible,’ Huno said.

‘Edible? Something you can eat?’ Luna said while chewing on something.

‘Yeah. I’m not sure if we eat these, it won’t be bad for over stomach,’ Huno said before pausing and turning around. ‘What are you doing?’

‘I’m eating,’ Luna said, and threw a small red berry-like fruit into her mouth.

Huno hit his forehead with his left hand before saying. ‘Stop eating it and let me know if something is wrong.’

‘But it’s sweet,’

‘Luna, fine if nothing is wrong later you can have as much as you want,’ Huno said.


‘Yes really,’

Both sat on the platform and after some time Luna asked. ‘Can I eat more now?’


Luna kept quiet and waited for some time again and asked. ‘Can I now?’

‘No,’ Huno replied again.

Again Luna waited before asking. ‘Can I have some now?’

‘No, you can’t,’ Huno replied.


‘Can I?’


‘Can I?’



‘Can I?’


‘Can I?’


‘Can I?’


‘Can I?’


‘Can I?’


‘Can I?’


‘Can I?’



This continued for a long time until Huno thought it was long enough and then he said.

‘You can eat now,’

‘Yay,’ Luna jumped up and said.

Immediately, she rushed to the nearest tree with the red berry-like fruit and plucked some. She threw some into her mouth and after chewing for a while; she threw some to Huno.

‘Thanks,’ he said and ate one.

Luna was right. It was sweet, too sweet.

‘Don’t eat too much, if you do you’ll have a stomachache,’ Huno said.

Luna frowned and then smiled. ‘Okay, but we can keep them, right?’

‘Yes we can, we’ll need to eat later,’ Huno replied and stared at the tree.

He looked around and saw three more similar trees with the red fruit each about eleven to twelve feet high.

‘Luna, let’s get the ice men out. We’ll need them,’

‘You want to get the entire tree?’ Luna asked. ‘No, (he took her in) I want to take all the branches that have fruit, (he brought her, with an ice man and took her back in) that way we won’t destroy the tree root and stop it from producing more,’ Huno said and brought her out.

‘That’s a delightful idea,’ Luna said as he took her back in.

After several going in and out, the five ice men (the four from the snow cave and the last one when Huno woke up) were out, and they started plucking the branches. Four plucked while one gathered the branches. Huno and Luna took the branches in.


‘Yay, we are done,’ Luna said. ‘What do we do now, Huno?’

‘I don’t know. We should probably keep moving. We’ve secured food. What need to worry about right now is water,’ Huno replied.

‘Okay, get on let’s go look ahead,’

Luna said and climbed onto the platform. Huno followed her and then the platform moved on.

‘Why do you keep the ice men in that place? Won’t it be better if we had around for protection?’ Luna asked.

‘‘A surprise is the best reaction for an enemy and having it around requires more effort from you. Let’s not waste energy,’ Huno replied.

‘Okay, I see,’ Luna replied, and kept quiet.

‘Slow down Luna. What’s over there?’ Huno said and pointed in the northeast direction.

‘I don’t know, should we go check it out?’.

‘Can you reduce the size of this platform?’.


‘How small can you make it?’.

‘I can scatter it to pieces and join it to my clothes,’.

‘Well, get a little closer. We’ll get down and continue on foot. How fast can you get it back?’

‘It will take just a moment,’

‘Alright, let’s go,’

Luna flew closer to the direction. When Huno said it was close enough, they both got down.

Immediately, the platform change and flew around Luna, before merging with the close on her body. This action took about a breath’s time.

Huno grabbed her hand and slowly walk forward. He wasn’t sure what he saw, but he guessed it was people.

They kept walking, and soon a big opening came into their view. Before they had the chance to look around, three people rushed toward them; A young man, carrying a small boy and a young lady running beside him.

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